fuqmsm-69 6 points ago +6 / -0

They definitely failed at taking him out, Trump is protected by the man upstairs. That is why he is untouchable to them. Trumps' role in this realm is so much bigger than just being the president.

fuqmsm-69 4 points ago +4 / -0

What people seem to be missing is that so called "Anti Woke" J K Rowling herself or the producers bent the knee and added a trans wizard to not hurt the feelings of the weirdos. Not quite the same thing as saying women are real.

fuqmsm-69 2 points ago +2 / -0

i am absolutely not a fan of this disgusting human being, with that said i am not a fan of suspending anyone. everyone has their constitutional rights and everyone should be able to exercise their first amendment. Imo by banning or suspending their side makes us no different. everyone should have a voice regardless. that is what makes this country great. nobody should be banned or blocked or canceled for their speech. period.

fuqmsm-69 26 points ago +26 / -0

Im pretty sure he was the owner of the bar at that time, which would make sense since around that same time he acquired quite the drinking problem. allegedly due to something he was involved in during the last general election.

fuqmsm-69 6 points ago +6 / -0

Unbelievable, Canadians better never forget about this. I always donate to the local police in my area so I am not anti police but these jackboots went too far and hopefully our friends up north NEVER forget.!!!

fuqmsm-69 4 points ago +4 / -0

Something doesn't feel right about this. I hope it's on the up and up for the truckers sake. They have been through enough and to have people do something to hurt them further would be not only terrible but disgusting as well. I pray for the truckers.

fuqmsm-69 1 point ago +1 / -0

Would it be too much to ask to maybe set something like this up for the many homeless vets in this country. They fought and some died for the rights of all the illegal aliens to come to our country unchecked and paid off by the left. Can this circus get much worse before we have finally had enough? Who would of thought there would be a day when Canadians had bigger balls than We the People... when do we make this stop? All of it?

fuqmsm-69 3 points ago +3 / -0

They say they are doing it for "racial equity " WTF!... crack pipes for the black and brown? And WE are the white supremacists? Unbelievable. Just Unbelievable. I can't wait to get out of this twilight zone we are in.

fuqmsm-69 2 points ago +2 / -0

Since when did yahoo become comedy writers? With material like this they could be the head writer for colbert. Unreal the amount of bullshit msm feeds the people.

fuqmsm-69 11 points ago +11 / -0

What they are trying to do won't work, they can't take a civilization that has been built purely by and for fossil fuels for the last few thousand years and completely switch to electric in less than 10 years. Not only will the infrastructure not support it, im just assuming that a large percentage of people in this country can't afford to switch everything including their vehicles to electric. I feel that this is a pipe dream that will fail miserably at cost of the American tax payer. Like everything else has since shit pants and the hoe stole the election.

fuqmsm-69 8 points ago +8 / -0

They aren't even trying to play the game anymore. I can tell you that personally, if I were hypothetically following a truck carrying monkeys with some sort of fauci lab injections and it surprisingly gets into an accident which cause said monkeys to escape, the last thing I would be doing is going to pet them? Like wtf? Are these people serious? Now she has covid symptoms. Gtfoh..

fuqmsm-69 3 points ago +3 / -0

Im still banned

fuqmsm-69 18 points ago +19 / -1

Some may not agree but something doesn't sit right with me about these two. I have to say I've been in Lins corner since the beginning and he is one of the only ones I haven't second guessed his motives. Either way we need to start seeing action soon and I've heard enough talk from all of them already.

fuqmsm-69 10 points ago +10 / -0

After seeing the crash site I'm going to have to call bullshit on this one, looks to me like someone is playing games.

fuqmsm-69 3 points ago +3 / -0

Hurting a child is never ok, I don't disagree with you. However, unfortunately anyone you would report this to wouldn't see anything wrong with it. And for even how lovely it sounds, you can't go around dirt napping everyone that injects that bioweapon into a small child. All I was saying is you have to look at both sides of the coin, they may believe they are saving their kids by doing this, not everyone sees things the way we do. I'm not sure if you have children but I do and there is nothing I wouldn't do to keep them safe. Sorry if I offended you, I am a believer in the Constitution and we all have the same rights so I don't think it's right to expect someone to do something or not do something just because I don't believe it's right. I hope this helps to try and explain what I meant.

fuqmsm-69 4 points ago +4 / -0

I absolutely agree with this being child abuse, but unfortunately for that child, he can't choose his parents. I don't agree with what she is doing but by saying "arrest her" it seems to go against the very thing we are fighting now. We don't want them to tell us what to do so we shouldn't try to do it to them. We all don't have to agree, and Noone should be able to tell anyone what they can and can't do. At least for today we are still a constitutional republic. For now.

fuqmsm-69 8 points ago +8 / -0

This is true child abuse, where is cps? Oh thats right, fuck face fauci has them going after We the People that refuse to abuse our children. I hate people more and more every day. This is absolutely disgusting and this poor kids mother deserves a patriot induced dirt nap. Violence is not the answer until kids are brought into the mix then violence is the only answer. The look on his face says it all. He knows something isn't right. I'm sorry little bro.

fuqmsm-69 38 points ago +38 / -0

How convenient that was, I can't wait for the day that they find out we aren't as dumb as they think we are.

fuqmsm-69 1 point ago +1 / -0

The thing I can't figure out is what difference does it make? Round, flat, square....why does one way or the other hurt some people's feelings? I have a feeling that the real problem here is that the ones throwing all the stones must feel like they have been lied to their whole life and they have to take it out on anyone with a different opinion. It's a shame really that just because we are all here on GAW doesn't mean we can be one big "family". There are always the people that must attack no matter what. I could really give a shit what shape the earth is, I haven't trusted the "ones in charge" since an early age. I can only speak for myself when I say I'm 100% sure no matter the shape, the world will be completely fucked if we don't come together and use this energy against the ones trying to destroy it.

fuqmsm-69 3 points ago +3 / -0

The one thing that I can't figure out is why all the scripted interviews? Something is definitely going on just haven't put my finger on it yet. It will all be clear soon.

fuqmsm-69 4 points ago +4 / -0

Someone needs to remind Kyle that he's the hero and a large percentage of the population has his back so he needs to let these lefty journagandists to go f themselves. I cannot stomach the media they are a joke. All of them.

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