cara_c 2 points ago +2 / -0

I hope he has some serious protection.

cara_c 5 points ago +5 / -0

They love crying, so we will have an abundance of memes.

cara_c 4 points ago +4 / -0

We're going to get Trump back in 2023. He's been very clear that when you steal the diamonds, you don't get to keep them. Trump and his white hat team knew about voter fraud long before he ran for office. They defeated it in 2016. They chose to let the Dems steal the 2020 election because this is the Great Awakening and you have to show the people; you can't just tell them.

Kari Lake will be win this challenge and that will open the eyes of millions that yes, voter fraud does actually exist, despite the media's claims that it doesn't, and her victory will pave the way for Trump's.

cara_c 0 points ago +1 / -1

As I just said, "Pizzagate was about the "elites" raping and trafficking children." I didn't say it was only about Comet Ping Pong and Pizza. However, Comet played a very important role in giving us a window into these crimes being committed at the highest levels. We saw its satanic pedophile imagery, its social media accounts filled with people obsessed with sex with children, satanism, torture, cannibalism, kill rooms, etc.

We saw Comet's connections with people at the highest levels of government. Alefantis's ex-boyfriend was David Brock, whom Hillary Clinton helped to found the extremist left-wing Media Matters. Some have said that Alefantis looks just like an attendee at a circulating picture of a Rothschild family gathering. We learned all this and much, much more from the citizen investigation into Comet.

The media's lies, trying to portray Alefanis as a simple pizza man being attacked by crazed conspiracy theorists, only proved that the media was complicit. We knew what we had seen. If it was all so innocent, why was the media hiding it all from the public? They hid it because they knew how incriminating it was. The media's dishonesty only further proved that it was true.

cara_c 1 point ago +2 / -1

Pizzagate was about the "elites" raping and trafficking children. Nothing fake about Comet Pizza's obsession with satanic and pedophile references and symbols or its ties to DC VIPs.

cara_c 15 points ago +15 / -0

Acting. Gaining our trust. Later, the media will try to convince us Trump's mean Tweets make him unelectable. But look - here's De Santis, a Trump without the baggage. They hope enough Republicans will fall for it to split the base and keep Trump from getting the nomination.

cara_c 1 point ago +1 / -0

No one is going to go into the business of lending anyone money, with all its expenses and risks, for no reward. Loans at reasonable Interest rates enable people to invest in a house or a business and pay the loan over time, rather than saving up for 20-30 years first. Charging exorbitant interest r engaging in dishonest practices are bad things, but having the ability to pay to borrow money at reasonable interest rate allows everyone capable of it to invest, grow, and flourish.

cara_c 2 points ago +3 / -1

Thank you. I knew that ice cream meant something, as it seems to be big in Luciferian pedophile symbolism, but I never realized it meant "I scream." Makes sense.

cara_c 3 points ago +3 / -0

Like the charming abuser who woos you by presenting as the ideal mate, Amazon is hard to resist. Compared to other sites, they make the shopping experience so great. They have everything, their site is well designed, reviews from other shoppers make it easy to know what you're getting, packages show up so quickly, with Prime, there are no additional shipping charges, returns are trouble-free, and they keep track of all your orders so you can look up reorder the item you like so much that you bought 10 years ago when it finally wears out.

cara_c 3 points ago +3 / -0

Don't be judgmental of another's harmless foibles, differences, or preferences. But it is certainly our duty to judge and bring justice to those who are raping and torturing children and working to genocide billions and enslave the survivors, while profiting all the way.

cara_c 1 point ago +1 / -0

No News Fox for me since they stabbed patriots in the back by protecting the ineligible Obama and his forged birth certificate.

cara_c 7 points ago +7 / -0

Instead of lectures about how to put on our seatbelts, the flight attendants can give us a quick course in how to fly a plane.

cara_c 4 points ago +4 / -0

This guy has provided memes for years.

cara_c 2 points ago +2 / -0

When I first heard about COVID, I went to some natural health sites to see what they said about viruses. They said zinc kills viruses in the cell, and it needs an ionophore (like quinine, hydroxychloroquine, quercetin, etc.) to get into the cell. Our bodies use tons of vitamin C when fighting off an illness. Vitamin D3 supports general health (and needs vitamin K2). This was similar to the way I'd successfully fought off colds and flus for years.

Later, some independent doctors were reporting great success with variations on this theme. The government and media and the medical establishment should have been celebrating and sharing this news with everyone. Instead, they did some fake trials obviously designed to fail and then demonized this treatment. Later, they rushed out their experimental jab.

Thanks to the research of the anons here and at 8chan (now 8kun), I saw Madonna singing "Not everyone is coming to the future" at Eurovision, dancing around with dancers with coronavirus-looking hats. I saw the weirdo 2012 London Olympics opening show, with everyone in hospital beds. I saw Grimes doing a music video with dancers wearing surgical masks. I watched clips of a TV show about a virus and a new vax that destroyed the patient's immune system over time.

Knowing that the Luciferian pedophile cult running much of the world communicates in code and has to "tell" us what they're doing, I didn't want what it was pushing.

I did consider that maybe the vaccine was good, meant to save their loyal followers (those who trust the government and mainstream media) from COVID, while killing off their opponents (the free thinkers and skeptics). But then I thought if that were the case, I might not want to be among the survivors, as the world would be a terrible place. So I went unjabbed.

cara_c 3 points ago +3 / -0

Drag queens aren't transgendered. They're performers who do fun, flashy, comedic, risque ADULT shows. No self-respecting drag queen wants to perform for children. You know who does? Pedophiles.

cara_c 2 points ago +2 / -0

She's ineligible due to not being a natural born citizen.

cara_c 2 points ago +2 / -0

Hopefully, back in the day, we put our warnings in emails to the biggest of the blowhards in our lives, so we can remind them.

cara_c 2 points ago +3 / -1

Everything we say makes us look insane to normies still swallowing the globalist propaganda.

But there are definitely some comm-looking things in Trump's talking about returning the diamonds, Diamond dying, and the capitalizations he uses in his posted Truth about her death. One thing we have learned by now is that things are not always what they seem, comms are everywhere, and there are few (if not no) coincidences.

cara_c 5 points ago +5 / -0

As late as the mid-1980s, most people were pretty effortlessly slim to normal weight, eating and drinking all the things that are demonized today - sugar, bread, rice, fat, meat, fast food, soda, alcohol.

None of the adults I knew growing up went to the gym. That was for athletes. Many had desk jobs, drove everywhere, watched TV, read, and had dinner parties for fun and relaxation. And they were effortlessly normal weight. Most dieters were trying to lose 5-10 pounds, not 50-100. Starting in the mid-1980s, people started blowing up by the millions, started dieting, joining gyms, struggling, suffering, and just kept getting fatter. Something systemic changed.

cara_c 16 points ago +16 / -0

Elon also mentioned V11.3 will be ready in about two weeks. "Two weeks" is the amount of time used to mock Q followers for believing Q is legit and that we'll always be waiting "two more weeks" for a plan that is never going to arrive. "Two weeks" is also used to remind datefaggers that datefagging almost always gets bad results. But one of these days we really will be two weeks away from events that undeniably demonstrate that people are making real headway against the Luciferian pedophiles, and Elon's post is pretty promising.

cara_c 8 points ago +8 / -0

For future reference, you can see the user's Twitter handle in the image above (under his name), in this case @CollinRugg. You can go to http://twitter.com/@CollinRugg or just http://twitter.com/collinrugg (typing the @ sign is optional and case doesn't matter). If it's a recent tweet, which it often is in discussions of current events, you can just scroll down the page to find the post.

cara_c 2 points ago +2 / -0

We don't want them running the swamp AND re-writing the Constitution.

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