cowboyghostcat 14 points ago +14 / -0

This has legs.

When she mentioned 'Pikton's farm' chills...

It's pretty gruesome. The official story is guy used his pig farm to dispose of dead hookers, but the CT, goes deeper. Ran a charity and involved in event planning. Worth a dig.

cowboyghostcat 1 point ago +1 / -0

It's a propaganda account. Check it out on Twitter...joined this month. Nearly all posts from today. My particular favorite is the "reporter" laying on the ground avoiding mortars.

cowboyghostcat 2 points ago +3 / -1

My favorite "app censored antivacine content" rofl. Sure it did

cowboyghostcat 4 points ago +4 / -0

Upvote for Michael Collins reference.

cowboyghostcat 2 points ago +2 / -0

More likely to double down and blame "anti-vaxxers"

cowboyghostcat 3 points ago +3 / -0

Of course he's angry, kid shot a fellow pedo in the dick

cowboyghostcat 2 points ago +2 / -0

It's not easy...tries your patience but it's like when Neo asked Morphious if there was any going back and Morphious replied "if you could, knowing what you know, would you?"

In '96 spreading black market copies of behold a pale horse to people was effective. That's where I learned Pope John Paul was a member of the Hitler youth amongst many other things.

cowboyghostcat 6 points ago +6 / -0

I remember a time when there was concern on how to store the vaccines bc they needed to be stored at something like -70.

cowboyghostcat 1 point ago +1 / -0

My understanding is Castro wants only vaxed to fly or take train within country, but also expanding to any flight originating in Canada, and it must be Pfizer, az, or moderna, maybe j&j not sure. Thing is not every country is using those. If you got a shot say in middle east or east Asia where they use different brands, you are shit outta luck. Trapped in communist Canada.

cowboyghostcat 1 point ago +1 / -0


Just now

cowboyghostcat 9 points ago +9 / -0


I caused a scene in a hotel lobby Starbucks when I walked by and saw a sign saying no cash. "Its legal tender and against the law for you to reject it; regardless of your feelings. Let's replace 'cash' with blacks, or woman, or trannies...you see the problem?" Didnt go over well, had to take off before security came lol.

cowboyghostcat 14 points ago +14 / -0


Graffiti, and stickers have started popping up around where we are and neighbours are talking about it. The silent majority can't be silent anymore, but we must remain anon.

Tip: Stickers are good, high tack are great! QR codes to mask studies, vax studies are effective. So are the following:

"Your obedience is prolonging this nightmare"

"Control through fear"

"Stop the great reset"


Waterproof high tac stickers or vinyl. Put them all over and grab the popcorn

cowboyghostcat 1 point ago +1 / -0

Trudeau was first leader to speak with Biden after "inauguration"... however, it was Biden that made the call.

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