doug1956 4 points ago +4 / -0

He’s dressed far too well here for this to be realistic.🤪

doug1956 1 point ago +1 / -0

Everyone knew the debt ceiling had to be raised at this time. He knew it, voted against and then went on social media to point out how “principled” he is. Grandstanding.

doug1956 8 points ago +10 / -2

I read that President Trump said he needed the debt ceiling to be raised in the short term to reduce the deficit in the long term. This guy is just grandstanding.

doug1956 4 points ago +4 / -0

While this is welcome news, it does not mean the mechanisms of the drug empires they controlled are gone. These organizations have hierarchical structure and others will be taking their places and business will continue. There may even be increased violence as struggles for power begin.

These arrests are the beginning, not the end. Until all cartels are smashed, all Labs and growing fields destroyed, this is merely an interesting start. The will to run a cartel must be crushed as well and that means a lot of bullets in a lot of heads.

doug1956 8 points ago +8 / -0

There are not brothers if they are mercenaries helping terrorists to destroy America. They are more like traitors.

doug1956 4 points ago +4 / -0

They are just going to keep doing this. The Supreme Court needs to immediately step in and rule in these cases. Otherwise, President Trump should simply ignore these rulings. There is NOTHING in the US Constitution that gives inferior court judges power over the Executive, which is an equal branch with the other two.

Enough is enough!! Time to fight, fight, fight!

doug1956 3 points ago +3 / -0

I think this was a total embarrassment for Pam Bondi. She released pablum today with great fanfare but the real juicy stuff is still being held hostage by deep staters or, perhaps, being destroyed.

Sending a desperate letter to Patel was a sign of weakness and I am beginning to fear the AG job is over her abilities. Hope I’m wrong about that.

doug1956 3 points ago +3 / -0

Although, as a member of Congress, she is somewhat of an authority on the art of the con, her lack of work experience in the real world hardly qualifies her to criticize Mr. Musk in this manner.

doug1956 30 points ago +30 / -0

President Trump is actually wielding the true power of the presidency. No one has done that in very many years and many people are a bit shocked by it. It was never meant to be just a ceremonial position. The President's job is to protect America and enforce the will of the people through legislation and according to the US Constitution.

Let the movie continue!

doug1956 1 point ago +1 / -0

First, he lived in Santa Fe county New Mexico and not Arizona. Secondly, the weather there shows temps under 30 degrees at night now. I don't know about you, but I have my heat on when its below 30 degrees at night.

doug1956 3 points ago +3 / -0

Not dooming, paying attention, maybe something you should do. I agree more and more with Sundance at the conservative treehouse says about her. Is he a doomer too?

Rather than just try to appease people on this board with the same opinion to be liked, maybe do a little research and critical thinking before criticizing others.

You can give me all the negative down toots you want, you will never get me to conform to a thought collective when my observations disagree with the majority.

doug1956 4 points ago +5 / -1

I think he just means the dude was in his world, not paying attention.

doug1956 2 points ago +2 / -0

Would have made more sense to put this tattoo BLOW the waist.

doug1956 -5 points ago +3 / -8

It's beginning to look like Pam Bondi is a bit sketchy at this point. How does she have time for all these interviews. Less publicity tours and more indictments, please. She is starting to look like a regrettable choice for AG. All hat and no cattle so far.

doug1956 2 points ago +2 / -0

How do you translate "no foul play" into suicides? I know you are starving for large numbers of people killing themselves but this sounds more like carbon monoxide poisoning to me. I think my cause of death is more likely than yours. You should go into journalism. you would fit right in with the sensationalism and fake news set.

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