by chachi
changeagent 7 points ago +7 / -0

Supposedly 70 million voted for her. So, no. We have not experienced a precipice.

changeagent 1 point ago +1 / -0

Well, no shit. That's why I said I was for it. Getting there is the challenge. The cold turkey approach is always extra risky. That's all my point was... it's going to be very rocky if it's cold turkey, and it might cost more than most people are thinking about.

changeagent -1 points ago +3 / -4

If radical change like this occurs, it will cause more harm than good to our already shitty economy, and it will cause a lot of people to second guess voting for Trump.

Don't get me wrong. I am for it. But if this happens in the first year thereis going to be a lot of turmoil. I would say it's the beginning of the storm. Buckle up.

changeagent 2 points ago +2 / -0

The problem will be the rules. The rules will need to be changed, first. You cannot fire federal employees so easily.

changeagent 3 points ago +3 / -0

Thanks for that. I thought their lack of signing the oath of office was part of it, too. But I don't really know much about it.

So if it ended in January of 2023, do you have an idea of what the above X tweet is all about?

changeagent 6 points ago +6 / -0

We cannot assume that this dipshit is going to go to prison. Instead, we should instead assume that the Deep State is going to do all it can to overwhelm Trump's momentum, and planting the narrative seed as such is a dead giveaway.

I'll be curious to know whether or not White Hats FINALLY TAKE CONTROL OF THE MSM, or if they're going to... you know... CONTINUE TO LET MSM FEED THE SHEEPLE BULLSHIT and elongate the awakening process.

changeagent 4 points ago +4 / -0

I am curious as to whether or not people in AZ will remain calm.

changeagent 5 points ago +5 / -0

Oh,no! Muh HITLER!!!!!!!!!!!

There, got that out of the way.

Can't wait for the broken peeple to REEEEEEE

changeagent 1 point ago +1 / -0

I wish I could claim that wrote this script.

Perfect. Sending out the link to EVVVV-REEEE-ONNNNE

changeagent 2 points ago +2 / -0

I agree. Forever vs currently is an important distinction. So, I think the ongoing baloney of the MSM is not going to wake more people up--my opinion. I think that those who were going to be woken up by the MSM's performance have awakened, and now we need those who are still in love with the MSM to start seeing different messaging from the MSM (and, still, those 4-6% will then then disagree with the MSM and still be lost).

changeagent 2 points ago +2 / -0

Exactly. And it's a lot of people. Not 4-6 pct. I bet 90 percent of democrats (because MSM feeds them whatthey want to hear and what they have been trained by MSM to want)

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