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We can't allow democracy to ruin our democracy !
Joe's only colleagues are in Bejing.
Mathing is raycis !
Nikki Haley is devastating for Nikki Haley.
The media has become impotent.
He's on my street shitter list.
Aye, every last one of them.
Change happens when you don't use Dominion voting machines.
If you're caught committing treason you will get a trump tattoo before we hang you.
And that's with democrats helping them.
When lies stop working communists turn to violence. It has always been so.
This is the way.
To the ones being hanged justice seems like retribution.
C'est un faguette. Il souffre d'une maladie mentale.
Making baffled doctors think is antagonizing them !
Millions have been murdered since this post.
You sound like a doctor.
Frank is going to need a military lawyer.
Covid disability falls under mental retardation.
What they do not understand is that 250 million armed civilians have had enough.
A class based culture has no sense of what America is about. They are an extreme hazard,
Let them eat lead.
Going "postal" has a long and colorful history.
Sounds like Dersh has cut a deal.
We can't allow democracy to ruin our democracy !