A constitutional republic based on Gods laws and precepts, that follows the rule of law, and operates using sound money at home and in trade. A form of government that exists solely to ensure the peace, safety and security , rights and prosperity of all.
Mewsmax (pun intended) is China owned and is now playing the game Fox used to fulfill. Appearing to have conservative values then aquiiess when it counts. It called "controlled opposition". Keeping the masses from revolting. As for national news organizations, OANN stands as the lone purveyor of truth. We have a better source of news right here on GAW and the mods do a great job of not letting shills derail the truth. As we KEEP SAYING....."We are the news now". Go with it, do your own research and publish what you find We are all better off and..... Not dependant on anybody but ourselves.
Israel has a deep state just the U.S. has one. So I may be the minority opinion here, but you cannot paint an accurate picture of all of Israel in one broad brush stroke, just as you cannot paint all U.S. with one. I have never been a Demtard and and would be offended if somebody tried to lump me in with them. Also, Israelis have endured so many attacks it has become a way of life there. My oldest brother was murdered in his sleep over 20 years ago. The guy who did it got 40 yrs, out in 20 with good behavior. So as i write this, my brothers slayer is about to go free. I felt cheated when the sentence was read and i feel even more cheated now.Whenever I hear a conversation about abolishing the death penalty or going easy on the guilty, I ask those voicing such opinions "what if this crime happened to your loved one?" The answer is ALWAYS the same. "Well...that's different". I share all this not to elicit any sympathy, rather to show that once you lose your loved one to a heinous and senseless crime, you change. Not in a bad way, just way more resolved about true justice. To bring this full circle to the purpose of this post, Israel is a small country lots of people there have lost loved ones to senseless and heinous crimes. All I can say is unless you have walked in their shoes, arm chair quarterbacks are not appreciated because they are irrelevant.
As stated in others posts on this same subject. When we took the 10 Commandments out of schools, courthouses and legislative bodies, morality and dignity left as well. As we put 10 commandments back in the same places we will see morality and dignity return as well.
When the 10 Commandments left schools, courthouse, and legislative bodies, so did morality and dignity. So now, as they come back, so too will morality and dignity. I salute the frog who posted this, as I believe the key word is "first".
Do a little digging.....go to CentralCasting Com and see who they are. They are the biggest company for "extras" on a movie set. People walking in the background, sitting at other tables in a dining room etc. Now go to IMDB.com and type in the name of any politician you can think of. Now, pur on your thinking cap....what are you seeing?
It may be the traditional election season, but let me point one caveat. Why are our mail boxes not stuffed with flyers and solicitations from congressmen, senators, state elections etc? For me the only flyers since last November are a local runoff. In years past, most started campaigning one year ahead of the presidential elections. This year? Crickets.....what's up with that? What do they know that we don't?
I liken the evolution of "go to" websites for anons to an anology you find in life and the Bible. It goes like this. When you were young you were sustained with milk. Now that you are more developed, it is time for meat. This is true in our development of our relationship/discipleship with the Lord Jesus and in our normal development in life. So milk before meat, but there is more. Way more!!! The following observations are both in life and the Bible. Next, life is like a race at any track meet. Your training never stops, if you do stop, you regress. But even with constant training, victory does not always go to the fastest or the strongest. It takes something a little more. There is a mental approach, a strategy, a PLAN. For me the plan is 1) my walk with Christ and 2) Get this country back to its God fearing, Constitutional rights based on the rule of law (based on God's Word and precepts) and 3)operating on sound money (precious metals). Lastly, life can be sometimes lonely at the top. As one progresses through life or competition you progress to be amongst those who are of like caliber or skill or qualities. At a track meet, as you progress up.the ladder of meets, there are less and less people in the locker rooms and more and more people in the stands. In life, we tend to tighten and tighten our inner circle to maintain harmony in our perspective of the world. (I am not saying we become social hermits, rather we gravitate to social comfort zones). So put this all together. The glue that holds us together is meat eaters (mods and anons who have tenaciously kept on), we are running a series of races that will go on, we have trained and are both fast and strong, but we have more, we have a PLAN, and not everybody makes it to the finals in a track meet, so is true here. As in the Bible's it states that the path to destruction is wide and large but the path to salvation is narrow, and less traveled. So there are fewer there too. To me, this is a good, no GREAT site to get my "rib eye good" meat, to train, to race, and be amongst like minded people. I am thankful that just like God sends us Guardian Angels to protect in life and look over us, we have the mods here to protect and look out for us. You never see them, they sometimes speak to some, but you know they are there. In closing, I think the storm is fast approaching, if not already here. I would dread getting up each day if the boards did not happen, if VOAT did not happen, or if GAW were not here.
Happy in Texas
And if I am a firefighter, who voted for or wants vote a certain candidate, who sees my employer trot out a poster child for those trying to suppress my vote. Takes money from donors like Soros, Gates, or other diabolical billionaires who have agendas to pervert jiusrice. An AG who has done little to nothing to diminish violent crime in NYC, and has actually facilitated releasing violent criminals back on the streets of NYC as well as the whole state. You want me to sit there and smile and clap on cue? I think not, I know not, I will not be silent or tolerant of those who try to quash my rights and views. Thank you.
Good luck finding old books at any store. I stumbled dacross this topic as I grew to I have children and grandchildren. When I was young and preteen in the 60's, my mother bought a book titled "Mother Goose and Grimm". It had all the Mother Goose stories as well as all the Brothers Grimm stories in one book. It was as big as a family Bible and just as thick. I loved that book. I wish i had taken it when left home. When I was a parent in the 80's, I was living in a small town and could not find it. This was pre-internet time for us and after hitting every kind of bookstore out there I gave up. But when I became a grand parent, the internet was up and running so I searched high and low but no copies could be found. I did find a book that had the same title, bit it had been edited to be politically correct which gutted the original.stories. Later, around 2010 i was looking for a Holy Bible in the original King James version. I am talking about the one with all the thousand and there's and double f's instead of s's like in the word success being spelled succeff. I could not find one. By this time I had a friend who collects and sells old books. He found me one but it took months. My point in all this is that old books, CERTAIN old books, any book that has American culture or American heritage are being systematically removed from circulation. I asked my bookselling friend if he thought this was the case and replied "most certainly, I have been observing that for years, that is why I do what I do." He is not a Christian or a patriot per se, so I found this disturbing.
The reason she does not like dog food is that us probably the problem. Look for BHA or BHP listed as preservative. That stuff is bad news. Don't take my word for it, do some research and you will never buy anything with that in it again. This stuff causes dogs to be misdiagnosed with cancer or palsy or rheumatoid arthritis and more. I took my dog off of it and gave nothing but scrambled eggs for three days. The turnaround was fantastic. I now buy tuna, sardines and rotisserie chicken once a week or so. O pick the chicken off the bone and put enough for two meals in a several baggies and freeze what I do not need ommediately.
I identify as CIGI ( created in God's image)