bawitadaba 7 points ago +7 / -0

Eggs from humanely-raised chickens are an excellent non-exploitive source of protein. When you think about it, the hens have the better end of the deal: they're basically getting free room, board, and protection from predators, in exchange for letting us collect their menstruation.

bawitadaba 4 points ago +4 / -0

And even among ruminating mammals, there's no such thing as veganism. Cows grazing free in the open fields as nature intended will still gladly chomp down on any mice, worms, or other small animals unfortunate enough to get caught up in their mouthfuls of grass.

bawitadaba 1 point ago +1 / -0

Not that hard. The ruling CCP has always been a mob of stone-cold power-hungry psychopaths. They have almost no regard for the life of their domestic common man, and absolutely none at all for foreign ones. Keeping this in mind, it's fairly obvious that the CCP would gladly strike a deal with factions of the Western Deep State to kill 1 million of their own enslaved Chinese subjects as part of a greater plan to kill 100 million Americans.

bawitadaba 2 points ago +2 / -0

DS doesn't want any competition, simple as that. Just because CCP-controlled China is at odds with the DS doesn't mean that the CCP are now good guys. It's not like the DS has a monopoly on being evil. Independant governments are still completely capable of being oppressive and totalitarian on their own.

bawitadaba 2 points ago +2 / -0

Reasonable words mean nothing. Even a dumb computer can do that. Trust can only be earned by building an extended history of real action. China's CCP has been unapologetically chipping at the borders and sovereignity of the neighboring countries for decades, and at no time in the past few years have I seen any real actions indicating a true change in approach. So until they establish a long record of action proving otherwise, they remain at best merely an enemy of my enemy, and certainly not my friend.

by PepeSee
bawitadaba 7 points ago +7 / -0

So many naive vulnerable young people and innocent children, brainwashed into undergoing such terrible mutilation and then abandoned to suffer. I dearly hope that there is some yet unreleased regenerative technology that, in the hands of the white hats, can one day restore the bodies of these victims.

bawitadaba -4 points ago +3 / -7

The christian right is part of the people turning away from God. Much as how the impatient Israelites worshipped a golden calf at Mount Sinai, the christian right had not the humility nor faith to wait for God's Kingdom to come in His time. Instead, they fell to Satan's temptation and sought to create their own "god's kingdom" through the accumulation of worldly power, wealth, and fame. As their greed for this world grew, the protection of God diminished, and we see now how terrible the price of that faithlessness proved to be as the Satanic woke ideology wreaks its destruction. In abandoning the Kingdom of God to pursue their lust for a worldly kingdom built by men, the christian right ended up as unwitting servants for the most cunning great deceiver.

bawitadaba 1 point ago +2 / -1

They could be running their own AI on their own hardware. There's plenty of open-source AIs and training datasets available to the general public. It's certainly not impossible at all for small private companies, or as an expensive personal hobby.

bawitadaba 26 points ago +26 / -0

Don't stay so narrowly focused on the Nazis. That's a trap to distract you from the greater scheme. The evil you speak of is far, far older and larger than Nazis and the bloody play of WW2. This greater evil entity held global sway, not limited to Germany and Europe but also over the Americas and Russia, long before WW2 even started. Both Axis and Allied sides were manipulated by this singular entity, with the Axis "loss" being little more than a kayfabe cover story to provide a sop of false closure for the suffering masses. The Nazis didn't "go into hiding", they just went through internal corporate restructuring, where the vital personnel and assets who really ran the German side of the war were smoothly transferred to their counterpart American and Soviet departments, and everything else quickly liquidated and disposed of. War, death, and suffering is the business of this ancient global evil that has no loyalty to flag, people, or nation, and it conducts its business very, very efficiently.

bawitadaba 9 points ago +9 / -0

Payment processing will require a HUGE code rewrite to ensure secure money handling. Elon now has the perfect reason to scrap the existing awful Twitter code and re-engineer the whole thing from scratch.

bawitadaba 4 points ago +4 / -0

Acts of large-scale evil require the involvement of many different parties. It's only "safe" to destroy documents when they're no longer valuable as protective blackmail against fellow accomplices.

bawitadaba 10 points ago +10 / -0

Destroying documents would mean they'd be giving up their leverage over other involved parties, and thus risk being permanently "silenced" by them.

bawitadaba 5 points ago +5 / -0

Evil people will only cooperate with other evil people when both sides have leverage over each other. Chances are those documents also incriminate many other parties, not just themselves.

bawitadaba 10 points ago +10 / -0

In turn, there will be a plethora of new jobs based on managing the inevitable AI crashes, as well as crashing the AIs of your competitors.

bawitadaba 3 points ago +3 / -0

From the very beginning the globalist cabal had agents in all sides of WW2 orchestrating everything. That's why when Germany fell, so many of their scientists and officers were immediately absorbed into the US and USSR. The popular but incorrect idea is that the Allied nations were scrambling to poach Axis talent before other countries got them. That's just a cover story. The truth is that the cabal was simply transferring their personnel to different departments after their German branch served its purpose and shut down. War and destruction is just business to them after all.

bawitadaba 1 point ago +5 / -4

We're dealing with both. Nazis are used as harrying jabs and feints. Commies are used as follow-up hooks and body blows. Over-focusing on either one and ignoring the strategies of the fighter behind them is a recipe for doom.

bawitadaba 8 points ago +8 / -0

"That Montezuma jerk keeps raiding our tribe. Captures our best young men and carves their hearts out. He says the gods need blood, and it's a great honor to be sacrificed. If it's so great, then why does he have to keep raiding us all the way out here for sacrifices? Not enough brave volunteers among his own people in that huge fancy city? Gee, who woulda thought?

"Then there's this new jerk, Cortes. He wants our gold. Says his god doesn't need our blood, just has some really weird but simple rules like eating fish on Fridays. He doesn't have a lot of men with him at all, but Montezuma's been real nervous ever since he showed up...

"Ya know what? To hell with the gold. I think we should all go with this new guy Cortes and help him kick the shit out of Montezuma."

bawitadaba 6 points ago +6 / -0

Yeah. When Trump said we'd get tired of winning, he was warning us to be ready for things like this. MAGA was always going to require taking some really bitter victories.

bawitadaba 1 point ago +1 / -0

Those chatbots are certainly an incredible mathematical trick, but in the end that's all they are. The machine remains stupid. All Turing machines are inherently stupid, in ways that a human could only achieve through active ongoing damage. Anyone who believes digital AIs will supplant humanity, let alone achieve "godhood", doesn't understand the full implications of Godel's incompleteness theorems.

bawitadaba 29 points ago +29 / -0

Everything Trump's done so far has huge components of trolling and baiting in it. It's still a mystery why so many people expect otherwise and how his enemies keep falling for it over and over. When we do find out the reason, we will have discovered the densest substance in human history.

bawitadaba 1 point ago +1 / -0

Or maybe, like most people, he simply still cares about his parents' safety and well-being despite their numerous failings. Heck, I'm certainly not on the best of terms with my own father, but I still worry about his health and wouldn't abandon him or any of my immediate kin to the wolves. Having shitty parents is no excuse to be a shitty human being.

bawitadaba 6 points ago +6 / -0

Look, it's not just the beliefs, the current design of electric cars is, as I've stated before, complete shit. They need to stop using dangerously flakey oversized laptop batteries as their power source, and instead use something much more sensible. But for now, their bad reputation is completely warranted.

bawitadaba 1 point ago +1 / -0

It would be hilarious as fuck if Elon had an AI take over as CEO (CEP?).

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