djmarcone 2 points ago +2 / -0

I've seen his movie, it is understandable that he would be quite polished given the things he's been through and his accomplishments up to this point.

djmarcone 5 points ago +5 / -0

the scene from Breaking Bad when Walt is panicking and looking for his money stash, and Skylar tells him she gave it all to Ted.


Now substitute Walt for hurricane victims and Ted for Ukraine and Skylar for Biden/Harris regime.

djmarcone 15 points ago +15 / -0

what if I'm a little mexican boy named Jesus and want a novelty soda can?

Sniff. So sad they're being rayciss.

djmarcone 1 point ago +1 / -0

these DNA companies and the covid nose tests are DNA harvesting ops.

People don't understand the extent of what can be done with a person's DNA.

djmarcone 2 points ago +2 / -0

that much faffing about, that much trouble, that many problems.

8 years later, and she's GTG and all?

Really. How often does that happen? Never.

She ded.

djmarcone 1 point ago +1 / -0

the military isn't 1 cohesive entity, there are a lot of things that can happen. Generals have authority and budgets and chain of command under them. In carrying out THEIR orders they can do a whole lot independently.

People can disobey orders or act in a gray area or use contractors.

Q said "the military is the only way" which can, frankly, mean a lot of different things.

djmarcone 2 points ago +2 / -0

if there was a new source of energy and a new battery tech and EVs worked just like gas as far as charge time and range and reliability, I'd be interested.

But I'm super skeptical because of the new tech like remote kill and speed tattling and so on.

djmarcone 2 points ago +2 / -0

never stopped.

Alex Jones asked him "Are you talking about demons?"

Icke said "you could call them that, some religions refer to them as that."

djmarcone 1 point ago +1 / -0

well, she's apparently exposed him for being a pedo, so there's that.

Someone who did psyops for a living may possibly still be doing psyops. I appreciate her educational content.

And she really stresses that the people are "the plan" and Q never meant for people to sit on their asses and wait for someone to show up and save the day. We are the plan.

djmarcone 7 points ago +8 / -1

ah yes, Tore Says Show. Strangely she always gets some hate here but apparently was involved in CIA psyops and stealing (foreign) elections. Has quite a story and has explained some aspects of Q and what/who/how it is. Worked for Brennan.

Strange person, quite knowledgeable about lots of topics, the podcast is primarily informative and educational.

Also has eluded to being the person who posted as John Titor as part of her work.

djmarcone 2 points ago +2 / -0

could be the rothschilds or whichever family name they are using now. (genetically the same but using a different name for cover)

The USA is built on a strong foundation of freedom, liberty, family values, Christian values yet religious freedom, work ethic and unity in the pursuit of that foundation among all the other classic american ideals.

In order to destroy the country and usher in the global communist technocracy that they want, the USA must be destroyed and thus the foundations must be destroyed. All the chaos we are seeing is textbook communist takeover disruptions. Textbook.

It isn't that the "left" is obsessed with all these things, this thing or that thing, the "left" is attempting a communist revolution. Each atrocity we see them committing isn't about that one thing. Each one is a sledge hammer blow to one more block of the foundation of this country.

By focusing on each one thing and getting upset about that one thing we don't see the forest for the trees.

Make no mistake, this is an ongoing communist revolution.

When wondering who "they" are that is fomenting it from the top, it is clear that the Rothschilds or their ilk. It is someone whose name we likely don't know.

djmarcone 1 point ago +1 / -0

of course, but if you start looking at stats of when Diabetes and heart attacks started to spike, were HFCS and seed oils that prominent?

I either don't know or don't remember, it's possible because when there was a spike in heart disease and the congressional hearings for that is when they came up with the Lipid Hypothesis, I don't think things like margarine and so on were as prominent.

djmarcone 2 points ago +2 / -0

they said Biden endorsed Kamabla 1/2 hour after the drop out posting in order to get back at Obama because she was not the intended candidate.

I think that's true, but it was Jill, not Biden.

I hope he un drops out that will be SO good. Especially if he says it wasn't him.

djmarcone 5 points ago +5 / -0

imagine if generations ago if they HAD NOT pushed the fake "Lipid Hypothesis" and the horribly flawed food pyramid. Imagine if the sugar lobby hadn't fooled and/or paid off everyone so that people cut salt, fat, cholesterol and then filled everything with sugar and sugar equivalents.

Imagine how many heart attacks and strokes could have been avoided if people had instead avoided excess sugar?

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