I thought bell hooks spelled her name without capital letters?
If I was the date, I'd think, "Wow, you're using 'literally' correctly. That really turns me on."
To really screw things up, have your king suddenly announce he identifies as a queen when it looks like he's going to be checkmated.
Loved the movie but could never figure out how they finessed the "sex' part of Truman's marriage.
The guards probably bought him a beer.
So many of his plots involve a young impressionable boy visiting an elderly reclusive man. And the newish one, "Mr. Harrigan's Phone," that was made into a movie follows the format. Why?
He's getting to look a bit like Eric Cartman these days.
Three: Two Joys: Reid and Behar.
I knew one girl who had an insulin emergency when we went on an overnight trip, but until then, no one knew she was diabetic, except I guess her really good friends. Scary though.
A couple of teachers we had were pretty hefty, including the school principal, but none of the kids were obese.
In elementary school, I usually brought PB sandwiches on the days I didn't get hot lunch. Never knew I could kill anyone with them. This was the eighties.
I think if there were autistic kids, they were in Special Ed. Never knew any transgenders. I don't think anyone knew what "gluten" was, including teachers at that point, much less that it was "bad."
The GOP uses Trump's name to get donations but clearly doesn't support him. Just saying.
I'm sure her daughter who is "trans" was abused, too.
You just have to read a little history to realize how horrifically they've treated certain groups of people: women, minorities, the disabled, etc. in the name of "science." Anyone who is not naturally skeptical when walking into a doctor's office is crazy.
It is disgusting.
A relative had breast cancer and had a mastectomy. She was not gloating about it on social media.
"a woody?"
Woody Harrison: "Yes?"
The Nadler Shuffle
Well, Jimmy Carter claimed he was attacked by a rabbit. They can be dangerous apparently.
The two "fat" kids in my elementary school class would hardly rate a second look today. In comparison, they were just a bit chubby.
Yes, I'm like the Russell Crowe character in "The Insider," who responds, "Because I don't like being told what to do," when he's asked why he's blowing the whistle on tobacco companies.
He can meet Mengele in Hell.
The only two times I was grateful for my face mask.
I'd just eaten garlic with dinner and had to go out (probably could smell it anyway).
It was about six degrees out with a frigid wind.
Why don't they try ketchup packets? It might be neater.
This reminds me of the theories I read about in Psych 101.
"Why do people tend to buy something if they get a freebie with it?"
Answer; "People like getting something for nothing."
Interesting, the journalists who exposed Harvey got a Pulitzer. Too bad she didn't get any credit.