I dont think RC has anything to do with the plan. It might have woken up more people to financial fraud in the markets but the deepstaters wont ever let us become filthy rich while they lose it all.
I lost half my lifesavings on GME and BBBY. What was the point of drumming up all that interest 3-4 years ago and have it tank in value. Most people gave up on it. They had momentum years ago.
He is anti-pope. History has recorded quite a few of them. When disclosure happens people will realize the church has been worshipping saturn/satan for all this time in secret and organized religion will simply cease to exist. A huge crisis in faith followed what I suspect is an awakened consciousness to the higher dimensions will trigger a great awakening.
This is in line with St. Malachy and the final prophecy of the church. We are living in the end times.
Correct. Red wave refers to a predetermined election outcome that Q foresaw in project looking glass. The turnout for Trump is so massive they cant cheat or risk more awakening faster which they desperately try to avoid.
That might be true but why introduce a maverick candidate who exposes all the corruption? Why not continue with the same safe choice like previous election cycles?
The whole thing about putting Trump in prison seems unnecessary for advancing the deep state agenda since it actually exposes deep rooted corruption.
I believe there is a haiku for this.
My name is Jafar I come from afar I blow up your car Allahu Akbar