by gamepwn
huhWHAThuh 1 point ago +1 / -0

Nobody receives words from God directly because Has given us the Bible. 2 Pet 1:3 says " His divine power has given to us all things that pertain to life and godliness, through the knowledge of Him who called us by glory and virtue,"

Really? Then why does Scripture tell us he does indeed continue to prophesy through his Prophets?


[6] And when Paul had laid his hands upon them, the Holy Ghost came on them; and they spake with tongues, and prophesied.


[9] And the same man had four daughters, virgins, which did prophesy.


[10] And as we tarried there many days, there came down from Judaea a certain prophet, named Agabus.

I could continue the quotes extensively if you require.

But what book are you reading?

by gamepwn
huhWHAThuh 3 points ago +3 / -0


[7] Surely the Lord GOD will do nothing, but he revealeth his secret unto his servants the prophets.

But sadly it appears false prophets drown out the true.

huhWHAThuh 3 points ago +3 / -0

Convicted pedophiles give the answer.

"Eight is too late."

From collective experience they know that in order to twist a child's psyche PERMANENTLY and IRREVERSIBLY the child must be molested or coerced with severe psychological trauma (coercive "instruction" from an authority figure) younger than the age of 8.

Why K - 3?

K is the earliest access they can get. And 3rd grade is when the age 8 of development factor kicks in.

They want your kids permanently and irreversibly traumatized by their assaults on their undeveloped ability to defend themselves.

That way they count on having compatriots for life.

Anything short of that and the victim still has hope for recovery.

Do not. DO NOT allow them access to your children.

The people behind this know exactly what they are doing, and why.

This needs to be seen by all.

by gamepwn
huhWHAThuh 4 points ago +4 / -0

I remember watching a video from back when the presidential coup took place.

Amid all the fires and gunfire a group of "Ukrainian Soldiers" were marching double time into the city.

A woman (reporter?) attempted to stop or slow one soldier down to ask him something.

The "Ukrainian Soldier," with a thick American accent (southern drawl if i remember correctly) shot back over his shoulder in English something like: "No questions now - no questions."

It appears to have been a NATO operation from day one.

huhWHAThuh 5 points ago +5 / -0

And everyone will be happy.

They will be happy because they own everything, including you.

They can decide to rape your wife and sacrifice your children to Moloch, and you will be happy about it.

Because anyone who expresses unhappiness in any form will be immediately terminated.

That is their formula for universal happiness.

Ahh Utopia.

huhWHAThuh 2 points ago +2 / -0

You can be certain that the Federal Government's new Ministry of Truth would find it to be a criminal offense too.

by BQnita
huhWHAThuh 2 points ago +2 / -0

I'm a musician. And a DJ. And an old raver.

And one who clearly has no ear.

When the unlistenable fake stuff came in and was stamped out in assembly line style by the Suits and ties at labels, they required worker bees below them who can't tell the difference.

"...And an old raver." explains it all. If one note or phrase repeated for an hour is the height of creative music, well enjoy your drugs. An hour of Jack Hammer banging can be interesting if you're messed up enough. But it ain't music by any measure.

by BQnita
huhWHAThuh 1 point ago +1 / -0

"Empty accordion case."

Yes an instrument.

A great musician can get great music out of a rock.

But no algorithm can.

by BQnita
huhWHAThuh 1 point ago +1 / -0

It's asinine to suggest that music requires instruments?

I can't really answer that. I can only shake my head and wonder.

I wouldn't necessarily tag it to Bonzo or any other single artist.

And virtual instruments didn't actually kill music.

But it certainly stomped all the life out of it.

I'm a musician.

huhWHAThuh 2 points ago +2 / -0

I think it's a big distraction while they ATTEMPT to pull us into WW3.

Zelenskyy has agreed to concessions on several occasions, only to pull back under NATO (USA) pressure.

The politicians pushing this better be willing to go get THEIR asses shot off, because I don't think people here care what happens over there. Russia and Ukraine have been in conflicts for Centuries.

If NATO or the EU push Russia too hard and get attacked, people here DON'T CARE. Pull back and STAY OUT OF IT.

Nobody here is going to go, or send their children over there on the orders of a crooked walking corpse like Biden.

huhWHAThuh 4 points ago +4 / -0

I'm sure everyone is aware that the very word "homophobic," is not a word, and has has never been a word. It's an irrational construct of syllables with a conclusion built in.

A phobia is a neurosis, a mental illness.

The construct of syllables themselves conclude that "homo" (homosexual behavior) is the product of solid mental hygiene. Whereas "phobic" is an irrational fear.

I personally know no one who has any fear of homosexuals, be it rational or irrational.

But they do consider it to be what it has been considered to be from the beginning of time to the present. A mental illness, which has destructive effects on the individual and society at large. And it is still considered a mental illness in every culture, with the exception of Western Nations. China, for instance, commits homosexuals to mental institutions.

They don't want their children exposed to it as positive choice to follow.

They don't want their children sexualized in any way by outside forces, especially at school. That can be called nothing other than grooming. And coming from authority figures, it becomes COERCIVE GROOMING.

Adults can make their own decisions, and nobody cares.

But keep your hands and your propaganda off children.

by BQnita
huhWHAThuh 7 points ago +7 / -0

I didn't catch that one. But he's bosom buddies with Bonnie Prince Charles, who was closely associated with the infamous pedophile and necrophile, Jimmy Saville, and a brother, Andrew, who was a visitor to Epstein Island.

So let your imagination run wild.

huhWHAThuh 3 points ago +3 / -0

Around the same historical time frame, most everyone in the white population was a serf, which is just the European name for slave. They were owned by their Land Lord Masters. The word slave comes from "Slav," referring to the Slavic race.

The famous "Cossack Warriors," were escaped serfs/slaves who refused to take it anymore.

My Great Grand Father came to America from Ireland because the English were in the process of deliberately starving over 3 million of them to death. He had to stow away on a ship, and when he was discovered, they put him in one of the life boats and drug him across the Atlantic tied by rope to the ship. They provided him with a piece of bread and bottle of water daily. But he lived through it and was able to send relief to help some of his family members avoid starvation.

Hell, most everybody who came to America was running for their lives in one way or another. Where do reparations start, and where do they end?

EDIT: We were a nation of victims, who refused to be victims. But now our social engineers are trying their hardest to turn the truth upside down. And sadly getting away with it.

by BQnita
huhWHAThuh 3 points ago +3 / -0

I remember reading in the newspaper shortly after Al Gore lost to Bush, that Al had purchased an Island in the Bahamas. I remember because that was such a bizarre thing, especially at the time.

I haven't heard his name even mentioned in all of this, but he did (maybe still does) own one.

huhWHAThuh 1 point ago +1 / -0


[12] Beloved, think it not strange concerning the fiery trial which is to try you, as though some strange thing happened unto you:


[18] If the world hate you, ye know that it hated me before it hated you.


[13] And ye shall be hated of all men for my name's sake: but he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved.

EDIT: The joy comes later.

huhWHAThuh 11 points ago +11 / -0

I clearly remember the first time I ever heard the word Twitter.

I was visiting my two older sisters. They were sitting round the TV watching CNN or MSNBC or some of the other Lib stations, laughing at the fun being broadcast on these stations with some new computer app. All of the lib stations were apparently broadcasting cute messages sent from one celeb or famous person to another. When they could settle down enough to breathe, they told me this PC app was called "Twitter."

Without thinking at all, these are the words that popped out of my mouth:

"Oh that's the Government."

I was so accustomed to Propaganda Campaigns by Government Social Engineers at that point that the conclusion didn't even need to get fact checked by my brain. It popped out involuntarily.

I knew it was true the first second I heard of it.

All the proof from that time to the present confirms it.

huhWHAThuh 4 points ago +4 / -0

Are they not aware that they are not the first to come up with that plan?

The historical results have never been pleasing to the protagonists.

huhWHAThuh 8 points ago +8 / -0

The most astonishing thing about the MSM is that they never - NEVER - grow tired of being proven wrong. Nothing makes them blush. Never an apology. And no capacity for shame.

They just move on to the next hoax and hope it lands a Pulitzer nomination for them.

These are truly strange times we live in.

huhWHAThuh 1 point ago +1 / -0

Until recent years there was no mention of the occult roots of Nazism. There was no mention that the high level Nazis escaped justice to South America and the US on Vatican passports, though it was well known.

I suggest, "The Pink Swastika" as a good starting point. It was widely known at the time and widely written about. It is well documented.

huhWHAThuh 0 points ago +1 / -1

Where do you think Christianity came from?

Are you aware there is an old testament?


[17] Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil.
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