If I may ask, what was the regimen? Dosage, period, etc? Any links? I am actually looking into this nowadays.
So basically "drain the swamp, Part 2"?
I have deja vu. Playing out the same way as 2020 so far.
And they will keep doing this to us until we vote their way....
First Bannon, now out of nowhere they are going after Flynn for some "odd reason" out of nowhere...
The only people I've ever heard saying Bazinga were, without exception, all fags
Just an expression... Like "according to Washington officials..." etc
Still a lot of people for a Biden rally, have to admit...
It will be in the instructions. There is a hardware button key combo for that. It's a pre boot thing like a BIOS on a computer.
Okay found it:
It's chronological, scroll down until you get to 1996
wtf lol, it's like some parallel universe shit
would love to get to the bottom of this... who is it? why was that article written? etc
Don't trash your phone because it doesn't boot, would be a waste.
Download a firmware, put it in download mode and flash it. Just Google "XDA" with your model number, and you will find all instructions.
You got of course downvoted, but I also had that feeling briefly. Then again, people behave wildly differently under shock. Unpredictable.
Thank you thank you. Came in expecting this being the top comment and I wasn't disappointed.
Don't think it were the ukies, can't imagine them pulling it off really - rather a CIA/Mossad op
It's deliberate. They know, we know, everybody knows. It's gaslighting - so we do something impulsive, something stupid. It's provocation.
Sorry, not sure of that. MSM blackout, can rely only on people I know and can ask about this.
Truth to be told, no matter how much this fits our narrative, I still don't believe anything North Korea says...
What we know is that Trump's team refused to turn the surveillance system off, but we don't know (yet) if it was sabotaged or they found the controls and turned it off. I mean if you were an FBI faggot, would you take "no" as an answer from the "peasantry" if you demand something? Fuck no, you would be twice as much motivated to fuck them over...
Yes they are still protesting. I think the state is trying to simply wear them out.
wow pretty good!
Lol these "stories" are getting more and more desperate. Remember Trump wanting to grab the wheel of the limo on Jan 6? Throwing ketchup at other people? Yeah, right.
2001: A Mule Odyssey
Used it twice already against coofid. Great stuff.
Thanks, I was wondering about the carnivore diet, so basically keto (no carbs starve most cancers)