The Grunt in the Sky
To all the people that advocate for population control, lead the way. Be first and lead the way.
Didnt she run someone over with a car?
Hes got the unibrow the person that got arrested has. I call patsy.
Its Newsweek. Take with a supertanker of salt.
Thought the same.
Please go public. And name names.
And nothing of value was lost
I'll take hungry polar bear for $1000, Alex.
It was very sloppy.
Which Mercy is it? If you are in Cinti you know.
Its Newsweak. Take with a train car of salt.
He is losing his shit...
And their point? I found the movie to be quite enjoyable.
That was, different.
Isn't asking for stepping down = Fired?
The informed delivery service has been down for me all day
Not at the drive thru I work at...