Snowden is deep state, isn’t he? Is he threatening Assange?
This is pretty fucking cool, not gonna lie
That’s what I was hoping, that they’re moving in to help protect us against China or whoever when shit goes down.
He wants some of what Willie got
Baseball bat video has been around for months, but glad to see it’s hitting mainstream. It was one of like 10 videos I sent my liberal brother-in-law to try to redpill him, but Google blocked all of them except for the one where the officers moved the barriers to the side.
Geez, I cannot imagine going through life just constantly focused on my race or anyone else’s race.
Yeah I feel bad for thinking anti-vaxxers were loony prior to COVID.
Was gonna say the same. Biden actually touches kids. Trump was only portrayed as a racist by the media/Dems
So they know what’s coming, in other words?
What do the fly comms mean? That their office has been bugged or something?
What the guy did was dumb, but he was on his own property. What really got me is this statement by the Assistant Attorney General: “Every person in the United States has the right to live in their home free from the threat of violence based on race.” I didn’t see where the guy threatened the neighbor ?♂️
Officer looked absolutely distraught at the end ?
So ridiculous. Doesn’t matter how long they’ve been taking hormones or whatever, they still got to benefit from the extra testosterone for however many years prior to transitioning. It’s the same with steroids. You take 2 athletes who train exactly the same, and then one decides to do a single cycle of tren or some shit. Even if that one cycle is all they did, as long as the two athletes train the same, the one who did the steroid cycle will always have an advantage. These people say, “Trust the science,” but then completely ignore it when it suits them.
Narratives of fraud in just the recent general election? Not 2016 when Killary and the Dems were screaming Russia, Russia, Russia for going on 6 years now?
But I bet you landlords will be liable when those murderers and rapists murder or rape someone in the apartment complex.
What’s Joe asking for in return this time?
I like how Facts & Science is capitalized lol
What does this mean for dumb people like me?
Statement from scientist in article: “At the time, it was scarier to be associated with Trump and to become a tool for racists, so people didn’t want to publicly call for an investigation into lab origins"
The fuck we do.
They also think 18 year olds are too young to take on student loans. Clown world for sure.
That was the article’s headline, which is why I put it in quotes.
The thing is, (I know Biden wasn’t actually elected, but if he was) the people didn’t elect Jill Biden, they elected Joe. If she has power of attorney, and didn’t tell the American public, that in itself should be election fraud.
Actually now that you mention that, there should already be a check valve right by the water meter that prevents water from flowing back into the city water. As the meter is placed right where the city water comes into the house, they don’t need to know a damn thing about what I have going on inside. Thank you!
No we don’t, Joe. Watch and learn: