Should be 3 times if you want to get technical.
That "Yes I will" didn't seem like he was too concerned...maybe that race needs some voter integrity scrutiny.
Or maybe they’re already been ended. If devolution is and has been in play, this would make sense.
Very sad....
Should be zero % at this point. You're seriously thick if you think these are good in any way.
I'm it a biological man or woman that killed its dad?
Kash has me extra pumped with his take. Let’s go!
Wow...the King James Version to boot! The winning is already strong, and I'll never get tired of it!
Wait until he gets wrecked by Trump. He might think he's untouchable, but no institution, regardless of "charter", is above the authority of the POTUS.
Tears of absolute joy anyone?
Fox called it for him.
Never ready, only prepared! LET'S GO!
Thankfully, I do not trust my kids to these people.
First amendment doesn't stop at the polling station door....
Yup, fake and gay.
Curious about the 250 million number.
So THAT's Victoria's Secret....
They're getting worse with these doubles...
Never, but he doesn't always speak to the anons....sometimes it's for normies.
I could see that; I may vote early, we'll see.
I'm thinking about them knowing how many ballots to print.
I'm having a hard time justifying voting early. Why would I show the enemy my cards ahead of time? Trump keeps saying it, but I'm wondering if we're not the intended audience. I'll vote early if that's what he wants us to do, but I'm not so sure.
Seems plausible. We can only hope that public awareness prevents this from happening as Q suggests is often the case.