Mel is making a documentary. That doesn't mean this tik tok video is what that is. It isn't that hard to figure out. I miss when people did digs and thought critically. I look forward to dragging you for falling for and getting duped by this when you figure it out
Guys, just because it says "Mel Gibson documentary," and has video that was shot on a potato doesn't mean Mel has anything to do with whatever this is. The information in the video may be valid, but have a little more critical thought than a vaccine injecting leftist
Hey, I'm really sorry to hear and read this. I've never been the most religious, but have found God recently. I've been dealing with lots of anger from the vaxxtortion and the job/financial loss it has cost me to avoid it. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't looking forward to dragging those at my former employer who I consider to be complicit in genocide. Your post reminds me that the real victims are our loved ones, the good people who submitted out of fear from the propaganda campaign. Thanks for sharing and all the best to them
I've thought the same. Always interested to hear the theories of others. It came out recently that the contracts he signed with Pfizer and Moderna had the verbiage "must be safe and effective" dozens of times in them. At some point soon, he's going to need to come out publicly against the 💉 and big pharma, and have a justifiable reason for doing so. It's finally starting to penetrate the minds of the sheep, thanks to Jamie Foxx. I find the Jamie Foxx story fascinating because even was reporting on the story.
Care to explain your theory? His answer can't just be "a lot of people wanted it and I got it out in a hurry" given the maimed, died suddenlies, and turbo cancers. I and many others here lost a lot because of this shit. I'll vote for him no matter what, but for some, this will be a make or break issue.
So I should do all that, Josh, so my vote can be stolen and the pedophile alphabet army can run roughshod over society, while our RINO uniparty cucks do nothing about it while they lecture us how to live on the screen they told us to turn off? Thanks, swamp rat
Just spitballing, but lately I've been thinking it will be related to the death 💉. What if the truth finally comes out about it, and normies are told via NBC news or CNN or whatever communist propaganda network that melts their brain? Where would that leave doctors, nurses, even those in corporate America who extorted others? "Tick tock," as RINO cuck Hannity might say. The clot thickens...
Hope this dude has the same Trump-like security that allows Trump to speak truth 24/7 without me worrying about his safety. It's a weird feeling I have where I don't worry about DJT's safety and security, similar to how I knew to avoid the death 💉 at all costs before it rolled out. Here's hoping for RFK, Jr.
Agreed. Anyone can go on Fox News and grandstand, or send a stompy-foot letter. If Frank Luntz's cuckold roommate wants our praise, he can do exactly what he just said regarding Schiff, along with releasing all of the J6 footage. Until then, he's a Ukraine-supporting RINO swamp rat, Trump-endorsed or not.
I don't see Trump's arrest as triggering mass population awakening. The normies are still Netflixing, waiting to boost and test and boost some more. I think a swamp rat like Hillary would do the trick, though. And, yes, Trump was arrested and fingerprinted