attercop 2 points ago +2 / -0

I think you misunderstood @RandomNumber’s post. Catholics are in mortal sin if they become Freemasons. Yes, the Freemasons have no problems receiving the Catholics, but the oaths taken and the Freemasons beliefs are not compatible.

attercop 3 points ago +3 / -0

But American citizens ARE denied opportunities to seek employment in other countries. Unlike with our country that lets the entire wold work here, if any of us want to work in say, Sweden or the UK, we will have to jump through hoops by comparison. We are not remotely on equal footing here. THIS is the root issue. Same reason why you can’t truly have free trade with the world if your businesses have to respect labor laws and pay taxes that don’t apply in other countries. Our businesses cannot compete with overseas businesses that use slave labor and have zero tariffs levied on them. They will either go out of business, relocate overseas, contract overseas, or use foreign laborers whether legally or illegally here. We all need to be on the same footing here, but we aren’t. Until then, we need to protect BOTH our businesses and our labor pool.

attercop 6 points ago +6 / -0

Look up Dr. Gundry’s Plant Paradox diet. I didn’t believe it would work for my friend who has autoimmune. It sounded crazy. but it helped her immensely. Sadly it’s hard to stick to when everyone around you is eating junk and you have to make everything from scratch. So she cheats and sets herself backwards. But when she sticks to it she feels loads better. More energy. Her joint pain is gone. From listening to Dr. Gundry’s podcast, you may find your immune system will forget it was ever allergic to certain foods over time, and can thus have them again, so long as they are organic and non-GMO. It’s the pesticides! It’s gotta be!

attercop 1 point ago +1 / -0

I understand your point. I got my first two shots in part because I trusted Trump. While I have had zero side effects that I know of, I wish I hadn’t. I wish I had seen talks from Dr. Malone and friends sooner to scare me away. Instead I kept coming across vids of that critter crawling across the slide and other unverifiable hysteria. I often wonder if pushing that hysteria on Rumble and Bitchute was intended to bury the real experts raising concerns.

attercop 3 points ago +3 / -0

And if Trump were to openly say the shots are ineffective and harmful, you bet the deep state will counter with resuming never ending lockdowns.

attercop 1 point ago +1 / -0

I ordered it as horsepaste from both Amazon and Chewy’s, no questions asked. Tastes horrible though

attercop 7 points ago +7 / -0

I listened to an interview some years ago done by Jimmy Hinton with an ex porn star turned Christian, and she had something else to say entirely than you. She said the porn industry targets women to recruit who have been sexually abused as children, because their self worth is already broken down. Her own story was that of being raped as a child, and as a young adult, she figured why not make money for sex when she was recruited. And she had made a ton by the time Jesus found her. She could have kept her old films on pornhub and continued to live off the proceeds filthy rich, but her conscience told her to take it all down.

This industry is predatory. If you care for the children as Q does, you need to care for them when they grow up damaged. It isn’t normal for women to want to sell their bodies and find it liberating. Something is damaged deep inside. Care.

attercop 2 points ago +2 / -0

Amen. My GSD as a puppy gave me so many puncture wounds with his baby teeth. Now that he’s an adult, it doesn’t hurt so bad, but he still goes for my feet when he insists it’s playtime. 🤣 But as bad as the accidental playtime tug-o-war bite is, I’ve never experienced the full force of his jaw clamping down and not letting go. I pity the fool who tries to break into my home.

attercop 4 points ago +4 / -0

Hello, fren! Sorry to hear this. Hashi’s sucks. I don’t have it personally, but know people who have it. Some swear by a gluten-free diet, as apparently gluten intolerance can set off a Hashi’s flare up.

My friend with lupus started a diet last year by Dr. Gundry (plant paradox diet). It is not only gluten free but also lectin free. I thought he was a quack when she started, but now I cannot deny the results. Her joint pain is gone! This diet is for anyone with an autoimmune disease. However, it also worked on my friend’s fiancé. He has a touch of arthritis, and his pain is gone too now after he went on the diet. It’s worth a shot! Even I’m going on it to see if it helps some of my wear and tear joint pain.

Makes you wonder what is going on with the food supply if we get inflammation from our ancestral foods.

by PepeSee
attercop 5 points ago +5 / -0

sigh. OK flat earth pedes. I’m going to spill the beans. I work in defense/aerospace for the evil military industrial complex. I’ve worked several projects that require precise math to determine very accurate locations. We’re talking use of satellites in ORBIT. To triage anything useful out of a set of satellites you have to account for earth’s curvature.

As someone else said in this thread, for small areas you can “cheat” by pretending the earth is flat when performing calculations. But for large areas and anything else requiring precision, you must account for the earth’s curvature, otherwise coordinates will cease to be even remotely accurate. I worked on a project some years ago where the system cheated when determining coordinates for radar plots. The customer provided funding to convert to whole earth coordinates instead (i.e. account for curvature) to get more accurate coordinates.

But don’t take my word for it. Get out of the house, book a flight or cruise around the world, and go see for yourself. You can see the curvature from a higher altitude. Shucks, take up mountain climbing. You kids need to get out more.

attercop 1 point ago +1 / -0

The outer text encircling the back of the coin could indicate the usage of the Caesar cipher (article hints at one cipher being thousands of years old). I noticed braille-like patterns on the front underneath some of the letters but not all. That’s all I’ve got for now

attercop 3 points ago +3 / -0

Thank you for saying this. I had to gone on antidepressants a few years ago. I came down with massive anxiety and couldn’t sleep. Felt like a grizzly bear was chasing me 24/7. Shortly after my thyroid popped out of my neck. But since I wasn’t an easy textbook case on my blood work I was gaslighted by many doctors who said I was fine. I spent over a year resisting taking antidepressants because I was scared they would make worse.

My one regret is that I didn’t take them sooner. Whatever happened with my thyroid left my brain in hell. I finally broke down and took the antidepressants when a kind nurse at the sleep disorder center believed me and showed me compassion and said that I needed something in the meantime while the doctors figured it all out.

I would not be here today if antidepressants didn’t work. They’re one of those miracle medicines discovered to work on depression and anxiety by accident. I do agree they are overprescribed by doctors who like to blow off their patients, and I suspect that’s where the negative experiences are coming from. If your brain doesn’t actually need them then they can really mess it up. But they work wonders on the rest of us

Edit: sorry meant to reply to Simpleton9 but my phone spazzed.

attercop 2 points ago +2 / -0

sigh. It’s vids like these that discredit the Q movement. The creator keeps projecting their weird rapture theory where the human race is transported to the Sirius system all over the vid. It detracts from the entire thing and makes anons look like weirdos. It also makes the vid disjointed/unfocused. The Trump doubles don’t look like Trump to me either but maybe I’m blind.

attercop 4 points ago +4 / -0

I’m a Christian too, but I have to disagree with you here. 1) While human beings are made in the image of God, animals still have a spirit breathed into existence by God Himself. See Genesis. 2) Animals only die because man fell and brought death to the world. 3) Our image bearing was for us to be stewards of the earth, including over animals, reflecting God’s love for His creation. 4) Dogs referenced in the Bible are the homeless dog packs that scavenged cities like coyotes. They’re not domesticated dogs. They are used as types to describe evil people. Doesn’t mean the dogs themselves are evil. 5) All of creation is groaning, including animals. While there may not be a doggy heaven, I suspect they will be included in the resurrection/new earth.

attercop 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yeah me too. Gotta love the internet. Turns us all into trolls. 😂 Glad to make peace with you brother. 🙂

attercop 2 points ago +2 / -0

Roger that. Technically my dad was very open about his struggles. He had a porn addiction since puberty and always warned me to “not let the genie out of the bottle” so I wouldn’t end up like him. Sadly he never licked it and escalated. My mom never really talked about it until I was an adult.

I do remember her doing hours and hours straight of Jane Fonda workout vids trying to keep in shape for him. Did this for years before finally giving up because he would openly comment that she still wasn’t thin enough. Porn had really warped his perceptions of what women should look like. Quite frankly my father was addicted to many things—alcohol and drugs for example. Porn was just the tip of the iceberg and there’s not a lot one can do with a spouse like that. Lick one addiction and they still have 50 more to go.

I know there can be frigid wives out there. No excuse to look at porn. Get couples counseling or get a divorce and find someone else if all else fails. Porn just adds fuel to the fire. Just my opinion. Porn usage hurts yourself anyway. It doesn’t truly fill the void.

attercop 2 points ago +2 / -0

Well how the heck am I supposed to know when you make excuses for people viewing porn? We have people in this thread defending its usage who admit they view it. What else am I to think? I just watched you blame my mother for my father’s porn use. Innocent spouses getting blamed for the other spouses porn use gets old.

You wouldn’t like it if you found out your wife was viewing porn on the side, would you? It would hurt you deeply wouldn’t it? By your own logic that would mean you weren’t satisfying her enough and it’s your fault, or , no, maybe some bogey feminist’s fault.

I’m sorry I misjudged you. But remember you also misjudged me first just because I disagreed with you. Rather than conceding that actual cases of innocent spouses exist you then attacked my mom. Who is also a Christian. You showed her zero compassion. I’ve seen the aftermath of porn usage in my own home and it had zippo to do with feminists or my mom not trying hard enough. That was my point. It’s a heart issue plain and simple. You know, like Jesus said it was. Out of the heart comes… But I suppose you side with Adam in that it’s all Eve’s fault? Where is personal responsibility?

Next time you want to have a reasonable conversation/debate please refrain from ad hominem attacks on the person you’re debating. Clanging symbols, right? And if you don’t want to be mistaken for a porn addict then for crying out loud quit making excuses for porn addicts. And yes I’m sorry I wasn’t a perfect little teddy bear in response to your ad hominem attacks.

The irony is I was up last night actually praying for you! I’m sure you’ll get a good laugh out of that. I deserve it ok. Now can we please chalk it up to a misunderstanding of each other and move on? I’m your sister in the Lord and you’re my brother. I’m sorry I thought you were a porn addict. I’m going to crawl under a rock and die now. 😂

attercop 0 points ago +1 / -1

Tell it to the women you ogle while watching your pornos. Tell them how much you care for their souls and want them to know Jesus. You know it’s wrong. You what Jesus teaches. One day He will say to you, “You ogled me while I was naked and being degraded.” And you will ask, “When did I do such a thing, Lord?” I think you know how the rest of that conversation goes. I hope you come to your senses and never end up having it.

attercop 1 point ago +1 / -0

I didn’t call you a viper. You’re twisting my words. Read again. Venom? You told me to go to my safe space. You started the attack. I shined truth. You think truth is venom. Medicine can sting but it heals. Repent of your porn usage. I don’t know what fake God you’re worshiping but it isn’t Jesus. And yes I’ll be on my way. I will pray for you as promised.

attercop 1 point ago +1 / -0

Of course he was the issue! You keep moving the goalposts! You say cheaters aren’t the issue, and I show you a cheater. You then justify said cheaters actions by trying to blame shift his actions onto my mom. When I show you just how far gone he went, suddenly he’s not a valid example? He is though. My point is that people who view porn see others as objects to use. Then they become desensitized and need even more excitement. Not all will escalate to where my father went, but the principle remains the same. Once hooked on porn normal people won’t be enough anymore.

I laughed off your attack against me. My words were far kinder than you deserved. Jesus once called some folks a brood of vipers, so I’m being pretty tame by comparison. I stand by my words, because they were calling you out on your sin. You need to confess your sin to Jesus to be cleansed.

BTW maybe you’re confused by all the talk about red pills around here, but you are not on an MRA board. You are on a Q board. That means Christians here aren’t going to put up with your hatred. You MRA people are just as bad as the radical feminists. You hate and you divide like they do. “They want us divided”—remember? Jesus is the true unifier. You need Him. I pray you have a true Great Awakening with him. And I mean that. I will pray for you even though you don’t like me or this message. And I pray that whatever hurt that some woman inflicted on you will be healed.

attercop 1 point ago +1 / -0

Of course he was the issue. That’s my entire point. People who use porn see others as objects to use. My dad was towards the extreme end but he is still a valid example of how someone needs more and more and more until not even that is enough. This is also what makes a cheater a cheater. Their wife or husband’s feelings don’t matter to them. Only their next fix does whether with porn or a lover. They may not be full sociopath levels but the addiction is still there as is the propensity to not care about other human beings, including those on film.

Hey I was laughing off YOUR attack. If my weak comeback was enough to hurt your feelings then I doubt you’d be able to handle Jesus using choice words like “brood of vipers”. Jesus wasn’t always nicey nicey. I stand bu my words, which were far kinder than you deserved.

I also find it ironic that you accuse me of man hating when I call Jesus my Lord and God my Father. I must’ve hit close to home for you to react that way. And I know why. You want to justify your sin. So you attack the messenger. You’re only attacking Jesus by attacking me. Please repent for your own sake. Jesus will cleanse you of your sin if you confess it rather than defend it.

BTW maybe you got confused on these boards when people refer to being red pilled. You are at a Q board, you see, not an MRA board. That means you will meet a lot of Christians here who won’t put up with your hatred. You are no better than the radical feminists. You hate and you divide. Jesus unites. “They want us divided”—remember? I pray you find a true Great Awakening in Jesus. And yes I will be praying for you even if you hate me for being female. Forgive and you will be forgiven.

attercop 1 point ago +1 / -0

Also why do you assume my “rants” are emotional? Sounds like projection. 😂 Relaying anecdotal experience to make a point in a debate about morality and whether something is harmless vs harmful is not “emotional”.

And for the record, I know first hand that my father was a pervert with an addiction. He was starting to sexualize me in my preteens. Seeing if I would let him go further. I didn’t. I think the only thing that kept me from getting molested was him knowing my mother would murder him if she found out.

attercop 1 point ago +1 / -0

Oh I wish I’d had a dad like that. 😢. I saw other kids growing up who had such great dads and I felt so jealous. Glad to see your win family will be in good hands. 🙂

attercop 1 point ago +1 / -0

No I’m not a man hater. My father was such a woman hater that he liked men a bit too much if you know what I mean. No woman ever made him happy or could.

There are just some people on the world who are sociopaths and don’t care who they hurt. They can’t feel anything and need to get bigger and bigger thrills just to feel something other than numbness.

I hope I didn’t just describe you, did I? If that description does match you then please ask God for healing. Either way it sounds like you need Jesus.

attercop 1 point ago +1 / -0

OK everybody here please calm down! They want us divided, remember? If we all claim to serve Jesus here then surely we can treat each other with respect? Love one another. Focus on Jesus, the one person you definitely CAN agree on!

We all have reasons to believe what we do. I went from evangelical to Anglican after reading a church history book. It really made me reconsider a lot of things. Before anyone judges the others’ salvation here at least try to understand where they’re coming from first? And for my fellow Protestants here, Maybe you could pick up a real history book by an actual historian (not a pastor with an ax to grind) before trying to convert the Catholics here? I’m seeing a lot of pseudohistory being espoused here, and that’s an instant turnoff for your Catholic friends.

Of course I’m probably going to get eaten by all sides here because nobody knows what to do with Anglicans since they don’t fit anywhere. 😋

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