fuzzyKAGkittens 14 points ago +14 / -0

This plan ended the day the Lord struck down the Georgia guidestones.

fuzzyKAGkittens 1 point ago +1 / -0

Why not? “Biden” takes the brunt of poor optics like a marionette while Obama comfortably runs his shadow government.

fuzzyKAGkittens 2 points ago +2 / -0

I’ve been wondering lately if the military, via EO 13848, managed to effectively commandeer Twitter and then installed Elon under the guise of a public acquisition.

I’ve had a hard time understanding how deep state operatives at Twitter failed to erase the evidence of all wrong doing before the acquisition and managed to sloppily leave behind so many crumbs.

If the military stepped in unexpectedly, it might help explain it.

fuzzyKAGkittens 1 point ago +1 / -0

Let’s keep one thing in perspective, while Trump announcing a 2024 run would be massively deflating, let’s not pretend that automatically means Trump is pursuing a failed strategy. Just bc the fraud wasn’t stopped for the midterms doesn’t suddenly ruin the plan. It only ruined several theories on what the plan was.

fuzzyKAGkittens 10 points ago +10 / -0

Another possibility: Trump is baiting DS into their next move. This sort of hype would play into DS reacting out of fear.

Personally, I’m rooting for fireworks. I’m still wondering why Trump would ask a good portion of his family + others to attend the Ohio rally only to announce an announcement. Is that significant enough to warrant their attendance? What if they already knew what the announcement was or represented.

fuzzyKAGkittens 2 points ago +2 / -0

I love it when they word it in a way that you can clearly see they’re parroting a fabricated globalist narrative. “dAnGeR tO DeMoCrAcY!”

Usually I just just smile and nod with those types of people, whether that’s the right thing to do or not.

by GGRockz
fuzzyKAGkittens 5 points ago +5 / -0

I live in Columbus.

The areas where they cut power the longest also happened to be areas with the oldest infrastructure in most cases. Consequently, a lot of those areas also happened to be lower income. However, one of the neighborhoods that was out the longest, Clintonville (some still without power), also happens to be one of the more affluential neighborhoods in Columbus. There were other examples like New Albany and Upper Arlington, both wealthy neighborhoods. So I honestly don’t think this narrative holds much weight.

And actually, a couple days ago people started posting flyers for staging a protest claiming this was clearly a target on marginalized communities. I’m generally getting a little annoyed that every time someone finds themself at an inconvenience, we gotta stage a protest to “stick it to the man”. This was a little more than an inconvenience (some were out of power for 4 days and counting in 100+ heat) but literally no thought went into the actual accuracy of the conclusion.

fuzzyKAGkittens 3 points ago +3 / -0

oh come on, we all know sjw’s can’t afford teslas. that would require some degree of success in life

fuzzyKAGkittens 1 point ago +1 / -0

Any OH pedes going? I’ve got some house work planned today so I’m trying to go a bit late but not sure if this is the type of thing you can just roll up to. I’m expecting to have to park pretty far and walk but I’m worried I’ll end up having to watch from the parking lot by the time I get there. Help me decide, pedes.

fuzzyKAGkittens 3 points ago +3 / -0

Well the alternative would be to out him. Frame him as unable to lead in a time of war and replace him with one of their Azov puppets and give them the stage during the transition, filled with “inspiring” scripted dialogue. I mean, they could even give the ol’ Russian collusion narrative another go. After all, it was the call with Zelensky that got Trump impeached. The West wouldn’t question it. Not trying to be argumentative, just trying to understand the angle.

fuzzyKAGkittens 5 points ago +5 / -0

I’m willing to consider that Zelensky is a white hat, but the one thing I have a hard time overlooking is how strong the propaganda is propping this guy up as a hero and a saint. If Zelensky was truly working for our team and we somehow know about it, the engineers of the propaganda machine surely know about it and likely wouldn’t invest in curing favor for the guy. For every hit piece about Putin, there’s a fluff piece about Zelensky.

fuzzyKAGkittens 1 point ago +1 / -0

“The fact that Maxwell is no longer interested in keeping the names sealed doesn’t mean, of course, that they will be revealed. That decision will be left to Judge Loretta Preska, who is presiding over the case.”

Still lies in the hands of a H.W. Bush judge.

optimism wanes

fuzzyKAGkittens 4 points ago +5 / -1

Well ironically, the OS command he’s referring to is actually called “cron”, not “crom”.

So even though he incorrectly stated “crom”, his premise on that specific point is actually still correct since the variant is actually called “omnicron” and “cron” is the correct name for the OS command.

fuzzyKAGkittens 6 points ago +6 / -0

If this is true, this would make perfect sense as to why we’re witnessing a movie and why the movie is essential to the process.

We must reach a threshold in the awakening process to actualize the timeline. We look around and see nothing but chaos and despair, but under this lens, they’re simply events all designed to accelerate mass awakening. The “movie” is the catalyst. The awakening is not necessary to brace people for events to come - it’s necessary to fulfill the great awakening event and dismantle the fear induced alternate timelines. The result of which is checkmate and the end of the game.

fuzzyKAGkittens 1 point ago +1 / -0

It hasn’t backfired if this was a white hat effort and this was the desired effect

Push people to their precipice.

fuzzyKAGkittens 3 points ago +3 / -0

As a fellow developer, agree 100%. Especially your last sentence.

fuzzyKAGkittens 1 point ago +1 / -0

I agree and that’s sort of what I mean. I don’t consider it decentralized if a singular entity has access and potential control over the entire ledger or at least a majority. That’s hypothetical of course.

fuzzyKAGkittens 1 point ago +1 / -0

Okay fair enough. And I’m not trying to call you out or anything, just genuinely curious.

I see these sort of bad faith players like USPS advocating for this sort of thing and I can’t help but wonder if the goal is to build faith under the pretense of “unhackable” only to use that as cover to hack it. I mean, this go around, they only had to say it was the most secure election ever without even having a basis for saying so.

fuzzyKAGkittens 1 point ago +1 / -0

Is it though?

If a centralized agency (i.e. NSA) is capable of monitoring devices globally, is it so much of a stretch to imagine such an agency modifying individual blocks in the ledger, illicitly on all devices that contain the ledger, assuming they’re capable of manipulating the hash? I’ll admit, manipulating the hash would probably be the hardest part but I certainly wouldn’t consider it impossible.

Can someone enlighten me?

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