The CCP doesn't seem to care if they kill their own, so I'm guessing they are lying about the numbers to look superior. Besides, they have the floods going on for a different kind of mass pop reduction. Two dams down. Three Gorges soon.
That's exactly why I never trusted the masks -- not that I thought the virus was ever more than the flu. The few times I wore a mask when sanding, I found streaks from the sides of the mask leading to my nostrils and the dust was caked around my nostrils. Where's everyone's common sense gone?!
Yeah, I'm still confused about why he continues to talk about the vaccine the way he does. He HAS to know. I've heard theories that can kind of explain it, and can make up my own as well, but I'm looking forward to seeing the bigger picture and understanding the chess game regarding the vaccines. I'm sure many people took the vaccines because he supported them (whether for optics or any other reason).
I'm not for or against either of the peoples of Israel and/or Palestine, but it seems a war of propaganda has been at the heart of this conflict since its inception. Many false flags to demonize one side so they can play victim and advance their territory through supposed defence which is actually a hidden offensive. I feel sorry for the people's of both of these lands. One day, hopefully soon, the world will have all these control freaks removed and all the world's people's can finally live in peace together.
it's good that the MSM is making fun of the audit, for two reasons... it brings attention to their audience that it's happening, and it shows their bias when all hell breaks loose and people want to start pointing figures.
i read something about a year ago about the guy who came up with the current internet, that he was coming up with a newer version. Cannot remember his name or the details, but had my sister look into possibly investing. Then lost track.
Here's a better video: