dominickmilford 2 points ago +2 / -0

Ok, I am going to establish my own commentary in a post to OP but I cannot help myself but to comment on this one because it is FAR FAR FAR too laden with DOOM and DESTRUCTION and some of this has to be checked.

No matter how bad it is -- and trust that it is VERY VERY BAD right now and on the precipice of getting SO MUCH WORSE -- some of these outcomes prophicized are just incongruous with one consistent narrative reality.

For example, the now well documented 16 year plan to overthrow the U.S. Constitution and bring us into a reformed, China-like social order system in the West could and would've potentially involved some of the nastiness predicted here.

Things like the seizure of legally owned firearms, the current unacceptable attacks on the First Amendment and the unfettered surveillance of American citizens are certainly causes of great concern presently. Certainly one could see them leading to further restrictions imposed on freedoms we still enjoy today.

But if the government were to stifle public communications, via restricting the Internet or disabling access to it for the American public - it might aid in the totalitarian goals at the moment but think about the consequences to our markets! We already have a good bit of socialism built in to our economic system via government intervention (and those punishing regulations that are a step stone to a government takeover of any particular market sector) but further interference puts capital investment and small business in the US into extreme danger.

Remember that the goal in the 1990s was to open up the United States to Mexico and Canada, for a planned American Union state like the EU and a new currency called the Amero. This may be why they seem hell bent on weakening our currency and discouraging the remaining free market elements of our system that make us attractive to foreign investment and help keep domestic capital from leaving.

We have seen with China thay as economic opportunities arise with greater frequency the need to open up, relax stoic rules and pivot the policies of government in a way that is most expedient to doing business. The government's hand is forced to cooperate so that maximal growth can be attained, whether ownership of the corporations is public, private, or most often a confluence of both. This is for the best outcome of the country economically. Certainly things like a judicial system unfavorable to business, capable of inventing crimes to seize assets on behalf of government, open rebellion and rioting in urban areas, a population in lockdown with government expenditures propping up the economy, all of those things are going to be discouraging to business investment.

The Dems want to gain total control over the most powerful country in the world and only do this intentional harm so as to try and weaken us to make us more easy to capture. If you ever played Pokemon you know you have to get the rare creature to a low level of HP but not kill it! Then you throw the magic ball. Something similar going on here.

They would rather just do mass surveillance then take away the Internet completely for example. The illusion of freedom has been much more effective in controlling populations.

No sense in dreaming about bread lines when every food donation center in the country ALREADY has lines for blocks and can hardly feed everyone who shows up.

And something else to think about along that front is that the government can't be seen to do a piss poor job of EVERYTHING as they uptick their levels of control over our population. Look at our cousins across the pond and the persistent issue of pensioners - this inspires much anger and chaos in a society, when promises of payment and upkeep of the general welfare are NOT KEPT.

The system NEEDS to work, never efficiently but AT LEAST effectively in order for the bastards to keep their iron grip on power. Otherwise social order WILL break down and they will be ousted, by democratic means or otherwise

Great Britain is a fascinating and terrifying story right now that I have been following closely. It is unconscionable what that government is doing to it's people.

Liz Truss actually had a Trumpian idea of GROWING their way out of the problems (which is the ONLY way out for any Western country right now) and they actually used the pensioners emotions and psychology against THEMSELVES so that they rejected the greater good out of fear of the government not being readily able to show how they would finance the program and continue to receive their checks. Its an amazing story.

Now the totalitarianism seems to have begun in earnest. Let's see how hard it is to control a population that is majority stirred up and coming forward with LEGITIMATE grievances in the modern day.

I don't think you can cancel elections, but if everybody gets paid enough they might just calm down. So just to stay on task: some of the dooming is possible and even probable, but a lot of it is ultimately unlikely I think.

Time will tell if I'm Neville or Winston, 🤣

dominickmilford 6 points ago +7 / -1

This movie has it all. I just gotta say.

This particular model of Brandon, most closely resembling the Kyle Dunnigan version, showed off his ... and I can hardly believe I'm saying this. ... good nature and wry sense of humor, to the audience. To top it off with the "joke" (joke?) about not "eating dogs or cats" was amazing, it proved that

  1. He isn't all that SENILE if he can recall very recent news.
  2. By echoing Trump he appears to be mocking.... but if its discovered as factually accurate, or even a WIDESPREAD problem that hasn't been reported... wowzers!
  3. Was anything a little strange in that exchange? Wouldn't Joe normally want to lets go behind the building Jack or okay fat, wanna do some pushups? in response to being called a geezer? Here, he gives and takes shit from the guy with an even keel, asks for his MAGA hat to put on, BASKS IN THE GLORY AND APPLAUSE, and caps it with a quip about pets served for dinner by Haitian illegal migrants! Who IS THIS GUY?!?
  4. Maybe he is making a statement in Shanksville that he knows how to stab someone in the back too! Maybe he gave the visual the enemy of my enemy is my friend by putting that TRUMP hat on!? You THINK you bought him off but JOE BUYED-IN is NO LONGER for sale!?!?
  5. The more I listen to that exchange and size it all up (and holy Saint MICHAEL is this new Joe tall!) the more I see this as a PSA message, like posting an X video where you eat a coconut pizza slice on the same day the guy who took your job as the mayor of NEW YORK CITY is getting a colonoscopy from the FBI... Doesn't coconut water help with constipation?!? 🤣
  6. I keep thinking about Clinton connections. RFK Jr. recently told a story about the leader in Haiti who predicted his demise at the hands of the 🤡 during a friendly chat with Bobby. Soon after that the Culinary Institute of America shoved him onto a plane in broad daylight and flew him to a field in the middle of Africa. Meanwhile he was being deposed and a new Haitian leader installed. RFK Jr. recalled that his friend was happy to have remained alive during the coup.

Then we have Robert Epstein (no relation to Jeffrey!) the researcher/whistleblower who for 12 years has been studying Google and their mind manipulation and electioneering and has amassed a HUGE amount of data on all kinds of alarming measures they engage in.

Dr. Epstein pops back up after almost 3 years to have a "meltdown" on Joe Rogan's pod, where he recalls that in 2019 he was retweeted by Trump, who complimented his research before Hillary Clinton, whom he ADMIRED responded and claimed Epstein's research had been widely proven to be BUNK and DISCREDITED. She cited evidence which was non-existent and Dr. Epstein says he was BLACKBALLED in his field and science writ large after her claim.

Around the same time Epstein met privately with Texas AG Ken Paxton and other important people to share his research, and a month later his wife was killed in a suspicious car accident. This began a series of suspicious happenings to Mr. Epstein and people around him that have left him deeply frightened and fearing for his life....

Hmm.... Joe Biden, Haiti....

Hmm, Hillary Clinton in the news...

Are these signals from Joe and others to the White Hats that they are ready to take down the Clintons? Is it a signal to the Clintons that they want to depose Obama?

Is it the White Hats telling us what's coming next in our movie?

Most importantly however....

Joe Biden is the Ghost in the Machine! Man, this shit is wild.

dominickmilford 1 point ago +1 / -0

Sleepy little Anterim County Michigan was the catalyst to unwind what we now know to be a whole host of election vicissitudes throughout the entire state of Michigan. It also allowed us to peel back the curtain and begin to understand what the machines were actually doing to alter the voting tallies.

One small win like this can be the start of a huge unraveling of falsehoods. Or at least it is my hope 🤣

dominickmilford 2 points ago +2 / -0

I know it isn't what we want, a low level election but school boards are important really, the genesis of the lunacy, where it is freely discussed without fear of prying ears, maintaining plausible deniability to keep out any interference.

Even Nancy Pelosi had to get her start somewhere; local school boards have been a starting point for many national politicians.

More important than anything is that it flies in the face of the ridiculous statements made by Brad Raffensberger denying any issues with GA elections.

dominickmilford 2 points ago +2 / -0

FULL ARTICLE LINKED HERE #Candidate Ambrose King Jr. Wins Lawsuit to Overturn Election in Georgia#

Tift, Georgia, September 3, 2024 – True the Vote congratulates Ambrose King Jr. on his historic legal victory, contesting and successfully overturning the results of his recent school board race in Georgia. The Court's ruling on August 30th mandates a new election in November, marking a crucial win for election integrity.

In May 2024, Catherine Engelbrecht, founder of True the Vote, received a call from Ambrose King Jr., a long time resident of Tift County, GA, who had lost his bid for a school board seat. Ambrose was concerned about ineligible votes and flawed processes, but didn’t know where to turn. At the recommendation of neighbors in his community, he sought help from True the Vote.

Ambrose King Jr., the descendant from a family of Georgia patriots and a fourth generation educator, was determined to ensure a fair election.

"I commend my legal team and Election Integrity organization True The Vote for the amazing and much needed victory in this case. This is a victory for all those who believe in election fairness. This is a victory for the citizens of District 1 in Tift County, as well as it is a victory for the entire State of Georgia. Elections belong to the people. The power of the vote belongs to the people. The government belongs to people. Therefore, when elections are biased and unfair, when the vote is denied and obscure, and when the government impairs voting integrity and aligns with election engineering, the people are robbed of its true candidate. I am thankful, the citizens of District 1 have another chance to speak. Those 2 votes were just as important to me as the 154. I want my community to know that I will fight and win for them just as I did for those 2 votes.", observed King, Jr.

“This election challenge highlights the broader issues plaguing our national electoral system—issues that True the Vote is dedicated to addressing. When Ambrose reached out for assistance, we equipped him with the tools and support necessary to contest the results. Our efforts revealed inaccuracies in voter records and district maps, which, when presented in court, led to the overturning of an unjust election. Ambrose’s victory demonstrates that vigilance can indeed restore justice.”, said True the Vote founder Catherine Engelbrecht.

Jake Evans, attorney for Ambrose King, Jr., commented, “This is a big win for the candidates and the voters, both of whom deserve fair elections. I am happy for candidate Ambrose King, Jr. as he looks forward to a new election.”

This case stands in stark contrast to claims by Georgia officials, including Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger, who continue to assert that the state’s elections are flawless. Ambrose King Jr.’s experience underscores the challenges candidates and voters routinely experience.

Ambrose King Jr. is now preparing for a new election this November.

A copy of the court order can be found here.

dominickmilford 2 points ago +2 / -0

"Blowing from a gun" definition:

The prisoner is generally tied to a gun with the upper part of the small of his back resting against the muzzle. When the gun is fired, his head is seen to go straight up into the air some forty or fifty feet; the arms fly off right and left, high up in the air, and fall at, perhaps, a hundred yards distance; the legs drop to the ground beneath the muzzle of the gun; and the body is literally blown away altogether, not a vestige being seen.

Sheeeezus. 🙄

This part tho, I can't even:

Although immobilizing a victim in front of a gun before firing the cannon is by far the most reported method, a case from Istanbul in 1596 alleges that the victim was actually put into the gun and executed in that manner.

Next searches: (dimensions of cannons)



dominickmilford 1 point ago +1 / -0

The way we look at Neanderthal man in a museum exhibit and imagine their daily lives and behavior is the way they discuss black people.

Except no one's ever met a Neanderthal in real life. I wonder if these gilded lillies have ever met a black person to be honest.

This is the Obamafication of America in full effect and the reason racism is worse now than in the 1970s and 80s. Liberals have higher estimations of and provide better for their house pets than those celebrated "communities of color."

You're 100% correct and I apologize for sugar coating. It deserves scorn and shame only.

dominickmilford 3 points ago +3 / -0

Oh man, I fucking LOVED this video when it originally aired. I showed it to everyone I knew.

It's kind of funny this video surfaced because I just recently listened to Chris Cuomo on PBD say that "man on the street videos" are NOT a good way to predict or show ACTUAL sentiment for a given population. (Well, this was what the idiot fucking goomba words he was saying meant. I've distilled it down into a single sentence with a subject, predicate and purpose. Just to be perfectly accurate 🤣 )

Cuomo was in part trying to downplay the recent viral Don Lemon video interviewing blacks in New Jersey who were strongly favoring Trump. He sort've came off as having some journalist elitism too, mentioning that Lemon "isn't really a political expert" because it's not his focus, and that man on the street stuff is like "bottom rung" journalism. This of course is a widely held and accepted view within journalism, that I have ONLY EVER heard from Chris Cuomo.... much like many things Chris Cuomo "shares" during these Valuetainment appearances.

This video proves that actually a range of subjects beyond candidate support can be illuminated very well in this type of media. In fact, we heard a lot less of these type of arguments in favor of voter ID after this aired.

The considerations around WHY, in their own opinion, voter ID laws were racist put forward by the white people were shown as not only patently false, but also as shamefully naive and borderline racist.

The responses from black people, regardless of their socioeconomic status or any other characteristics, was to be uniformly shocked and mystified.

Think about this also: we are just talking about ANY ID, the kind you could pull successfully for a drug store or box office visit. This doesn't even need to be a valid ID! Are these white morons suggesting that many blacks have NEVER been issued any ID in their lifetime!?

Sadly they went steps further to suggest that it was likely that many blacks COULD NOT afford or properly use the Internet...

Or that black people would be unable to locate or plan a visit to their local DMV. Can they not use vehicles, or public transportation? Are they incapable of reading a map?

One of the best examples of the EXACT profile of the Obama voter and the racism of LOW EXPECTATIONS ever put on film.

dominickmilford 6 points ago +6 / -0

Tragically, the whistleblower took his own life by breaking into a local morgue and utilizing the equipment there in what is now being called self cremation. 🤣

dominickmilford 2 points ago +2 / -0

I wasn't aware his brother wasn't in Dubai nor that there was a purported "meet up" with Putin in Azerbaijan. I do agree with you that there is something else going on underneath the story we are hearing in the news but I am not sure what.

I do remember General Flynn coming out with that warning. At that time Telegram was having a surge among many MAGA circles in America - COVID was still haunting us and a lot of censorship was happening in real time and being talked about.

Flynn is not the most convincing to me personally. I am sympathetic to what happened to him during the Trump years but I have issues with how he makes some statements and some of his relationships.

I am noting how you describe him and how you say he is disliked by the people of Russia. I wasn't aware of anything to do with his lifestyle but if what you say is true then it does cause suspicion.

Last when you mention terrorists, I would only caution that this is often an argument made by governments when displeased with someone revealing information that was a net good for the populous. Julian Assange and Snowden both were accused of helping terrorism by the U.S. intel apparatus, to sway public opinion and damage control after their controversial actions were revealed. I do not argue the same case for Durov, but only that he would be a target of similar criticism by remaining neutral as he seems to have.

In terms of what the app was used for; if he caved to one government it would cause consequences to another, and so forth. This was an argument about U.S. social media that was at one point censoring MAGA styled groups but allowing Antifa to proliferate without issue.

Thank you u/Volpina for the information you've shared! Its always nice to hear other opinions especially with international perspective. 😎

dominickmilford 3 points ago +3 / -0

Missouri is #1 in rejected attempts!?

Did they drop THAT many there, or are the voting laws well enforced???

Either way, you can see by the churn its become a "problem child" for our "Democracy"...

Wouldn't surprise me if Trump carries the state by 8+ but Governor Parsons or (in particular!!!) AG Andrew Bailey "LOSE" on the down ballot.... or just shift the House of Reps so they stop all the logical and grounded lawsuits against the Biden Administration that Bailey has been coming with & winning BIGLY.

What a sham.

dominickmilford 9 points ago +9 / -0

Just want to say thanks to mods for the sticky and for anyone who takes the time to listen to this and/or the links I have in the first post.

I know this is dense and complicated stuff but what you learn from giving it the attention and energy is pretty monumental I feel. So thanks again for taking that time we all can benefit from this valuable info 😃✌

dominickmilford 5 points ago +5 / -0

I do remember sorting through a lot of that information about Pavel's past and the tenuous relationship with his home country.

I am aware his brother is the real auteur and has been working on what amounts to extremely sophisticated encryption methods since his teens.

Pavel is the less talented coder and tech geek who more or less found ways to platform and monetize his brother's innovations.

My estimation is that he took on some Russian funding in 2021 and that began to mend fences between him and Russia's government. Maybe some of that funding was state sponsored, maybe they wanted to understand its functionality and if anyone else (like the 🤡IA) had backdoor access to his technology.

Assurances from him, a fellow countryman without compromising Telegram to them would probably be enough for Russian people and the military arm to adopt it as a channel. Things can look one way and be another.

I give him that credit because he really seems to be a free speech absolutist who did not want to participate in any spycraft, or subject the Telegram userbase to surveillance by any government, domestic or foreign.

Additionally the rates of customer adoption that Telegram received globally would have been adversely impacted had he given ANY government access to it.... this is the Domino effect, if I let the Belgians get the keys to the backdoor, eventually they are selling those keys to Washington or Moscow or Beijing.

Durov is a realist when it comes to those realities and he had already seen the sequence of events with WhatsApp, which I believe they created before selling it to Zuckerfucker.

Anyways. I like to hope that at least a few rogue actors with large amounts of private equity can gain and maintain that status sans a loss of integrity, which somewhere down the road seems to inevitably cause people to die.

dominickmilford 19 points ago +19 / -0

There are two Rumble pieces I am going to link to here where Benz goes into depth on some other aspects of this, with more attention to India and Brazil. It is no less shocking or mind bending than what he is telling Tucker in this interview.

Mike Benz and his experience in one of the lowest stomachs of the BEAST, US State Department, along with his willingness to show CIA in coordination with NGOs cutouts and the like achieves the policy missions of US State, is without equal among truth tellers. He alone is willing or able to explain how rotten this is. All of this SHOULD and WILL blow your mind if you listen like I did. I'm not a genius at all. This was actually terrifying to me.

US State Dept likely role in backchannel or approval for Pavel Durov arrest part 1

US State Dept likely role in backchannel or approval for Pavel Durov arrest part 2

These people are more SICK than you can possibly imagine.

dominickmilford 2 points ago +2 / -0

I'm not sure but it appeared to be pulled from a magazine in what I saw.

Wish I had something more conclusive for you. There was a post replying to Scavino today referencing it you could find here from earlier today also.

dominickmilford 1 point ago +2 / -1

Rabinowitz the Eldar: It is uh, ☆coughcough☆, VAANDAFULL have you, Mista Johnson, za CEO of Goya, at our table today....

Rabinowitz the Younger: Oy vey you alvays do this!

Rabinowitz the Eldar: VAT are you saying? I can HAAADLY HEAR YOU!!

Rabinowitz the Younger: I TOLD YOU He is the CEO of the GOYIM not the GOYA!!!

Mitzy: But Dave I awllready made bean soup for yuz lunch!

dominickmilford 25 points ago +25 / -0

LMAO. I just did a big write up that centers around this EXACT quote...

I'm glad its getting out there and making the rounds. Tremendously powerful words, mind blowing how close we are coming to it in reality....

dominickmilford 26 points ago +26 / -0

This makes complete sense and anyone who likes Benz and listens to him should be well aware of it. He materialized onto the scene just recently and has contributed grand amounts of vital, terrifying knowledge about the innermost workings of Washington D.C. and how the tentacles of [DS] wrap around to capture the systems. This stuff he drops is often at an almost mind-numbing level of precise detail. I love the guy.

Anyone with sauce like him has a cartridge with his name laser-etched into it, unfortunately. Let's pray they aren't successful.

dominickmilford 2 points ago +2 / -0

You got to get you some "ackrite" and realize you can't turn a ho to a housewife!

Thanks Dr. Dre! One useful thing you did for the culture.

dominickmilford 9 points ago +9 / -0

Very pleased to see this interview posted and stickied, shout out to the mods and to u/moodyblue for the contribution!

Just wanted to add another couple facts provided in this interview with Tucker which is packed FULL of brain super nutrients like it was a superfood itself!

• average American is consuming a credit card worth of plastic per year due to BPAs microplastics etc.

• Casey as a head and neck specializing surgeon mentions she (and others) were not required to take EVEN ONE course in nutrition across her 8+ years of college study

• Obesity used to be so rare pre-1900 that sufferers were considered circus acts and often sent there and studied by pre-eminent physicians of that day (taken from RFK Jr speech yesterday)

• During the 20th century childhood diabetes was so rare an average pediatrician would encounter it once during their entire career of 40+ years (RFK Jr)

• New York state has some of the best drinking water on the planet and the best in the country, used to make the finest breads and bagels and for competitive/quality testing on food items. However, a third extremely low quality reservoir exists in NY and is used to provide running water to (wouldn't you know it?) almost ALL the lower income areas of New York City.

• RFK Jr said when he viewed a map of water supply for NYC that ALL of Hell's Kitchen was served by this 3rd low quality water supply EXCEPT for one address, which was specifically built out at expensive cost to draw off the top-quality water. Guess where it was? the address was the Governor's mansion. (Taken from this podcast w/RFK Jr. as guest)

There is plenty more to discover about this critical infrastructure topic out there but this thread is one hell of a good starting point for anyone!

God bless and happy hunting.

dominickmilford 2 points ago +2 / -0

I'm sure they are still around waiting to put Kamala(la la la) Harris up over 100M+ votes

Biden should have added voted most popular most likely dropout in the Delaware High School yearbook to his list of tall tales.... 🤣

dominickmilford 2 points ago +2 / -0

Wow, that is sad they don't even know that term at a steakhouse anymore...

I wonder what they'd bring if you ordered a Del'monico 🤣

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