cinnomen 1 point ago +1 / -0

I would be checking these encampments for student IDS as well and give the boot to whom doesnt belong there...I think there are more students wanting to finish school than there are protestors...take a stand!

cinnomen 2 points ago +2 / -0

Keep it going...but do it also when all these so called american's...are flipping for Islam and raise there asses to the east...blast it all day and all night...they wont stay...wear them down boys...you didnt go to school all year to have these idiots fuck up your finals...you worked to hard for it...and Joe paid for it...I mean the hard working tax payers...There must be at least 1000 versions of the song to play...showcase them all.

cinnomen 4 points ago +4 / -0

It has to happen first...everybody will have their own individual response to a stolen election and so will some of the states...if you guys even get to an election...i have my doubts about everything...at this point...get well grounded in your own area with the locals and hometown mayors and sheriffs...best to know whom is on what side ahead of time...and where to find them after the fact...you cant control the big picture...so worry about whats going on in your own back yard...

cinnomen 3 points ago +3 / -0

All this talk about saving the planet and what does the military do...taint everything...everywhere...that was a beautiful coastline...

cinnomen 8 points ago +9 / -1

The masks need to come off...if these people really believe in what they are doing...then they should show their faces...the masking for covid was a pivot for shit like this later...

imagine walking into a bank with a full face mask on before covid...or any establishment...wouldnt have gone down well...

Anybody with a mask on that runs up on me will be considered a danger and would be dealt with accordingly...

cinnomen 0 points ago +3 / -3

Gaslighting idiot...this is what they do...confused you like they are themselves.

cinnomen 4 points ago +4 / -0

It will all be amended when hes gone...and he's done like dinner...so are the NDP...that tow the line.

cinnomen 7 points ago +7 / -0

All the so called travellers marching like ants thru these countries damage and take alot as they blow by...then he has to worry about all the special interest groups and NGO's and what other cess pool aligned assholes are there in his country...Id put an end to it also...

If mexico didnt have all the CIA supported cartels...they would do it also...but the governent would get wasted if they even tried...

The cartels need to be taken out...they are more powerful now than they ever have been...They are mexicos version of Hamas.

cinnomen 2 points ago +2 / -0

Prison rats and gang members and who knows what else...you bet they ditch their ID...shouldnt be even processed without it.

cinnomen 5 points ago +5 / -0

Perfect response and how so truer words have been spoken...biden is an idiot.

cinnomen 5 points ago +5 / -0

Careful everybody...everything smells top to bottom on both sides...both sides...thats entertainment...as they say.

cinnomen 1 point ago +2 / -1

Hostages dont matter when there are so few of them...If Hamas loved its own people they would quit...but there wont be any of that...If I didnt know any better...Hamas is playing out its roll very well...paid and western made antagonists whom will retire rich while they decimate the palestines once and for all...

cinnomen 21 points ago +21 / -0

Russia has the goods on these sellouts...I think France is more afraid of what Russia has on them all than what the USA is holding over there heads...

as far as the EU going down the shit hole...its been on that path with unchecked immigration for years already...

cinnomen 5 points ago +5 / -0

He didnt look like a hood rat...local...he looked to be a brand new import...time to round them up and send them home...what did everybody think was going to happen when in their countries this is normal behavior...that and wielding machete's...where human life means nothing and women are treated worse than animals.

cinnomen 1 point ago +1 / -0

No matter what they do now they will never win...they have let in way too many of them...thats exactly what the demons are doing to america...but what happens after the fact is they will vote the demons out too and take it all after the fact...

cinnomen 6 points ago +6 / -0

EV"S are not progress...they consume huge amounts of energy to construct...we dont have the infrustructure to support them...and the batterys blow up when wet...never mind the disposal issues of these toxic vehicles...

cinnomen 6 points ago +9 / -3

After a cease fire was called and agreed to...is their anything left thats honest when it comes to Israel.

cinnomen -1 points ago +2 / -3

Good for him...Independent runner...smart...knows how the inner circle works and cheats...humble...I think he would make a Awesome Great President or Vice President...I think He would make a great team with Trump...believe me when I say I have been a Trumpet for Trump...Still am...but emotions aside...Kennedy would actually be able to get shit done...Reality is they will stop trump at every turn and I worry about who Trumps running mate will be...he made alot of mistakes last time...and had alot of bad influencers around him....truth be told...The country needs Kennedy and or a big role in the next administration.

cinnomen 3 points ago +3 / -0

Many of our grandparents and great grandparents migrated here from Russia and Germany...and brought their moral code with them...Family first..work hard and be honest always.

cinnomen 3 points ago +3 / -0

Quick and easy...go to a feed and seed and buy some...

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