flowbrother 0 points ago +2 / -2

I'm sorry, but you are talking apples because you have been taught to view the orange as an apple.

HINT: Try to uncover where you picked up this assumption, this belief that Bitcoin is some sort of commodity?

Was it from understanding the technology behind bitcoin, how cryptography works, what decentralized actually means, or was it from reading and understanding the white paper......????

Or was it possibly that you kinda just picked that up unconsciously because it is in the interest of blood thirsty bankers in having the normies unquestioningly BELIEVE that Bitcoin is some sort of mOdeRn coMmoDitY, a diGiTAl aSseT..... etc.

Until you understand that Bitcoin is NOT a commodity, it is NOT an iNveStmENt or a get quick rich scheme and that by it's very nature it is defining the standard of what 'decentralized' can be, you will simply be floundering around in the dark with false premises and assumptions guiding you into further useful idiot water carrying for the banksters.

It is really embarrassing.

Meanwhile, this very day YOU (yes YOU personally) will be enabling the banksters in quenching [their] thirst for our children's blood by using [their] permissioned centralized fiat currency - the bit in your mouth by which [they] control your every moment.

My hands are clean. I saw a way of existing in this world where I exit from [their] system non-violently and simply STOP enabling [them] with every single transaction I make.

Study up.

You are waaaay behind.

flowbrother 2 points ago +4 / -2

I usually only lurk here to see how things are moving along.

Sometimes I feel I have to log in to comment on something to help enlighten, but very rarely......

and almost always when it comes to the awfully embarrassing situation of seeing otherwise well informed anons who do their homework simply repeating or amplifying very old bankster created myths about Bitcoin - cringingly exposing that they have done zero homework and understand it not at all.

It is a sad state of affairs, much akin to trying to convince the 'fine people on both sides' crowd to simply dig a tad bit deeper before blindly carrying water for the LFL (Lying Fucking Liars).

Folks, Bitcoin is the primary weapon that we have to unseat the bankster scum from [their] sef appointed thrones, and NO it is NOT some sort of diGitAL aSseT that gets bought/sold/valued in terms of [their] fiat currency..... i could go on, But rather I would urge you to simply do your own research and learn to understand what Bitcoin is... the technology... how it functions.

Once you understand how it works, you will realize that all of these outdated 2014 era narratives you see popping up are based on beliefs that were put into you and that they are simply BELIEFS, there is no thing else behind them.

Don't trust.... verify.

Start by watching Andreas Antonopoulos videos explaining the technology itself, from there you will learn to understand the thing directly and how to directly observe and know the thing without ANY third party narrator (including Andreas).

But for now..... please refrain from amplifying false words coming from a place of zero knowledge.

It is seriously embarrassing and discredits the whole community.

flowbrother 3 points ago +5 / -2

Yeah, you really should read it again. What he's trying to enlighten you on is that the article is written by someone who hasn't a clue of what they are saying and are just amplifying the usual bankster myths abut bitcoin because it is the one thing that [THEY] truly fear.

by Kokonut
flowbrother 0 points ago +1 / -1

Just a heads up.

Sometimes people don't understand sarcasm and satire.

Remember the /s

To let them know you are jesting.

flowbrother 5 points ago +7 / -2

It still amazes me that this community could be so informed about some things and completely ignorant about others.

f-droid for all android apps. Check it our NOW !!!

There is no reason at all to use that outdated corporate hell hole of the ghey pLaY sTorE.

There is in fact ZERO reason for interacting with the goggles at all.

Ya all really aught to know this by now.

I won't even get started on the colossal ignorance espoused by folks on these boards who just dutifully repeat 2014 era bankster lamestream media narratives about Bitcoin.

The single weapon that we have to exit from [THEIR] blood soaked system and these kids CHOOSE to enable those banksters in quenching [their] thirst for our children's blood every single time they use those fiat blood soaked dollars..... it reminds me of the people clinging desperately to the 'fine people' narrative....

And THAT level of ignorance is just downright embarrassing.

flowbrother -1 points ago +1 / -2

Bitcoin is the declaration.

Bitcoin is the exit.

You are probably going to get some dutiful repetition of the 2013 era lamestream media Bitcoin narratives to your comment.

It really is quite embarrassing to see this community so far behind on the silent, global Bitcoin revolution.

I expect pedes to Dig and research, to learn, to understand. To be discerning..... To not rely on a third party to tell them what to think or believe....

Yet, when it comes to Bitcoin - the primary weapon in the global war against the blood thirsty bankster scum......

..... I see many pedes acquiesce to being media repeating mouth pieces pretending that Bitcoin is a tOoL oF tHe gLobAliStS or uSeD foR cHiLD tRaFfiCKinG etc.

Even worse, iT iS tHe NumBeR oF tHe beAsT..... while they obediently enable the quenching of the banker's thirst for our children's blood with EVERY transaction they make with money that has [their] satanic symbology printed directly onto it, through an electronic credit card system that is hard coded with 666 mathematics, scanning bar codes of which each and every one has the number of the beast in it as a separator....... the blindness, the complicity is stunning.

You will not find ANY 666 coding in the mathematics behind the Bitcoin blockchain.

I recommend all pedes watch Andreas Antonopoulos videos until they understand the actual technology and then they won't need a third party to tell them what Bitcoin is and is not.

Until then, they disqualify themselves from adult discussion about it.

flowbrother 2 points ago +3 / -1

Many months ago, there was a post with a link to a data base where you could search WEF member corporations globally.

I just can't find that link.

Anyone got it?

flowbrother 9 points ago +10 / -1

As much as part of me wants to rail against what you are saying and explain it all away, you have shed light on a perspective that I hadn't even thought to consider.

Thank you for sharing. I am hoping someone would be looking into a broad study on this, but for sure I will be taking note on this going forward.

What a tragedy !!!!

flowbrother -1 points ago +1 / -2

This might explain the recent influx of anti-semitical trolls on gab

flowbrother 0 points ago +1 / -1

Bizarre misxing up religion - a choice - with skin colour.


flowbrother 0 points ago +1 / -1


Which lifestyle habits did Duesberg correlate with that particular sub-culture?

What were they doing that is known to destroy your immune system's function?

Hint: It was NOT anal sex. That was all to get notoriously prudish AmeriCAN'Ts to freak out.

Study up. You are close.

flowbrother 0 points ago +1 / -1

Were you aware of the fact that ONLY the patients taking AZT would have made it to your hospice and those that refused are walking around today as normal healthy people?

flowbrother 0 points ago +1 / -1

NO. I was there. We were front lines in the battle against Gallo and Fauci's Science via Press Release demanding evidence, a study maybe, that links HIV to AIDS. The entire event was fraudulent, but we didn't have Q drops leading us in the right direction, teaching us HOW to fight and of course society thought we were 'reckless in the face of this vErY rEaL sCouRge'.

Dr Duesberg - nobel prize winner was the guy who called them out, demanding some sort of correlational evidence that HIV and AIDS were in any way connected, also observing that the mythical HIV fantasy has NEVER been observed in a human being. Result: discReDiteD.

He however, unlike the science via press release crowd, did find correlation with the SYNDROME (NOT dis-ease) called AIDS with some lifestyle choices the affected groups were making. Actual science, through study, not through DECREE.

We watched as the owner of the AZT drug (Fauci) promoted the shit out of the most extreme immuno-suppresant to ever be 'authorized' (by his wife) for human use.

US: Why suppress the immune system into oblivion if the observed SYNDROME appears to be an immune DEFICIENCY?

Then the fake tests - testing for T Cell count, the very insert on the package disclaimer pointing out that the test does not in any way show the existence of HIV. Then different numbers used in different countries to deliver a POS or NEG test.

If you took THE SAME TEST in England as Botswana, you would test NEG in England and POS in Botswana. ALL POS testing people were put on AZT, which caused their immune system to quit and VOILA - AIDS death statistic. And more dead Africans to not have to contend with when the globalists come for their resources.


What we are seeing now is [them] trying the same successful whitewash event with a new biG sCarY viRuS.

the difference ?!?!?

Q drops.

WE are no longer alone. The great awakening is here and the 'reckless in the face of this vErY rEaL sCouRge' are now the vast majority of AmeriCANs.

There are hundreds of thousands of us for who the great awakening leads to this past AIDS tragedy being properly addressed, not to mention 911, which is also connected.

flowbrother 9 points ago +10 / -1

Nah, it was fake then and it still is. It's just that you still believe Fauci's first rodeo - AIDS. Ever wonder why it just stopped after 9/11 ushered in the neXt biG fEaR - terrorism?

Fake war, fake terrorism, fake virus, rinse, repeat.

flowbrother 1 point ago +2 / -1

I thought so too, but it looks like [they] ran with Omicron.

So now the vax-holes are becoming OMICRONIES.

flowbrother 2 points ago +3 / -1




Let's split hair about semantics. Fool.

You know he meant a computer algorithm generated the biG sCarY viRuS scare. Of course it was written by somebody - namely, Neil Ferguson, Imperial College London.

The computer simply spit out the insanely erroneous mOdeL and the media ran with it.

flowbrother 0 points ago +1 / -1

The problem that we have always had in OZ is that we have been lulled into trusting our aUthoRitiEs.

'That couldn't happen in Australia'

How many times in our lives have we heard people saying THAT ?

AmeriCANs always had a healthy distrust of gov.

The AmeriCAN'Ts, well, they are another story and becoming more insignificant daily.

flowbrother 0 points ago +1 / -1

I appreciate your take, but claiming that Hendrix would sTruGglE with the infantile nursery rhyme licks from Frusciante is a bit naive.

Just to fill you in a 'suspension' is just raising a note of a particular chord. It ain't that hard and the standard pop progressions relied on heavily in all of the pepper's tunes are extremely elementary.

Not knocking them. I love the peppers and I really love Frusciante's touch. Very unique. But pretending it is somehow difficult to play is disingenuous.

flowbrother 0 points ago +1 / -1

The mAsSivE protest presided over by Jesse Jackson that polled a whole 60 -100 people?

The follow-along crowd has abandoned ship.

flowbrother 1 point ago +2 / -1


60 -100 people in the BIG event presided by Jesse Jackson in chicago is representative more of the phenomena that the follow-along-crowd has abandoned them and it is only the fools who really need the georgie bucks showing up.

The usual 100 useful idiot crowd in Portland is also very low on numbers.

[THEY] are no showing the weak turnouts at these dreaded protests because it reveals more FAILing for [them].

A big giant nothing burger that just further shows the AmeriCAN people that the AmeriCAN'Ts are actually outnumbered by legions.

flowbrother 2 points ago +4 / -2

There is a reason why in the OG community it is known as the great rippleoff.

Catch up.

You still stuck in 2016 bankster scam.

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