The cost of not becoming part of nato,
revenge 1 : a desire for vengeance or retribution motivated by revenge 2 : an act or instance of retaliating in order to get even plotted her revenge 3 : an opportunity for getting satisfaction sought revenge through a rematch
At the cost of the Russian Citizens and all of Nato members good citizens whose money funds this corrupt enterprise.
It is a practice in more then a few countries around the world. Not just Haiti.
30+ years ago Gato Tacos were prevalent from food trucks in Puerto Rico. ( US Territory ) Made as a Fricassee in Peru, Roasted on a pit in the Australian Outback, Many recipes across Africa, Asia Minor and Major. Although it is becoming less common, it is more prevalent than you would think.
I have a relative 97 years old lives at home but cannot drive, almost has lost eye-site and on a walker. They wont give her a mail in ballot, they are forcing her to go to the polls to vote. She is not incompasitated or homebound according to OK election law.
Filter at your smart meter was the solution about 10+ years ago. Have not looked into it for a while.