azsunshine 1 point ago +1 / -0

Wish my step-dad was alive to see this! I think he was a "conspiracist" long before conspiracies were a thing He literally made us boil dishes before washing them (I would have killed for a dishwasher back then!), and even with that, we had our own cups and silverware, and God help you if you used anyone else's! Every time there was a news report on HIV/AIDS he would rant for weeks about the government using it to control population (as well as cancer). He was convinced the government was trying to kill us all. We thought he was nuts...... Look where we are today. So sorry, dad!

azsunshine 1 point ago +1 / -0

As Shalimar said above: Generac generators! My in-laws live in a 5 bdr house, fully rigged with gennies, efficient AC, and being Mormon, they have enough food for all of us for like a year!

azsunshine 2 points ago +2 / -0

Wish I could upvote MORE! I eat plenty of plants... right on the plate next to my beef, pork and chicken! Oh, and with REAL butter, never could get a taste for "margarine." Funny when people come over to eat, not ONE person complains about real butter (or meat for that matter!).

azsunshine 3 points ago +3 / -0

Hot as hell, as usual! LOL Happens every summer! If I were in Hawaii I would be on the beach! I don't think I would even miss the internet!

azsunshine 3 points ago +3 / -0

2 parents and their 6 teenager-ish kids were on vacation in Fla. One got caught in the rip, and the parents went to save them. The kid got free, but couldn't help the parents. They both drowned. So sad, heartbreaking for those poor kids, for their families.

azsunshine 3 points ago +3 / -0

You had me at "steak lovers!" LOL I buy from locals only.

azsunshine 1 point ago +1 / -0

Just stayed up reading this book. Very well written. Very interesting take on life as well! Definitely a good read!

azsunshine 2 points ago +2 / -0

UNvaxxed family here. 3yo and I (58) are sicker than I have ever been. 30 something "kids" have just the sniffles and a cough. Hubby the same. I don't know if it is influenza or pneumonia, and am honestly too sick to care. Baby is on the mend with a lingering cough; she got through it, so I am sure I can! Chicken soup, Vick's, vaporizer, a ton of water and sleep.

azsunshine 1 point ago +1 / -0

This isn't crisis acting, like you think. Watch the video, he explains; basically, they fall over so they can sue, and the aggressor does it in hopes THEY can sue, or at least get out of paying for the other person.

azsunshine 1 point ago +1 / -0

Had a hiatal hernia repaired and reflux is completely gone, going on 2 years now.

azsunshine 1 point ago +1 / -0

I told my daughter, in that situation, just keep rolling through. We'll sort it out when you are safe. We don't have much excitement around & she doesn't go many places....but you never know!

azsunshine 6 points ago +6 / -0

False information. They are actually waving a Puerto Rican Flag. Better video: https://twitter.com/TimMcNicholas/status/1712159456987947267

azsunshine 1 point ago +1 / -0

God doesn't give you what you ASK for, he gives you what you NEED! :) He knew you didn't need to be there.

azsunshine 2 points ago +2 / -0

My mom kept all of my old books, handed them down to my kids, and now my 3yo granddaughter has them. My son-in-law's family did the same, as did my husband's mom! Child has her own library! LOL The duplicates we share out with friends who have kids.

"Brown bear, brown bear, what do you see?" OMG what a great one! :) Yes, those books are all great.

azsunshine 1 point ago +1 / -0

LOL My mama told me, "Believe 1/2 of what you see and NONE of what you hear!"

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