Its not good optics for us or the white hats. We know that Israel controls blackmail schemes to keep US politicians in line. Trump is awfully cozy to Israel right now.
The war crimes against the civilians is not defensible. No way. Israel was conceived by force and threats of force. It shouldn't exist.
For sure. But proving conspiracy theorists right is going to help us convince other people they are living in a matrix. Trump has the power to fully release the Epstein list. He should. What we got was a huge disappointment.
In EU countries are so poor they cant afford to keep basic medical services to the citizens. Hospitals are being shut down. They have absolutely plundered the populous for this war. The last thing they can steal are the pension funds. I expect that to be next.
End this fucking travesty of a war. All our tax money are being bled dry. In my country they close hospitals and people are dying because of lack of care. All money goes into "defense" and the Ukraine.
No accountability what so ever. I am tired of being plundered by these zionist-owned cleptocrats in the EU and US congress. Let Russia have it. I don't care.
I dont think RC has anything to do with the plan. It might have woken up more people to financial fraud in the markets but the deepstaters wont ever let us become filthy rich while they lose it all.
I lost half my lifesavings on GME and BBBY. What was the point of drumming up all that interest 3-4 years ago and have it tank in value. Most people gave up on it. They had momentum years ago.
That's awful. You are the USA, you shouldn't need to beg any country for basic food supplies.