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They won't get any peace with all those virgins to deal with.
I look forward to seeing that fat bastard on the ground with SS agents knee on his neck.
Bring it.
Actually once they take the second they'll take the whole Bill of Rights.
That's ok. All the criminals are going to comply anyway.
Wakanda, the super advanced negro civilization that built a dome over itself to keep the rest of the negros from fucking it up for everyone.
That's me with black pepper.
It doesn't matter who appointed them. Blackmail and leverage control all of them.
20% of the time, it works every time.
Gonna suck when he commits suicide tomorrow.
They poked it up his nose with the "test". duh
Yeah, you trust them but they don't trust you.
Given what they were taught in high school they prolly didn't. They could list a dozen genders though.
Well, keep your head on a swivel and don't expose yourself. Self interest overrides everything these days.
They have their power, privilege, and paychecks. They don't GAF about anything else. Never did.
Back the blue!
Fuck you. Cops are your enemies.
Ukraine keeps no secrets from CIA
How could they with CIA running the whole show?
It's what amplification and promotion look like.
I think she's literally in bed with McCarthy. That would explain the sudden divorce. Makes you wonder who Boebert is fucking.
It's a proper name. I can spell it any way I want.
Worthless since there is no teeth to it. He will just ignore like Holder did.
fringe conspiracy theories
Damn! Not even main stream conspiracy theories.
Don't eat anywhere where minimum wage people who hate you are alone with your food.
Not the first IIRC.
So at least she may be able to get intelligence adjacent. That will be an improvement.
They won't get any peace with all those virgins to deal with.