doodaddy 2 points ago +2 / -0

There’s an older Red Pilled America about the founding of YouTube. Again it just happened to come along after Vimeo proved the concept and it happened to be bought by Google in time to fight music industry take down requests which is all YouTube pretty much was in the beginning.

Silicon Valley has a way of taking someone’s early but proven idea, then creating a story that makes it sound like they invented it. Oh. Along with a billion dollars in marketing to get to market (network effect) faster than the originator and their head start

Kind of like hipchat then suddenly slack.

doodaddy 1 point ago +1 / -0

too bad. How awesome would it be if the real numbers of the 2020 election, that only someone in the full know would know, were 14M total for Joe?

I could believe it.

doodaddy 2 points ago +2 / -0

crazy. I was "safe" in Marietta at the time. It's weird as a life comes flowing back how close I was to so many events. And how I know a few insider details that most people still just proselytize about.

doodaddy 3 points ago +3 / -0

All the students were kicked out of the dorms and housing in Atlanta and nearby… ga tech. Uga. Kennesaw. Tough titty. The olympiads needed them. People planned to rent rooms for 1000/night but that mostly never happened. The city spent millions. A company called o”mt Olympus pizza” was forced to close

doodaddy 1 point ago +1 / -0

everyone is overthinking it. Bidens and Kamala’s (and Hillary’s and … ) iq circle around 90. They don’t play chess or checkers. Those narcissists, and all their like lackeys, simply ordered the wetworks and then thought about how Trump brought this on himself.

doodaddy 3 points ago +3 / -0

And it comes with free federal power washings!

doodaddy 1 point ago +1 / -0

This makes me happy. Like election night 2016 levels of happy. And the reason is because I get to watch violent psychopaths with no sense of proportion or common sense become unhinged.

doodaddy 8 points ago +8 / -0

I remember watching Conspiracy Theory with Mel Gibson where they theorize that assassins always have 3 names, like Lee Harvey Oswald.

So what I want to know is if he really went by Thomas Matthew crooks.

doodaddy 1 point ago +1 / -0

The jfk similarities are part of the humiliation ritual.

Also, let's not be too sure of the wild, red-headed bloke wearing a Trump hat and coincidentally finding a bbc useful idiot to tell the story of a lone gunman!

don't trust anything!

doodaddy 3 points ago +3 / -0

Remember how communists destroy everything they touch by being malicious evil? They have built SOME things like bureaucracies of law making bodies though, all full of idiotic malicious and evil control. They sure love their creations.

So it’s pretty glorious to watch the law abiders destroy the communist playhouse room by room using clever lawful means.

doodaddy 2 points ago +2 / -0

Sounds like a prime ad opportunity. I wonder what “our governments” pays to persuade them? I’m guessing like 100MM

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