SD is close to the border and has the various software companies (e.g., Qualcomm) and biotech companies. Cesspool of big globalist companies basically. So, it's another one of the big bases of operation in CA for the loud minority/sociopaths... But hopefully we will make progress towards pushing through whatever fakery is in CA. Hang in there and remember your (online) name!
Thanks for coming back to CA to help! I definitely see more red hats and U.S. flags in my area (somewhere between LA and San Diego) this past year.
The subtitles for what the people are yelling are pretty accurate to me. The only slight difference for me would be instead of "I need to survive" it seems closer to "I want to survive".
Sounds like a plan, although the dictionary will probably be changed soon. =)
This "I'm not a biologist" really came at the perfect moment for me, with my workplace's diversity, inclusion, and equity (DIE) department having plans to request we provide our pronouns next month. I was planning to just ignore the request, but we'll see ... especially with that line existing now.
Family that lives/works in Shanghai confirms Shanghai is shutdown due to "explosion in number of covid cases" (not sure if in Shanghai or due to explosion of cases elsewhere in China). People working remotely and kids remote-learning. I don't even bother with that part of the family for now. They want their China money, so they'll wake up when they're ready to wake up. I think they're partially awake, just unwilling to admit. Oh well, it's not like China's the only place that needs cleaning up...
I'm from Taiwan and now in the US. I always thought Taiwan's DS would be more about human trafficking and Evergreen, although DS having control over biolabs and semiconductors in Taiwan would definitely be a thing. It's likely just everything in general. U.S. (and others) has kept close control of Taiwan for decades, with lots of arms deals and whatnot.
That said, for Taiwan's everyday people, the Taiwanese are very very into contact tracing, masks, social distancing, jabs, and government & civilian enforcement (e.g., via shaming, glares, etc.), probably conditioned from the more deadly 2003 sars outbreak (which was probably a more localized and pre-cursor to the worldwide cv19 release). So, 'precautions' put in place at workplaces due to covid would definitely play a factor in chip shortages. Doesn't mean there wasn't a good portion of the TSMC workforce/equipment from being re-directed to concentrate on implantable chips I guess.
I've planted some seeds of doubt regarding the Ukraine-Russia narrative with my parents, and mentioned stuff about how Taiwan might have some aspects that might be "cleaned" (e.g., Evergreen, biolabs, whatever else we don't know, etc.). Of course, if Taiwan does get attacked, we can only pray that our family there can stay safe...
Yeah, I'm from Taiwan (now in the US) and I have this same question too... I kind of feel Xi is helping white hats; I think that because he did so much to shine a bad light on the CCP of China to people worldwide and help Taiwan's pro-independence faction to distance Taiwan from China. Regarding Taiwan, Taiwan is mostly (publicly) known for Evergreen and chip-maker TSMC. So, the big red flag for me would be Evergreen, but aside from that I don't know much about Taiwan's DS side. Much of the media & commentators in Taiwan are anti-China for the most part, but get their US news from CNN and downplay or don't mention the worldwide protests against the mandates (jabs, masks, etc.). That said, I think most people are referring to the Q post where it implies Trump is working with people like Xi and Putin to bring down deep state...
The unfortunate thing is that a lot of the Taiwanese media speak fairly highly of the Biden administration and the populace very asleep in most things aside from China (and even then many see China favorably). They frown upon anyone that refuses or speaks against masks, jabs, contact tracing, etc. A good portion of the Taiwanese get their international news (or at least their US news) from CNN... It's been a frustrating two years with my Taiwanese family, but I've planted seeds of doubt in them regarding masks, jabs, contact tracing, Evergreen, etc. the past two years and it's up to how things unfold and how they process it now. I'll be here for them as needed obviously. But, if I keep worrying about them, I'm going to be the one that falls ill.
I'm an immigrant from Taiwan (now naturalized US citizen), and I have that question too... Aside from chip maker TSMC, the other Taiwanese company with major major international dealings would be Evergreen. I don't know if there would be specific locations in Taiwan that could be the focus of any cleansing by white hats, but I've never looked into these things much...
Unless it's someone pretending to be her, this Amanda Winn Lee is a voice actress (providing the English voice for characters in Japanese games and anime generally). Nowadays, she's more known for her Youtube videos about weed.
I know of her and her ilk mainly because she and other voice actors/actresses pushed and are still pushing the metoo agenda in the voice acting community... Being essentially actors, they all pretty much sound like teenagers trying to sound like an adult and (at least publicly) drool about everything LGBTQ... Just random, unsolicited info for you. She's mostly irrelevant so no need to remember her. :)
Yeah, I'm from Taiwan (now in the US) and I guess we'll be learning much about Taiwan in the grand scheme of things too... The big red flag for me is Evergreen is Taiwanese, but aside from that I don't know much about Taiwan's DS side. Much of the media & commentators in Taiwan are anti-China for the most part, but get their US news from CNN and downplay or don't mention the worldwide protests against the mandates (jabs, masks, etc.)...
You bet! Hopefully your parents will learn to appreciate your level headedness and start listening to you, whether it be on stuff you learn here or to grab some clothes and house key before exiting into -26C weather.
I hear ya. I feel I have been unable to redpill my family regarding this pandemic because of what has been instilled in them by Asian culture (Taiwan in my case). My experience is that Asians pretend to be humble, but are really really proud of themselves and think themselves to be superior.
I try to talk to them about the masks, lockdowns, etc., but they just reply "Look how low the covid numbers are in Taiwan. It's because of Taiwan's policies of masks, contact tracing, quarantine hotels for incoming foreigners." They just trust health authorities, especially Taiwanese ones, so much, that I've had not much luck getting through to them. So, while I'm surprised how many Americans just do whatever they're told to do, my family is surprised by how many Americans aren't following things like mask mandates, social gathering guidance, etc.
They tend to love/trust centralization of powers and just don't see much problem with big tech, big government, big companies, etc. talking to each other in general. Other things, like corrupt politicians (anywhere in the world), China's infiltration of U.S. and other countries, etc., I can get through to them easily, but the dangers of the virus relative to the vax, lockdowns, masks, tyrannical takeovers, etc., not so much. It would probably take some big disclosure regarding the virus and/or Taiwanese Evergiven to get through to them. In the meantime, I am giving them my info (generally the obvious things), and they at least are receptive of what I say (rather than yell at me or tell me to shut up or something)... So when there is a big disclosure hopefully sooner rather than later, they will look to me for answers.
Sorry, that was a bit of a rant, but your post made me want to add a bit of my south Asian experience and grievances. :)
Thanks for posting this! I was looking all over for this on GA last week but couldn't find it among all my bookmarks and saved images.
I think that's Alex Acosta rather than Alex Azar?
Oh wow. I will have to review this further after work. Alex Azar was not a name I heard much of in the (alternative) media. I first heard his name from Taiwanese media when he visited Taiwan with some others during the early months of covid...
Yup. My workplace claims 96% as of this week (week of 12/13). Recommending the booster now and requiring new hires to be jabbed. Nothing is suspended though. We have been completely understaffed even before they put the non-jabbed who didn't get an exemption (not sure if they didn't file one or they filed one and was denied) on leave, which may be why my exemption was approved and I'm still on board. I'm ready to be put on leave, but will continue working as allowed.
This one directed to informed consent?
I write with regard to the matter of potential Covid vaccine and my desire to be fully informed and appraised of ALL facts before going ahead. I’d be most grateful if you could please provide the following information, in accordance with statutory legal requirements:
- Can you please advise the approved legal status of any vaccine and if it is experimental?
- Can you please provide details and assurances that the vaccine has been fully, independently and rigorously tested against control groups and the subsequent outcomes of those tests?
- Can you please advise the entire list of contents of the vaccine I am to receive and if any are toxic to the body?
- Can you please fully advise of all the adverse reactions associated with this vaccine since its introduction?
- Can you please confirm that the vaccine you are advocating is NOT experimental mRNA gene altering therapy?
- Can you please confirm that I will not be under any duress from yourselves as my employers, in compliance with the Nuremberg Code?
- Can you please advise me of the likely risk of fatality, should I be unfortunate to contract Covid 19 and the likelihood of recovery?
- Can you please advise me if I were to experience any adverse reactions is the manufacturer of the vaccine liable? If the manufacturer isn’t liable will the company I’m currently employed with be responsible & liable as it is their request that I have the vaccine in order to carry on my employment?
Once I have received the above information in full and I am satisfied that there is NO threat to my health, I will be happy to accept your offer to receive the treatment, but with certain conditions – namely that:
- You confirm in writing that I will suffer no harm.
- Following acceptance of this, the offer must be signed by a fully qualified doctor who will take full legal and financial responsibility for any injuries occurring to me, and/or from any interactions by authorized personnel regarding these procedures.
- In the event that I should have to decline the offer of vaccination, please confirm that it will not compromise my position and that I will not suffer prejudice and discrimination as a result?
- I would also advise that my inalienable rights are reserved.
Wow, I didn't realize he is currently so close to my neck of the woods. Well, at least according to the 'official' story.
Yeah, I was in this situation a couple of weeks ago and initially thought about caving when the company mandate came. I calmed down and filed a religious exemption recently and am waiting for their decision, but I'm fine with getting put on leave and letting them fire me (or me finding a job with no mandate).
It's scary for sure though. I guess my only advice to them is to calm down and not get jabbed immediately. They should list out all the options Boeing and that other company provided and the options that are available to them (e.g., paths they can form themselves)... Boeing's deadline is Dec. 8 so those at Boeing have until around Nov. 8 to decide (e.g., first shot Nov. 8, second shot two weeks later, and then two weeks to be considered "fully vaccinated" seems to be the terms at some places). Their skillset is probably pretty specialized and requires large teams, but they really should think if they have options at smaller companies. Probably not much help but their first step is to calm down.
I was thinking that too... I was expecting Boeing to be first in line to require it.
Nope, you are remembering correctly. I took a quick quote from an article online: "Longtime Hasbro Chairman and CEO Brian D. Goldner died Tuesday, just one day after stepping down to take medical leave for prostate cancer treatment."
I'm commenting because my family is from Taiwan. A lot of Taiwanese are in bed with the Chinese. Business deals, jobs exported to China, etc. etc. Same stuff that's going on with executives & politicians everywhere. Not saying I've researched into Mitch's wife, but the ones that were allowed to come to US early on are the ones with the proper connections.
The pro-China faction in Taiwan was fairly disorganized during the Trump years and now are speaking up and more unified again. Basically, while US has "blame the unvaccinated" and white people going on right now, Taiwan currently has the pro-China faction saying "It's all the pro-independence party's fault. China is all loving, but needs to punish its wayward children." The pro-China faction has been saying the same stuff for decades though, while refusing to just go 'home' to China. Every country has their version of societal parasites.
Yeah, it's the same in Taiwan as well. Very good service and inexpensive. That said, I believe the great service & low cost are the reason the Taiwanese trust their medical establishment completely and my family mostly brushes aside my info/counterviews about the masks, the jabs, contact tracing, lockdowns, etc. I think it's one of those things that it starts out great and cheap until the populace depends on it and expects it, and then the people behind these establishments show their true colors. On a similar note, some countries don't need to mandate the jab, because they know at any moment they can strongly encourage it and most everyone will pretty much fight to get the jabs...