Want me to whip out my cell phone at the funeral so you can see the dead kids yourself? I never once cited the msm. I have my information from people who were there that I spoke with personally. Have you read about the shooters girlfriend trying to shoot in the high school. Probably not, news never covered it because the high school got locked down and she was immediately arrested so without deaths, it wasn’t interesting.
One of the teachers is my neighbor’s sister.
I’m not going to defend what I know. You can either believe me or not, doesn’t make me no difference. You all want to hide behind your computer a million miles away claiming you know the truth about everything, that’s your choice. I can tell you my cousin/best friend is a teacher there and witnessed this. You probably won’t believe me but I know it’s true, I haven’t lost all faith in humanity and I know she wouldn’t lie about this. I always believed Sandy Hook was fake and maybe it was or maybe it wasn’t. But Uvalde was real. Planned and manipulated, probably. But the death is real.
I'm in the area, kids are dead. Parents are burying them. The death is real. These children were cabal sacrifices 100%.
Fuck, I live in Kerrville... I moved out here to get away from bullshit. Jokes on me. Also, the hospital here is a joke. Assuming everything was on the up and up, they would go with San Antonio that's just as far away, not the dinky pretend hospital in Kerrville.
I am wondering how this shooter got there. How did he afford the guns? What made him crazy? I do think he is a pawn and was likely just a foot soldier in a much bigger battle. The idea that he worked alone is bullshit. His girlfriend took a gun to the high school and tried to start shooting there before police captured her. The news hasn’t covered that at all. But the police told my cousin that while her school down the street was in lockdown. So there’s one for sure thing they are covering up. But the death is real. These kids and teachers have really been killed. They aren’t “on a bus to Delaware” like some callous person suggested earlier. It’s shocking to me how many people I know that are in mourning right now. I’ve never experienced this much sadness all at once.
Yup, I live near Uvalde and the schools in my town has armed faculty that go through regular training and evaluations. They have signs posted at all the schools making it known staff are armed and will use whatever force necessary to protect the kids. They also keep all the doors locked and have a camera system for anyone wanting to come in. They have to given permission to enter before someone will meet them at the door.
The command at Ft. Hood frequently covers things up. I see why she went public. Just look up the number of soldiers that have wound up dead while stationed there and the fishy stories surrounding them.
I’m with you Psalm. I’m close to this one too and have every reason to believe it’s real. And Uvalde officials have been talking to the media about border security for a long time. That interview was nothing new. Uvalde has been a drop off point for illegals for years and they are pissed about it.
He’s been our land commissioner for years and I am so ready for him to leave this state. I guess he thought since he’d won that job more than once, people liked him.
I went and voted for Paxton today in the runoff, the thought of baby bush being our AG is horrifying. I think this is the first time in my life that a Bush hasn’t been in office. I was born when Sr was VP for Reagan.
I’ve always believed Sandy Hook was fake but I live near this one and have every reason to believe it’s real. Between family members teaching in Uvalde and church friends with family affected by this, I can’t believe all of these people would make this up. I also don’t think they’d stage this with a Mexican kid, that hurts their “only white men are evil” narrative.
Yeah, I mapped it because I was curious, it’s exactly an hour and a half drive from the SA FBI office to Uvalde. And it’s a straight shot down Hwy 90 which is just peppered with small towns once you get out of SA so if they had lights and sirens going, they could easily haul ass down that road and not have many issues. I have family there and have spent many hours up and down that road. Two of my cousins and aunt are teachers in Uvalde, one at a private school and the other two at a nearby public school. I don’t live too far away either and know many people connected to this. Everything tells me it’s legit and I’m normally pretty skeptical about these events.
I live near this one, I can guarantee it’s real. The shooter was Hispanic, they wouldn’t plan that. It goes against their “evil white man” narrative.
For me, it's different because I know so much more now than I did back then. The Obama era was awful, but I had no idea how much corruption was running our world. Now it feels hopeless when I realize most of the world's leaders are insane satan worshippers. If I didn't have Jesus, I don't know what I would do.
I’ve been feeling this way but I figured it was the financial gymnastics I’ve been doing just to pay bills and afford groceries. I used to have a little money leftover each week to do fun things but now I can barely get by and it’s only getting worse.
You are spot on! Except it’s been even longer than fifty years. My mom was born in 1961 and my aunt in 1957 and her mother formula fed them because she had been convinced that breastfeeding was “unclean” and formula was better.
If only mothers were created to feed their children. But seriously, breastfeeding will always be the best option. I understand that isn't always possible, but I know too many women who rely on formula just because they don't want to deal with breastfeeding, and I find that to be so frustrating and selfish. It's the healthiest option for infants, if the only reason for not breastfeeding is because you don't wanna, that's ridiculous. I think the next best option is goat's milk.
I voted for him. :)
Agreed. When I quit drinking, it was a very firm decision that I was done. I told the people around me as well and that accountability was helpful. It’s weird to say it was that simple because fighting the temptation and learning how to live without drinking was hard. But at the same time, having that clear, firm line in my life made it simple. There was no middle ground of “only drink a little” or something like that.
Norma McCorvey aka Jane Roe became very vocally prolife somewhere in the 90's. She worked with countless prolife organizations and activists like Abby Johnson built friendships with her. Then on her deathbed, some liberal filmmaker did a documentary about her and claimed that her deathbed confession was that she was never prolife, she just pretended to be for the fame or money. The whole documentary was a sham and many people who knew her personally said it was carefully edited and coerced while she was in a very vulnerable state. That's what this headline is from.
Same thing happened to me yesterday for a tweet calling out the vaccine too. They said my account was locked but then it wasn’t. Now there’s just a stupid disclaimer under the tweet the emailed me about.
I checked, it was legit. I can still tweet but they put a little disclaimer under that tweet that the information is misleading.
Seriously guys? Don’t fall for this. It’s pretty easy to find records for these kids. Here’s one example that I’m already familiar with. https://www.rekfunerals.com/obituary/Tess-Mata
If this girl was fake, her family really played the long game as you can see on their Facebook pages.
Check out this guys other videos, he’s not very smart. His most recent video about Jane Roe is so poorly researched and he has it all wrong.
We’re smart here, let’s use discernment.