axrevolutionai 7 points ago +7 / -0

Alright, someone tell me HOW the Houston power outages are Abbott and Patrick's fault other than libtards saying it is all their fault?

I can't really explain libcuck logic so someone here, anyone, can you explain how it could even be their fault?

axrevolutionai 3 points ago +3 / -0

Biden said it is about finishing the job, not his legacy.

Might as well tell us outright he is a WH plant

axrevolutionai 19 points ago +19 / -0

My situation is not as dire..but prayers needed as well. Power has been out and we have been awake 24 hours

axrevolutionai 1 point ago +1 / -0

She is not even pretty. My wife pointed it out actually. I never looked at her for more than a second. Fetal alcohol syndrome face, ugly voice, her friend is actually pretty and does not demean herself.

Add to it that is not actually funny. And not even a good technique, the lubrication of a mouth is way different from hard spit. One feels great, the other is disgusting.

axrevolutionai 3 points ago +3 / -0

We could use more artists around here. Your mother believed in this ideal and movement, and I hope your mind and heart are open to what we are striving towards.

Remember, what is unseen is eternal ;)

axrevolutionai 8 points ago +8 / -0

Reading her Bible? We will see her very soon frens, the new Kingdom is at hand!

axrevolutionai 1 point ago +2 / -1

9 is the number of completion and 17 obviously

Is the narrative Trump is Hitler actually a WH psyop to weaken the DNC?

axrevolutionai 10 points ago +10 / -0

Take the religion out of it and halal chicken is always better than regular commercial.

Halal chickens have to be free range, fed clean water and real food, and can not be electroshocked or mechanically separated for processing.

I will gladly eat halal over globalist carcinogen laden crap.

axrevolutionai 15 points ago +15 / -0

Brilliant post.

To all the "bootstraps" pedes and anons here, this is essential reading. The "liberal" anti work and anti real estate idealogies are closer to true awake conservatism than you could ever imagine.

We are the first to identify the lie and one step of this movement is giving normies guidance or confidence to sed through the lie themselves

axrevolutionai 12 points ago +15 / -3

Speak softly and carry a big stick.

I could be crass...but all I will say is this. Pedes and anons already joke about Trump's yuge balls...

Now with Carson we throw in that BBC energy, this truly is meme magic!

axrevolutionai 15 points ago +17 / -2

Can we get this to go viral and maybe get Trump to take her out for lunch??

axrevolutionai 11 points ago +11 / -0

Fair warning frens, libtards are spreading 2016 Jane Doe/Katie Johnson stories as if they are current.

Remember, this rape allegation was dismissed twice, once for procedural reasons and once voluntarily. It has never come up again since

But it is being posted on multiple subreddits and on twitter as if it is new

axrevolutionai 1 point ago +1 / -0

Good, because I am here for Ben. It should have been Ben from day one but I get it, we needed to disable Pence and Trump got it done

axrevolutionai 2 points ago +2 / -0

Taraji also starred in Person of Interest

a television series about eclusive billionaire software genius who built a machine that predicts future crimes

axrevolutionai 1 point ago +1 / -0

This unedited video is NOT on youtube, you need to be on the BET webpage to view it

First, the discussion of "the wrong Ps"

Think mirror, good Qs.

And WHY in this video, would they mention a caged bird singing? It makes NO sense if reading the script as is


Also, the actress in this video Taraji P Henon at the awards show said

"The Project 2025 plan is not a game. Look it up,"

axrevolutionai 1 point ago +1 / -0

Is there a set guidline on what they define as sex abuse?

Because if teenagers convicted of rape by their outraged parents or a guy sleeping with a girl who lied about her age only to get sued by her end up on the row like toddler rapists..that law is kind of stupid.

axrevolutionai 1 point ago +2 / -1

Asking for curiosities sake...

Is there an anon/Q idea about ALS? Seems like we have protocols for everything from cancer to heart disease but this is one I have not encounterd.

Is the solution also ivermectin/fenben or something else more esoteric?

axrevolutionai 7 points ago +7 / -0

How do you feel about deltas in your own life? For example, shared birthdays..

Today is the birthday of my all time favorite fictional character, the ex who nearly broke me, and my wife's mother.

That fictional character as a child both made me fall in love with anime (which is still a lifetime passion) and also "awakened" me to thinking about girls, love, etc

So for her to share a birthday with the girl I once thought was worthy of the most noble, dignified pursuit of love but ultimately made me question both the reality of love and the worthiness of my own life

And also the birthday of the mother of the girl who would one day not only put the pieces back together for me, but give me the most amazing and miraculous friendship and romance I could have ever fathomed..

That all just seems too much, at what point do things stop being coincidence? Just like it is obvious Q team is working to save our country and world, it is so obvious a mighty God indeed does have our happiness and prosperity in His plans.

We are not facing this war alone, both on Earth and in spirit, and that's wonderful

axrevolutionai 2 points ago +2 / -0

"For millennia the satanist cult has controlled humanity through subterfuge and infiltration, quietly working from the shadows until they had achieved a population that is nearly completely controlled through propaganda and economics"

This is such a good summary of who they are and what they are doing. As I said, they are all endtime accelerationists, it was long game and shadow moves for most of history but this is the 4th quarter, tie game and they are playing desperate (sloppy) because they know Q, Trump, and the patriots are setting up screens and controlling the ball..and once Jesus gets off the bench it is over. 777-16 God wins.

axrevolutionai 5 points ago +5 / -0

When analyizing cabal's moves you have to be aware of the fact they are all endtime accelerationists. The long and slow game they played before was only because they knew it was not near the time at all. Since we are closer to the axis point where our timeline and the Q timeline converge, they are now actually attempting to do what their end goal was all along.

From what Trump has said in between words WHs have already neutralized evil in the future and he is just trying to make the transition from old republic to new republic and old kingdom to New Kingdom as easy as possible, with as little suffering as possible. This is what saving Israel for last is, this is what the awakening is, and this is what the diamonds are (not just votes, it is symbllism)

The cabal knows they only have a few years to try to pull off the upset, but once the timelines converge, game over, no way for BHs to win.

axrevolutionai 3 points ago +3 / -0

Ooh someone is awake. Yes, marriage by design as a legal process is by design broken. For many it took gay marriage to see through it..but marriage has always been a tool of the cabal. Religious, spiritual marriage does nothing for the government, and that is why marriage as a metaphysical idea has been eroded over centuries. It is not even about babies and natlism...marriage is literally an esoteric rite before God but we have completely ripped its sacred significance away

axrevolutionai 11 points ago +11 / -0

My issue is the amount of braindead normies who think they are smart because "both sides suck" or whatever

They have been absolutely brainwashed if they do not see things for what they are. The entire premise of the establishment is that at least it is "not Trump"

I really wonder, do normies feel so self absorbed they think they are that morally superior? What has Trump really done except maybe be a playboy for a small part of his life? He doesn't like immigrants? He is an international businessman, he can get along with all races just fine.

They just hate Trump says the truth and their moral grandstanding falls apart under scrutiny. Even if you try to look at it their way, are abortions and LGBT "rights" really worth setting the whole country on fire? Two issues that affect maybe 2% of the population total versus the entire fate of the western world?

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