dtxman75 3 points ago +3 / -0

Where does one find these other anon "groups" this place has been stagnant for my interests (actual intellectually driven information exchange) for quite some time now other than a twitter and minor news aggregate site now.

dtxman75 1 point ago +1 / -0

Remote controlled meat puppet inquiry results: see pixelated short video.

My sense of smell is evolved but hey P you think they can smell that?

dtxman75 11 points ago +11 / -0

Although your comment is reasonable. Service stripes are worn by enlisted. This highly "decorated" LTC is an officer uniform. What stands out to me is it looks like a bronze star ribbon award which is award for heroism NOT involving aerial flight and the uniform has airborne and aviator wings. And i cant quite make it out but looks like a purple heart ribbon with 2 gold oak leaves, so essentially 3 purple hearts. Along with the US Army shoulder patch which I have never seen worn when I was in service. Edit- I found the reason for the US Army shoulder patch as not a SSI but signifies US Army Accessions Command assigned to Department of the Army HQ. So could be legit.

dtxman75 9 points ago +9 / -0

the 17th paragraph. Hmmmm makes me wonder here.

dtxman75 2 points ago +2 / -0

That is my old regiment I can guarantee they are moving the M109s either to or from Annual training grounds which was more than likely Gowen Field. That is where the majority of our Artillery readiness took place.

dtxman75 2 points ago +2 / -0

It is not unusual at all. That is my old regiment. They are moving the M109s either to or from the training grounds. More than likely it was Gowen Field which is over by Boise. Sometimes we would load them up on train but not for every Annual Training.

dtxman75 1 point ago +1 / -0

In a contextual sense the Urantia Book is not concentric to theology-biblical-bible-religion, it is a book, but where a generally accepted paradigm meaning for bible is concerned this does not describe the contextual basis of the Urantia Book, however the text and length can appear to be so. Originating around 1924 onward, one could say the "new age" viewpoint, in part, derived or align with concepts from the Urantia Book but is not "new age" in a literal sense, as it appears how your comments are trying to attribute a basis of genre.

I do not have a searchable version to test this but near certainty that there is not a single reference to the Annunaki in the Urantia Book.

As far as Satanic, that is your own personal belief and well entitled to it. Stating such concepts as satanic and omitting this as opinion based is disingenuous by nature.

dtxman75 1 point ago +1 / -0

So back to the point. The title is clickbait. The content of the video does not propose what is suggested by the article title. It's a typical GWP stretch on their articles. Thats it. The rest that you are putting here c9mes across as self affirmation. I understand many aspects of what you decided to outline but had nothing to do with the point of context of the video content and the click bait title GWP applied. The video comes across more as a rant and whine session rather than disclosure or bombshell. Although the subject covered is useful it doesn't really have the impact intended, imo. If you actually watched and listened to the interview.

dtxman75 1 point ago +5 / -4

Click bait title. This video is just another Giuliani video of him complaining about , we gave it to them and they did nothing. This isnt a Bombshell. This isnt about that "he HAS" a witness. Its a video of him saying we GAVE THEM the witness in 2020. Big difference there.

dtxman75 2 points ago +2 / -0

Similar in style, these were fondly referred to as birth control glasses.

dtxman75 1 point ago +1 / -0

You must have missed the one detail that would be very important if the testing is true as this says. 20 X 20 Faraday cage and they state there is no wireless radiation for their "experiment".

dtxman75 2 points ago +2 / -0

Looks like you still live a happy comfortable life and suffer from 1st world privilege and have not hit the personal precipice yet. The points used on how "bad" it is, are aspects comfortable people get upset about. It can and probably will get ALOT worse. Its interesting how so many are "awake" but still soo comfy. That is the reason we are all in this shit show. Because we are comfy and allow it. If that doesnt break and change then it never will and will be a repeating cycle. Buckle Up if im right it might get real bumpy and uncomfy.

dtxman75 0 points ago +1 / -1

lol OK. 1 is an event, the other is theoretical sequence event causal to the origination. Anyway I responded to your comment that if there was a detonation it would be contained and then that the damage would be limited, which wasnt accurate. Cheers.

dtxman75 1 point ago +2 / -1

The damage would be equivalent to size, type and source of fission or fusion. The detonation would be equivalent of the result of contributing mechanisms of the device. There is no containment of that. Nuclear fallout (winter) would be equivalent of the blast radius and atmospheric release coupled by the by product isotopes and isotope reaction of the radioactive material used for fission/fusion, causing the detonation. This would be devastating to localized area upward of 100 miles or more. Its not even a case to discuss or debate whether the damage would be limited. Essentially 1 to 5 miles of ground level within the radius of detonation would be vaporized and virtually uninhabitable of nearly any living organism. I would consider that far beyond damage and in the category of absolute. If you are within those parameters the only god that is in control at that point is the outcome of physics and the one you decided to pray to in your brain before it is wiped from existence.

dtxman75 2 points ago +2 / -0

"do some research" I would recommend you follow your advice. You can start with our National Laboratories and the DOE programs affiliated with these sites. Specifically LANL, LLNL and SNL. I can assure you, nuclear weapons are VERY real. This kind of logic and comments are outside the realm of reality and hardly worth responding to, but hey maybe one of you will actually learn something if you go do some actual research.

dtxman75 2 points ago +2 / -0

I understand the sentiment behind this comment, however in this scenario, IF a nuclear weapon or bomb is detonated, it would not be contained. It does not work that way, there is no known method, options, techniques or technology that exists to contain the fallout and after math of an actual nuclear detonation.

dtxman75 2 points ago +2 / -0

That hard situation for sure. I dont know what I would have done. All I can say is I stood where I work and would have lost everything I refused to comply. I was set to be fired on Jan 19, 2022. They pulled back on their policies a few weeks prior and I wasnt fired. But as far as I knew I was going to be fired so thats all I can say to that.

dtxman75 0 points ago +1 / -1

Your whiny and blame game comment compelled me to reply. Good luck with that injection

dtxman75 6 points ago +6 / -0

I know, thats why those kind of responses to justify personal choices as forced is so melodramatic. I have compassion for the outcome of these events but no sympathy for choices made. Or lack there of, and then defer responsibility to some long line of excuses or others for those choices.

I mean where I use to live or on travel, Ive seen single mothers with 6 kids driving a newer Escalade and buying an entire 2, overflowing loads of shopping carts worth of food, on their WIC card- OFTEN, and none of them were skinny. Yall arent going to starve because you refused a bio weapon injection, especially in this country

dtxman75 6 points ago +6 / -0

Proof in point right there. Free will, conviction and fortitude. Nice story shared there. Thanks

dtxman75 3 points ago +3 / -0

Exactly. For me words matter especially in context where such things are described as forced. I refuse to allow that narrative to persist unless that truly was the case and I am unaware of very few real "forced" situations, but have heard countless times of circumstances that clearly are not a forced to do something situation.

dtxman75 6 points ago +6 / -0

If that were really the case I would agree but in the US and accounts of events around the globe, generally speaking, this scenario is pure hyperbole. I cant speak for every situation but by and large losing your job does not equate to homelessness and starvation. Other countries and the tyranny that occurred I can agree without hesitation that is forced / force category or extreme coercion. I cant count how many times ive heard someone was forced because they wanted to go on their carnival cruise or take that vacation next month or whatever. If I didnt get injected I would lose my job. That isnt forced.

dtxman75 4 points ago +4 / -0

And out of that lengthy word salad the one immutable and stable fact that resonates immovable and always will be is....it was a choice. It was not forced. You want to see forced, what forced really means in real life. Go visit, integrate, live, experience the democratic republic of congo that should re calibrate a real world understanding of what that truly means.

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