LOL Iran is not a world power. Smoke and mirrors, saber rattle. They may have help from the ruskies and china, but only so much…. The world powers dont want to kick it off. Iran can inflict some damage, but their clocks would be cleaned quickly if they went to far.
Someone should have pointed this out this week at the Sigma Gama Rho Boule this week when she spoke. I was at another event at the same convention center. They said over 10K people showed up. Maybe her biggest crowd yet.
Bsod cover not needed for background extraction. Some data leaks go for months without detection or are never detected. Tools can remove themselves as well with little to no fingerprint. You mostly only hear about the extortion hacks or when the data becomes available on the black market.
Somehow I feel like I already gave her more than that, even I did not contribute.