frazzledrip 33 points ago +33 / -0

Have to wonder if they are taking out the bridges so people can't leave the cities.

frazzledrip 1 point ago +1 / -0

So I heard about Operation Blue Beam near the end of high school ( early 90's ) and I was told it would be used in one of two ways.

The first would be a fake an alien invasion; they would "hologram" real fighter jets as UFO's. That theory got the most wind behind it over the years. When 9/11 happened, I immediately thought it was a Blue Beam test ; hologram an airplane over a missile or something.

The second was that each religious area would be shown their "God" appearing and basically saying it was time - you people are the REAL chosen people of God. You show that to each religion and you have a world wide holy war.

This is the 2nd or 3rd time I've seen something about this press conference. I wonder if the second scenario is the one they're going with. Nobody bought the UFO shit they were putting out there a few months ago.

frazzledrip 7 points ago +7 / -0

Absolutely possible w/out question. The aurora's colours are simply the result of how high up the sun's particles collide with the atmosphere.

frazzledrip 3 points ago +3 / -0

So.. we're already leaving in droves because of Trudope, so he goes right ahead, says to himself "Hold my fucking beer" and just silver platters yet another reason to leave. What a fucking retard

frazzledrip 2 points ago +2 / -0

I thank you, I always strive to help others if I feel I have valid input. I watched my marriage dissolve and my wife change into something very similar to some of the behaviour the OP's wife has shown.

The user name yea lol. That's so folks know right away I'm awake :)

frazzledrip 12 points ago +12 / -0

No offence, but don't do any of this. Your wife has made it clear she is no longer in love with you - anything you do now to try and sway her back to you will only drive the wedge further. Trust me, I've seen this a thousand times.

I have a strong feeling your wife got with you in order to help herself get over her EX. Without knowing how long they were together, the death of a former spouse can very well trigger a depression in people - even if they've been done for years.

Your wife's feelings for you were actually a misconception in her mind that she had real feelings for you, whereas in reality, it was a way to mask her grieving the loss of her former relationship.

Let me ask you some questions :

Did your wife grow up without a father? What's her mother's personality like? Her phone, is it pass worded?

Possible you married a narcissist. A narc will do exactly this when you stop feeding their ego. Most of the time this comes from straight up boredom. See, regular life is boring for a toxic person - they need constant adoration and believe infatuation is actually what love is.

Over the course of time, infatuation becomes regular love. To a toxic person, when this happens, they feel you have betrayed them or you stopped loving them. They then have to turn it around so it's your fault

You don't just 'fall out of love' with someone unless they are horribly abusing to you - and even THAT doesn't make some people stop loving someone.

The fact she has all these pics of her and her ex could simply mean she never got over him and now that he's gone, she's realized there will never be a reconciliation with him.

Very sorry to tell you this, but it very much seems like your were a emotional filler for your wife. She was able to keep up appearances simply because the idea that her and her EX might get back together ; that hope would keep her going and provide a 'happiness' that others believe she feels for her current life - it's for the life she wants.

Another piece of advice to anyone here who wants it. Do NOT ever, ever get involved with someone who is still attached to their EX ; especially if they were / are married. They have a history you only have one version of - the version the person you're seeing wants you to believe. You will A L W A Y S get hurt if you get involved with someone fresh from a long term relationship or someone who is grieving the death of a former spouse.

sorry for the book, I've lived this ( somewhat ) and see it with many people I know.

Your best advice my friend, is to leave. You can not save anything at this point except your own sanity. This is a major reason why so many men kill themselves - they stay stuck trying to figure it out. You'll never figure it out, friend. You can't control what anyone else does, or how people feel about you. Remember though : the way people feel about you and treat you is actually self reflection - hard not to , but don't take it personal. It's THEIR mental / emotional problem to figure out, not yours.

Be good and true to yourself and leave. Fuck the house, the car, all the shit you own ; get yourself away or this WILL go very, very bad for you emotionally and mentally and you'll never be able to get out of it.

You don't want to be one of the 85% friend.

frazzledrip 4 points ago +4 / -0

This is what I've believed from the start : no new virus at all, they just rebranded the flu / cold into 'covid'.

frazzledrip 2 points ago +2 / -0

Not sure really if DeNiro is a diddler. He has a kid that has autism that he's convinced was caused by vaccines and he's made a stink about it a few times.

Certainly not defending him in anyway, he turned out to be a scumbag but... there is that part about him. It's the only reason I don't think he's a diddler ; just a lefty nutjob

frazzledrip 3 points ago +3 / -0

I don't know why anyone is surprised by this, it's right in the Quran about infiltration of other countries through means of government offices. They are absolutely planning to wipe out all non Muslims.

frazzledrip 3 points ago +3 / -0

I would argue based isn't the right word, but there isn't much social commentary about world views in any of these.


frazzledrip 3 points ago +3 / -0

She wasn't voted in ; she was appointed. There was a thread on here yesterday about this actually. Not elected, just keep that in mind.

Seriously... IRISH people voting in a non white??? Come on lol

frazzledrip 4 points ago +4 / -0

You mean, you gave free passed to third world degenerates so they can go and trash our national parks. Good fucking move. Whoever decided this one should be shot. Guaranteed the parks will look like downtown anywhere India in about 3 months. This is getting beyond retarded.

frazzledrip 21 points ago +21 / -0

Hmmmm.. who had Fauci's job when AIDS showed up? Fauci. Ever see "Dallas Buyer's Club"?

Tell me they didn't create AIDS, study if for 30 years and try to find a way to give it to everyone. Been saying it since the start.

frazzledrip 6 points ago +6 / -0

Just imagine being THIS mentally incapable of normalcy that you have to pretend you're a woman and then want kids as your audience. When can we stop putting up with this shit?

frazzledrip 7 points ago +7 / -0

Are we surprised it's a non white? When are we allowed to stop putting up with this ghetto shit? If whites acted towards blacks the way they do ; we'd be able to run them out of town in a week.

frazzledrip 7 points ago +7 / -0

Is it any surprise really? We're talking about people who routinely and regularly have the lowest test scores across the board. They can't even talk properly, let alone function like a normal adult.

frazzledrip 6 points ago +6 / -0

Remember that convid was supposed to happen under Hillary around 2017 or 2018, so the timing for this would make perfect sense.

frazzledrip 10 points ago +10 / -0

You 've obviously not seen a lot of burn videos.

www.kaotic.com here you go... put fire or burning into the search

So you body is 2\3 liquid. Remember that with gasoline, it's the fumes that ignite, not the fluid. As you burn your skin breaks open, as your skin breaks open, liquids come one and quell the fire. It is extremely hard to actually immolate yourself to death - 99% its's the infection that kills you.

However, breathing in super hot air from fire will fry your lungs and this is the other thing that mainly kills when fire is involved.

Dousing yourself in gasoline and lighting it is certainly not a fake stunt.

frazzledrip 13 points ago +13 / -0

It's part of their teachings. It's right in the Quran about infiltrating non Muslim countries and getting involved in the politics of other countries and slowly converting them to Islam.

frazzledrip 2 points ago +2 / -0

Right after Truth Social started up and there was mention of streaming in the future, someone on here called it : they're going to live stream the trials and executions. Wouldn't that just be beyond awesome lol

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