googlyeye 2 points ago +2 / -0

They are the best weapons any person has in the kitchen.

googlyeye 3 points ago +3 / -0

Ok, this might be long, sorry. I think the guy they say was the shooter was an arms dealer, that was also maybe some kind of subcontractor for the cia, so he was definitely known to them. What made me realize this was his one brother saying my brother was an a... and then he cut himself off. I saw a video of one of his former employees saying oh he would never do something like this. There was no motive. Lots of different guns found in the room like they were out to show someone. I do think that it was an attempt on MBS, that Trump saved him somehow, and that the assassins did the shooting to cover their escape. They may have been his customers. The whole thing was shady and seemed a cover for something else to me. Also, it was a different brother found with the CP on his computer, who had been homeless and was having a rough time in life, and I also think this happened after he said his brother couldn't have been the shooter.

The part that I don't understand is, why the cover up? Why call a man a murderer that really isn't, on behalf of some unknown foreign assassins? Makes no sense to me. The top floor of the hotel was owned by Alaweed, I suspect Alaweed would have been the beneficiary of a successful attempt on MBS, so the attempt was likely initiated by him.

Also, the sheriff facing the public in the Las Vegas shooting is not the same guy thats in Maui. The one that took the questions and such is now our governor in NV.

googlyeye 2 points ago +2 / -0

All I can tell is it seems to be an extra virulent flu season. Last one that I remember being sick this long with it was around 2007. Right now, everyone in my house is sick, and one person seems to maybe also have pneumonia. None vaxxxed. There is also a norovirus floating around that gives you the barfs.

googlyeye 1 point ago +1 / -0

"Was the day you got hit in the face with the pie, the day you decided you wanted to kill us all?"

googlyeye 3 points ago +3 / -0

I really liked him. I miss him. They did nothing to try and help. RIP Gonzalo.

googlyeye 2 points ago +2 / -0

I love this place so much, and this thread just made me love it that much more.

googlyeye 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yes, I read an article the other night. They don't know what it is, if it is infectious or not, but it's killing people in the Congo. They are gonna tell us all about it. Fear porn at its finest. He isn't even in office yet for gosh sakes.

googlyeye 1 point ago +1 / -0

If this is real, it may be the keystone. If they can do this to a presidents son, they can do it to anyone, anytime, anywhere.

googlyeye 3 points ago +3 / -0

I don't think the backstory is made up and I will tell you why. Back in the early 80s I was working at a little local jewelry store. One day this couple came in with a kid that was about 10 years old. They wanted to buy 100 South African Krugerrands, which had just come out. At that time gold was real high (for that time period), about $950 an ounce. They said they were moving from South Africa to Canada. While they were over in the opposite corner talking, I was trying to talk to the kid and keep him from getting too bored and bugging them. I honestly think it was Elon. Real intelligent kid, said he liked science fiction. I chatted with him for a while. They got their Krugerrands. And likely had to sit on them for near 25 years until the price of gold went up enough.

googlyeye 2 points ago +2 / -0

Karens happen because of mental illness and menopause.

googlyeye 2 points ago +2 / -0

T-rex is fake. If one ever fell down, it could never get back up again with those tiny arms. Dragons are cooler.

googlyeye 1 point ago +1 / -0

My views have evolved over time. As a youngster, I was very liberal and was a registered democrat up until 2021, I even voted for Obama in 2008! But I have always known in the back of my mind that something was wrong with our government. Also, at some point I realized that it was not governments job to take care of people. Then one of my friends told me I was a conservative. My best friend caucused for Trump in 2016 and I really started paying attention. I had joined the Great Awakening on Reddit but then it disappeared. I also had stopped watching television sometime in the mid 80's, and have watched very little since.

Trump won me over with his acceptance speech, and also his address to the UN. Not to mention the "you'd be in jail" comment to Hillary during the debates. I found this place not long after and lurked for a while, and have been here ever since. What an awesome group of people! Thanks for being here!

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