Because if they found any solid fradulent ballots then more then just a few people know bout it. its harder to cover up the more people know, AND ITS SUPPOSE TO BE OPEN AUDIT so we should know if they found any FRAUDLENT BALLOTS
But If its an open process, and they found 1 FRADULENT BALLOT, they should hold it up show us all.... OR if they found NO fraudulent ballots, THEY SHOULD SAY THAT... they only thing that seems for sure is they love gettign paid to count... and its going on for 2 more months. WTF
Im sorry if i sound hopless, but i needed them to say, THIS IS FRAUD, from day one, on any piece of paper that was fraud, and tell us how much fraud when where and why, now it feels like if a missle strikes this location before 6/14 then we never got anything
no i guess im not, this video really hurt my moral... tell us something.