A great defense will be to make Americans healthier, thereby strengthening their natural immunity. Unfortunately, I do believe we will be losing a significant percentage of population due to the VAX which has compromised the immune systems of millions of Americans.
Durbin is one of the dumbest POS's ever to grace the halls of the Senate. His nickname in Chicago before he got elected a Senator by the Demonrat machine was "The Lithuanian Wind Socket."
Another Dinosaur still in office since the beginning of time. A definite candidate for poster boy for term limits.
I don’t think bitcoin will be dipping much anytime soon. I use Gemini Exchange for buying, it’s owner by the Winklevoss twins. It is subject to NY financial laws. I would advice against buying through platforms in other countries.
Don’t me started on these rip-off artIsts. They have been abusing and screwing small business for years. In May, some foreign credit card thieves tested stolen cards to purchase services on my website for zero cost. Even though not one order got through my security, they made 105,000 attempts and I got charged five cents for each attempt. Happened again In September . I’m out $12,000 and it really pisses me off. Hoping to bring a class action lawsuit. Credit card processors are a criminal enterprise in my opinion.
The bad joke of "justice" in Illinois continues, no surprise here. Since his buddy Prosecutor Foxx let him of the hook it was a conflict of interest, a special prosecutor was the way to go. The Illinois Supreme Court has nothing but lefty clowns sitting in the bench,
Just not true. He had plenty of resistance from Republicans in his first term, especially RINO Ryan.