They have more fear of the world than love for our saviour Lord Jesus Christ.
Who could have foreseen this...
Englishman here that has been living in the US for well over a decade now.
The NHS is fuckin' garbage. It's akin to how the VA is here; utter garbage.
Both my elderly parents have private health care so not only have they paid into the NHS their entire working lives, they also have to pay for medical care that isn't garbage now.
Just like sending your kids to school in the US.
The NHS is also full of foreign workers because more money can be earned working in the private sector.
It was never weaponised by then, it was created by them
I know the feeling. I have no children but plenty of my friends do and when I see them running around being so child like just screaming and having a blast, I get hit with a protective instinct that I still can't prepare for when it hits me.
It just means the vax is workin'...
Swamp on swamp violence.
That's always something to smile about.
Great alternative to MSOffice;
Oh no, it's the French.
They'll just burn harder.
fAlSe pOsItIvEs
Yeah, like I believe hospitals and their fuckin' statistics
Fuck and off
I am shocked, SHOCKED I tell you!
Who could have foreseen this happening!??
That would require an audience for the Olympics
Problem to whom? You? Excuse me whilst I don't give a shit.
Respect is earned.
People like you can't judge external threats and are a big reason of why we're in this mess.
Yes, that's why it's called an in group preference
The state will not profit from my death.
I have NEVER opted to be an organ donor.
Just look at how many people have been killed because muh covid profits in hospitals.
F that noise.
bUt dId yOu dIe?!?
I have in group tribal preferences and I won't be shamed or guilted about them
Oh my, the comments section gave me a boner!
Such stupidity
I want to believe!
Great article! It's hard not to smile seeing these retards fuck themselves over.
If you live WAY outside of a city like I do, the scamdemic barely took hold and everything has been fully open for most of the year.
That's wild. I never stopped going into the office (I'm an engineer, I can maybe do 2 days of work a week at home before I need to physically do stuff on the shop floor).
I have 3 people on my team. One has underlying health issues but she came back in after about 6 weeks when management started to come back in.
As it stands, they haven't said shit about mandating a vax.
When will they chop their dicks off to prevent rape?
Ah yes, the medical issues of others is somehow my concern.
Stay in your fuckin' lane dickhead.
Federal stats show that it's mostly black people that are cause of violence.