cinnomen 3 points ago +3 / -0

The stupid normies will believe this shit when the time comes...Your going to need CB Radio's and Ham Radios to get information thats true and correct when they take the gris down with the internet...because there will be tons or rumors...just like this bullshit.

cinnomen 18 points ago +18 / -0

Your dogs and cats are going to die as well...Cows...everything...MRNA is in all shots now...Stop going to the vet...

cinnomen 1 point ago +1 / -0

Agreed...Canada is amongst the sellouts also...RIO TINTO...biggest arm in mining...chinese owned and lots of subs under that banner.

cinnomen 4 points ago +4 / -0

The breakthrough comes when you make up your mind...If you really dont want to quit you never will...most I know with addictions really had to hit rock bottom or almost rock bottom...the brain is a powerful tool...but it needs to believe you really want to quit too...and the brain also knows when your lying to yourself...theres no helping anybody that doesnt reallywant to quit ...and all the excuses and reasons to quit dont hold water ever when it comes to addictions...if your not being honest.

cinnomen 2 points ago +2 / -0

Replacing an addiction with another drug that makes you dependent on that also is insanity...just fucking quit drinking...

cinnomen 2 points ago +2 / -0

Eating their own tails...they know whats coming against them soon...

cinnomen 23 points ago +23 / -0

Summer of love...one thing to protest the killing of innocent civilians...but in the process many of these students are joining and becoming muslims...as if everything want bad enough already...these kids are being sucked right into the abyss...too young and dumb to figure it out.

cinnomen 2 points ago +2 / -0

Archive everything you think is relevant...as well as information as to how to build...fix and feed yourselfs.

cinnomen 2 points ago +2 / -0

The writing is on the wall...wonder how many death threats these people receive on a daily basis right about now with america crumbling and the blame squarely placed on media...eating their own tails now.

cinnomen 15 points ago +15 / -0

The media is responsible for this bullshit and behavior as they have festered so called white privilege for years...this is what you end up with...The black community has been played and preyed upon for decades now...you would think they could figure out that its not the other colors that are the enemy...its the government...the media and the creation of thug life hip hop to destroy their own from the inside out...then throw in the CIA and all the drugs...Violence is not their way out...they need to rise above it all and educate their way out of this mess they bought into...bidens paying for free education...go to college...so you can become a muslim now...or a gender coach...what a shit show.

cinnomen 14 points ago +14 / -0

Elections have consequences no matter where you live...elect a war machine and you get war within and without...gaza will never be allowed to exist as long as Hamas stands as its government or leaders period...

and now we have american students with no moral compass or brains joining and becoming Islamic...betraying their ownselves and their country...

cinnomen 1 point ago +2 / -1

The russians were invited...the USA never was...

cinnomen 2 points ago +2 / -0

The US Troops have been left to their own demise for the last few months... the take over by the new government...military... to get rid of the other one that sold niger out...letting chinese and other companies exploit there natural resources and paying them nothing for it...

They are kicking the US troops out...and just like afganistan...the 100 million dollar airbase will be part of the spoils of war for niger...

Most if not all of the African nations will join Brics...and will redraft laws to share more of the profits from their own natural resources...

when you keep poor countrys poor for too long and install corrupt governments that skim off all the money...this is what happens...

cinnomen 2 points ago +2 / -0

Humans like to exploit other humans by nature...but when greed and rare earth minerals are in the picture...I think the Chinese do it best...world over...the poorer the country...the more they exploit it...the lower the quality of mining integrity and safety...You dont see the chinese doing this in australia...where they have numerous mines and expansion has been ongoing in a big big big way...Australia has more chinese owned mining companies and mining leases than any other country in the world...all chinese owned.

cinnomen 5 points ago +7 / -2

Actually your wrong...most business men of that era did not support the creation of the federal reserve...many prominent familys and very wealthy influencers were on that boat...and theres alot of proof being brought forward that it wasnt even the new titanic that sunk...it was the sister ship set for retirement that was redressed for the occasion...and absent from the list of passengers were alot of wealthy jews...its very telling if you check the passenger list for NO SHOWS...and cancellations at the last minute...kinda like the people that didnt go to the twin towers for work the day of 9/11.

cinnomen 4 points ago +4 / -0

I'm never going to a doctor ever again...not like I do now...been 20 years plus...but that was cringe worthy.

cinnomen 2 points ago +2 / -0

Fool me once...shame on you...Fool me twice...Shame on me.

cinnomen 1 point ago +2 / -1

Somebody needs to show up and blast the protestors with some Creedence Clearwater Revival...some midnight special to start off would do the trick...rather be a rebel than a protestor...we have fallen so far as a society.

I dont agree with one society trying to squish like bugs and rub another out...

but sure as shit not going to betray myself and my country and become a muslim over it...

Everybody is so lost with no compass these days...I wonder what its going to take to bring us all back out of these lost causes and tail chasing and tail eating the young are doing now...benig infected with.

They should be wearing sun dresses and hippie beads me thinks instead...bare feet in the grass and pick up all the garbage they leave behind and spread around themselves...literally.

cinnomen 4 points ago +5 / -1

I guess they would be close to purebloods...but they all live under the same milky made skys and being sprayed like bugs like the rest of us...

What scares me the most these days...is what the monsters are capable of doing next and what they can add to all that bio engineering spray paint in our once beautiful blue skys...

cinnomen 6 points ago +6 / -0

I am still amazed to this day...with the amount of information at our fingertips that people have lost all interest in being curious...everybody wants an instant short recap of videos because they say they dont have the time...its bullshit...they have time to be on sites like this for hours in their day...but too damn lazy to go learn history...history teaches all we need to know even if some of it is a little off base...most of it is correct depending on the sources...just discriminate a little better where you get it from..

case and point...where the swastika originated...the germans used it but it was never theirs to begin with...

it means enlightenment...which most humans need these days.

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