"A nation whose language is corrupted can no longer exist as a nation." - St. Ilia Chavchavadze
Rush Limbaugh would tell the true story of Thanksgiving every year and also wrote the story for children in his Rush Revere books. Highly recommend for all ages!
The warped narrative about Thanksgiving is real, however, and kids have been mindlessly absorbing this stuff for at least a decade. It's an absolute shame -- is no kid taught to critically examine such a narrative? We know the answer.
"Filth Edition"!😂 Well, not a lie...
I looked in my area and you're right. There are several grocery stores listed as voting places, which I've never seen before. The closest voting place for me is a gym. Other places include: a college and several libraries.
I can't imagine a grocery store being a great place to vote. Very weird!
They used the wrong copy-pasta, clearly. Does anyone read this stuff anymore?
...and if you do bring in your absentee/mail-in ballot, be sure they process it so that the ballot can't be used.
Context: I remember hearing stories about folks who brought in their absentee or mail-in ballot, and poll workers would later fill them out. Not sure if that turned out to be true, but I wouldn't be surprised if something like that has happened.
Ooof, Lombardo has made some sketchy statements. Lots of red flags.
I'll keep looking him up, but thanks again for all your help.
Sorry for the late reply!
I know someone who worked with Mr Ahern; apparently Ahern is not a great guy, from what I was told. It's second-hand information, though, so take it for what you will.
This gets me, however:
And when Laxalt refused to sue Dominion voting machines company after the 2020 elections may folks had enough. This was before 360 News exposed that Laxalt had approved the purchase of the Dominion voting machines as Nevada Attorney General.
Assuming this is true (and I have no reason to believe it isn't), Laxalt should be held accountable.
Breaking: fully-jabbed NPC fact-checked by FB is suuuuper great, definitely not a hypocrite. Mean people who disagree are 'racists' and 'anti-semites'.
Less for u/starseed and more for those interested:
To be clear, it's a short story titled "Story of Your Life" from an anthology of a similar name (Author: Ted Chiang). Good story, although it's been a while since I read it.
The movie added things and excluded others, but I thought the point of it was authentic to the original story. It delves into this idea of language and "fate" / "determinism". In the end, you get the feeling both free will and fate are inextricably intertwined. For those who've studied Sapir-Whorf and Chomskian linguistic theory (blegh), both the story and movie are fantastic thought-provokers.
First link that popped up when I did the Brave search "Jack Posobiec + swiss":
Why do you say Lombardo is as dirty as Sisolak? Please don't misunderstand, I will continue to do my own research, but I'd like to know your thoughts on the matter.
And why Sam Brown? He's struggling in the race against Laxalt, who has met Trump at Mar-a-Lago.
I do not use FB, but that's good info! Thank you.
Interesting! I don't dislike Lombardo, but Joey Gilbert was on the warpath during Sissy-lack's COVID lockdowns. I really appreciated that.
Thanks for this!
I'm not convinced by any means that Nevada is a blue state. Washoe and Clark counties continue to ruin it for the rest of us, but maybe this will change? Nye county ousted the Dominion machines, but these machines continue to show up at our poll stations. We're also an official mail-in ballot state, which is... aggravating.
I'm trying to do my research in advance, as I don't want to play a game of "whose name sounds better?" when I go to the polls. I have my own leanings, in terms of Based candidates, but I'm wondering if any fellow Nevadans have some insight regarding candidates that truly embody the Trump agenda.
A couple of candidates that have real potential: Adam Laxalt (US Senate), Joey Gilbert (Gov) -- but what about other races? Quite a few races going on, and I've heard very little about many of them.
Did you leave your number? Maybe she'll drunk text/call you. XD
Wrote to my rep. What did he say? Among other things:
If you had a problem with how this year’s election was conducted, keep that in mind when you vote.
Classy, Congressman Mark Amodei of Nevada /s
I dislike the blanket-statement / generalization of women from your post, but I also understand where you're coming from.
Femi-nazis (plus Welfare state and other factors) have done real harm to the family structure and what it means to interact with your fellow humans. This goes double for relationships. Victimhood is easy, so it's no wonder many men and women fall for it -- why work hard when I can be a victim?
At some point, however, it's imperative to be the bigger (better) person. Be the kind of man good women fall for, not because it is attractive (although it is), but because you are upholding values that mean something. Lead by example.
Women have a lot of work to do, in this regard. Terrible women role models, sexualization at an early age, plus encouragement to become independent in a way that supersedes men in all ways. It's both illogical and demoralizing, as it actively replaces all of the intrinsic value of motherhood and that of being a wife. Men get this, too, but I would argue it's a different flavor.
Let me say this: Heard is a PoS (essa joke!) and she better lose, because her entire testimony is backed upon nothing. She is the epitome, imho, of an unreliable witness. Depp absolutely deserves justice in this case. But! They chose each other, and this trial stinks with politics and lawyer games. I wouldn't throw a good woman (which Amber Heard ISN'T) out with the bathwater due to this one.
I'm not sure about your second point (I hope so, but I'm unfamiliar with the legal immunity granted to pharmaceutical companies), but I can absolutely see your first being a valid claim of fraud.
The substack I link to is interdasting, in that the clinical trials themselves appear to utilize legal loopholes, have several conflicts of interest, and their data collection methods are suspect -- both in terms of where they came from and how the data was interpreted (with bias).
THIS could negate their immunity from being sued, as they procured EUA under false pretenses / manipulated data, aka fraud.
"Nothing like that is in the tweet." Gimme a break.
Scott is always right, until he isn't. In the mean time, those who disagree with him are idiots, duh!
I've always enjoyed Dilbert and I used to enjoy his books and talks, but he's downright repulsive to me now. Absolutely zero introspection.
This discusses how the clinical trials were put together, who was paid by whom, where that money went -- all are suspect and the numbers don't add up.
This is a good read with a lot of info for those interested in digging!
[Edit: Please excuse the title typo! *pfinding]
[Edit #2: Part 2]
Because SOOOOO many credit cards were used before the 1970s, right?
The funny thing about this article is that they say, at the very end, "The claim that the COVID-19 vaccines cause AIDS is false"... but then they link to a Reuters article!
C'mon, normies, now they're just making fun of you.
MDR Fernsehen report
German study: The number of those suffering from serious complications after taking the COVID vaccine is 40 times higher than previously known. Charité in Berlin is carrying out a study on the side effects of receiving corona vaccinations. Professor Harald Matthes is leading the research and is calling for more contact points for those affected.
Includes around 40,000 participants and asks those to consider (1) that some side effects last for months, if not longer, (2) doctors should “Discuss it openly without being considered anti-vaccination”, (3) victims must be taken seriously, (4) special outpatient clinics for vaccination victims required, and (5) Hemodialysis as therapy -- “The presence of too many autoantibodies in the blood plasma of those affected is often the cause of the problem,” explains Prof. Matthes. .
Just the lies of anthro-apologists and an easily swayed public.
Trudeau loves a good lie. I don't think he is capable of anything else.
(Thanks for the TKR link!)