changeagent 1 point ago +1 / -0

Good to know... I was just repeating what was in the screenshot of the Wiki post.

Not surprised it is wrong.

changeagent 3 points ago +3 / -0

Nah... I am opening a Cocktail and Martitti bar, to be inclusive.

changeagent 2 points ago +2 / -0

Personally, I think the name is stupid. The official end of slavery was a good thing and should be celebrated.

changeagent 2 points ago +2 / -0

LOL... no one gets sarcasm on this board? Wowzer. I guess the all caps "HAVE" wasn't dripping enough with it? Good Lord. Maybe we ARE doomed.

changeagent 6 points ago +6 / -0

Of course. I figured the caps would have been sufficient enough sarcasm.

Sad thing is, people really think this way, and I was mocking them.

changeagent 11 points ago +11 / -0

I don't understand why he is telling politicians to get ahead of it and not be caught with their pants down regarding the tsunami of evidence? The politicians who helped the vax get out there and be pushed (or allowed it) are culpable.

changeagent 3 points ago +15 / -12

I don't care. I HAVE to take my kids to Disney. I just HAVE to.

changeagent 7 points ago +7 / -0

I have been thinking about the Precipice and the scare event. I am curious to know what you all think about this question...

What would be a signal that the White Hats are no longer in control? Or that the Plan is out of control or lost? Don't we need to consider this as a possibility and know when to recognize it?

For example, lets say a nuke goes off in Chicago. Is that part of the Plan? I doubt it. But is it one of those "We are at war and WH's don't control everything" scenarios?

What if Trump is taken out?

What if multiple nukes are exchanged?

What if a nother bioweapon is released and 60 percent ofthe population wiped out?

I don't think these will happen. My point is, what would constitute failure?

changeagent 2 points ago +2 / -0

The problem is that there are tens and tens of millions of dumbasses like this.

This is why WE CANNOT MAKE IT TO THE ELECTION, and instead...



Sorry... I have an AUDITORY ISSUE when I'm writing about this topic. I think I NEED A NAP.

changeagent 5 points ago +5 / -0

The way the reporter framed this is rhetorically strategic, and we need to combat this.

We are NOT a democracy, because there is no such thing as "a democracy" ... instead, democracy is a voting mechanism within a form of government. Our form of government is a Constitutional Republic which means that the Constitution is the highest law of the land, and we use democracy (democratic voting process) within our government system.

The Cabal has pitted the two against each other, knowing that most Americans are too ignorant to understand that they are not opposed but go hand in glove. But "muh democracy" is so entrenched in the sheeples minds as their form of government that they are easy prey for this Cabal tactic.

My point is that we need to tear down this CNN spin (which I would guess will get picked up by all leftist news orgs) and use it to educate people. If we sit back and be smug in our knowledge, we risk allowing the Cabal to gain back some ground.

changeagent 2 points ago +2 / -0

I am tellin' you... Trump will "lose" to Biden. And THAT will be the moment the dems who were holding out will finally begin to see the light.

To make it even better, we have 4.5 more months of downhill crap and financial implosion and WW3 to bring us collectively to the Precipice, under FJB... and he will sill "win" .

That's my prediction, anyway.

changeagent 4 points ago +4 / -0

The only people who are aware that the declass is coming are Anons. And we are not as many as we think.

My point wasn't about people thinking this was a deep fake, but rather that her statement is bring "deep fake" more prevalently into the mainstream... and if you don't think there's still 50 million or more people who are clueless about deep fakes, then I encourage you to talk to 10 random people at the grocery store.

The cabal has been brilliant for thousands of years at being opportunistic and using one thing to help bring along or shape another thing. You're witnessing that with her statement.

changeagent 3 points ago +3 / -0

The real problem withthis is that the DS is further prepping the sheep regarding the declass that Q promised.

This gaslighting 101. Use one scenario to plant a tangential concept in the minds of the sheeple regarding a diffferent scenario.

changeagent 9 points ago +9 / -0

Okay, this is a problem.

This hit piece is actually very powerful. They asked Trump supporters to explain, and the explanations were pitiful and made them sound brainwashed.

Obviously they edited out any solid answers... I wonder how many interviews it took to find these particular Trump supporters.

I sure hope there is a tsunami of a response.

changeagent 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yes, I understand. I was being sarcastic. But my point is that it's a stock photo used to "prove" a sub was spotted.

changeagent 3 points ago +3 / -0

What does Q say about Islamification of the US? 10 years ago it was on the radar as a huge threat. I am not a good Q drop researcher, so that's why I am asking.

changeagent 3 points ago +3 / -0

Now it's time for that ribeye... : )

changeagent 3 points ago +3 / -0

I don't disagree.

But it's not our strongest argument. A lefty could just say "the cow population is not wild and is under out control, so we can make a difference" .

changeagent 4 points ago +4 / -0

So cool that they took a photo of their sub and shared it on social media.

At this point, I don't believe anything anymore and just assume that all news is bullshit until corroborated by sever different sources trying to discredit it.

changeagent 62 points ago +62 / -0

I was surprised to read 14 comments and none really discussed depression, mental fatigue, stress, etc.

I noticed this about myself and realized that I cannot sustain "high alert" status, and actually I was draining my battery. It's a downward cycle. Even with God, eating right, and all the other good things mentioned, you need to take a step back, cutyourself some slack, rest, nourish yourself, and let go. Let yourself rest. Stop judging yourself. Give yourself time to recuperate and recognize that you're still better mentally prepared than most, you have time, and you have done a good job.

Then smile. And laugh. And love. And pray. And just be. Feel yourself recharge, and when you feel it, you'll be ready to get back at it.

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