crane2shoreVjames2hu 1 point ago +1 / -0

New from XBOX... drop bombs on your enemies "simulator"

I think there was a "black mirror" episode like this.

crane2shoreVjames2hu 1 point ago +1 / -0

Ok doomer.

Shame on whoever stickied this.

crane2shoreVjames2hu 2 points ago +2 / -0

It was definitely pilot error. The video clearly shows a classic stall spin. Nose up attitude and looks like no flaps. The pilot was trying to fly slower without lowering the flaps, so the plane was barely flying before it entered a stall and then an immediate spin. Happens all the time sad to say but there was definitely brain fog in that cockpit. https://flightsafety.org/asw-article/getting-behind-the-aircaft/

crane2shoreVjames2hu 1 point ago +1 / -0

so call them umb's...

the whole idea of "deep" comes from the usgs 10km earthquake data.

this movement is about the true reality of the world and we are under constant attack by nonsensical fantasy ideas in an attempt to discredit us.

I will call it out as much as possible.

crane2shoreVjames2hu 1 point ago +1 / -0

bunkers - yes (obviously)
dumbs - no

the simple difference is the belief that at a certain depth the (dumb)base should be immune to attack, right?

but for the same reason the (dumb)base could be neutralized by destroying it's access to the surface.

then you'd have to believe the most massive infrastructure project ever is a drop in the bucket compared to thousands of miles of underground tunnels all constructed in secret.

and what about the cost, the regular "secret" maintenance of it all?

No, dumbs are dumb.

If you have an army you want to be able to use it. Not hide it in the basement so the enemy can lock you in and gas you.

Next you'll tell me you believe in chemtrails.

crane2shoreVjames2hu 2 points ago +2 / -0

^Totally agree.^

Similar trajectory to Howard Stern when he went to satellite.

now he's got 100 million clams from spotify.

I think he still has a role to play, but he's not stupid, patience is a virtue.

Kanye made big waves. Everyone noticed.

Timing is everything.

crane2shoreVjames2hu 2 points ago +2 / -0


Seriously, what are some other important plant medicines..?

crane2shoreVjames2hu 1 point ago +1 / -0

"Died suddenly" obviously results from prior vaccination, just like a fat guy having a heart attack resulted from prior weight gain. However there IS a triggering event (stress, excitement). Would I be getting the same level of vitriol if I pointed out the different instances of fat people getting heart attacks after being pranked or having sex?

I'm simply sharing the science that can help YOU and help others notice the patterns. We HAVE been seeing a lot of these "died suddenly" lately and have ALSO been experiencing sun spot MAXIMUM with many high level solar flares and CME's.

So be prepared for when the sun quiets down and the "died suddenly" fade into the background again.

But if you keep an eye on the sun you'll be better prepared for predicting the next wave of deaths.

This 2min video explains...

a small sample of top science articles

Good luck fren.

crane2shoreVjames2hu 7 points ago +7 / -0

Stop drinking poison, stop watching sports-ball, take it one day at a time and better yourself!

"If you're ever sad go for a run, because then you'll realize that your physical health is worse than your mental health."

Much love fren.

crane2shoreVjames2hu 1 point ago +3 / -2

Well glitches do happen. Consider the Southwest glitch over Christmas.

Check out Suspicious0bservers YT channel, he regularly points out the affect of the global solar electric circuit. 3x more ER visits, electrical fires and communication outages when compared to normal "quiet" solar activity. We have recently been seeing a lot of "died suddenly" which has also been shown to be correlated with solar storms.

Pretty interesting stuff. How many coincidences before mathematically impossible?


crane2shoreVjames2hu 4 points ago +4 / -0

Looks like it was just a computer glitch, flights are taking off again.

There was an X Class Solar flare and 2 M Class flares last night early morning and the outage directly coincided with the last big flare.

crane2shoreVjames2hu -1 points ago +2 / -3

old news - garbage

"CHEMTRAILS" bottom right of Antartica and "piri reis map (*)"
"Pyramids" and "Crop circles"

(*) just enough reality mixed in

ps: there are 3 more of these...

crane2shoreVjames2hu 1 point ago +1 / -0

Me: (Thinking to myself) "Why am I friends with this retard"

If you haven't seen it already...

https://yewtu.be/watch?v=bItcoUb5xsw - Jim Breuer - 'Somebody Had to Say It'

Specifically starting at the 26 min mark. 🀣

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