100,000 votes, 90% of which go to Democrat Baldwin, come in at 4am without any Republican judge present. Stolen Seat!
Az- President Trump wins by5.5% of the Vote but Lake, a tough on the border candidate in a border state, loses to a total lefty nut job? Stolen Seat!
Women tend to vote based on emotion while men vote based on logic, in most cases. As a white male, I am more than happy to accept blame for helping save the greatest country in the history of the world. Nobody benefits from a weak America.
She is welcomed.
Yes, it's much better to either live in a tent or be exposed to the elements. Typical bureaucratic government thinking. The biggest impediment to success today is interference by federal, state and local government.
I need a definition of sexual debauchery. Purely for research and understanding, I swear.