I normally almost always agree with Ron Paul.. but when other countries put tariffs on us, we have every right to stick a big fat tariff on them. Also, we have every right to use tariffs for strategic industries or protection for when other countries will sell at a loss in order to corner an industry - like China with solar panels.
I know two people that died this way.. both were older - but perfectly fit and healthy before being admitted to the hospital. One was the older brother who had a panic attack and was worried about his heart. He was brought in and told he had a mild heart attack.. and then his sister visited him.. and they suddenly both have covid and were told they needed to stay. The sister didn't want to but was made to feel like it was mandatory. She was texting my mom the whole time basically saying they gave her drugs in an IV and wouldn't even tell her what they were..
I'm picturing the script right now.. (NuTrek style)
Christ, upon returning with the universe knowing...
Q: "But I'm omnipotent. How can you tell us what will need to change? How can you command the universe?"
JC: "You are omnipotent in this dimension which is just one of infinite infinite dimensions.. like a colorful piece of sand on a vast beach."
Cut to two gay guys kissing passionately.
Not everyone would run protesters over.. but a few of us would happily do it.. and then it would set a precedent and there would be no more stupid protesters trying to stop highways. Same goes with illegal border crossers.. petty theft.. etc.. The law should focus on protecting the right people and not protecting the criminals that are ruining the rights of those trying to do right.
I was there and saw him outside later in the afternoon.. but his makeup was not smeared.. so I just cannot believe he was there with us - a huge crowd of people that all got teargassed and pepper sprayed all day. I would imagine he's a Fed of some sort also.
AirBNB should be treated like they are complicit until we are satisfied that they have done everything they can to release the truth and make sure everyone else is truthful also. Like.. what organization or person paid for the AirBNB.. what were the travel dates.. etc..
AirBNB shouldn't be renting out our own 2nd or vacation homes to potential terrorists..
It really doesn't look like the real Biden and it never did though.. The real Biden was a slick and witty talker and the one we've had has been mostly a bumbling idiot. The whole thing has been weird.. Acting like you know the exact truth right now doesn't make any sense. The transformation of Biden in 2008 to Biden in 2020 makes no sense to me.. unless he was an actor.
The 'market' is controlled by the cabal.. BCH is the real bitcoin. The crippled protocol we call Bitcoin now can be controlled and contained - that's why they let it run. BCH could be used for everyday purchases as well as bank transfers.
Every agency we don't already know about is an agency that can be decimated, imo. They all think they're important and deserve more taxpayer dollars and they are all inefficient, ineffective, and behind the times.
There's some agencies that once you look into them for more than 5 minutes, you realize the whole agency is a scam in the first place.. like.. they exist to make sure some political NGO gets taxpayer money to spend on pushing a political agenda rather than being part of a unbiased government authority.
Like.. there's an agency that runs a TV station for the Middle East.. how about we just turn that channel over to the Middle East to run whatever they think is the truth rather than what the Deep State thinks is the truth.
I think it's more important to focus against AIPAC right now than to make anything in the US government more or less functional.. Until the idea that all of our lawmakers are somehow more loyal to Israel than the US is addressed, nothing that our lawmakers do actually matters.
Trump can win either way here.. I just really hope Trump and his administration go right back into being puppets of Israel.