huhWHAThuh 3 points ago +3 / -0

The absolute necessity of Free Speech as a fundamental Human Right. And the reason COMMUNISTS HATE IT.

There it is all on display.

huhWHAThuh 1 point ago +1 / -0

Laying the ground work for the coming 9-0 ruling that the American Voter has no Standing to sue in the event of massive fraud in a Presidential Election.

See they all agree. Everybody knows that :) ...hee...hee hee.

huhWHAThuh 3 points ago +3 / -0

"They believe they are owners of the earth and everything in it; including us."

And they are right. Ownership of everything on this Earth, including everything in it, is bought with MONEY. This includes you (and me). Our time is bought by way of wages with MONEY. The instant our forefathers allowed them to own money, they essentially handed over title deed to the world and everything and everyone in it.

Every time they want another few trillion dollars for their nefarious deeds, they only need to make a slash mark on a computer screen and they lift it right out of your pocket in lost purchasing power. They believe they own everything and everyone on Earth, because they do. Our moronic grand parents and great grand parents handed it (and you) over to them scot-free.

huhWHAThuh 1 point ago +1 / -0

Put him up in one of their concentration camps. Word is they are lovely in summer as the sound of tortured screaming waifts through the countryside.

huhWHAThuh 1 point ago +1 / -0

So Facebook and Twitter "fact checkers" got their facts WRONG again?

And this time they deliberately removed information that would have SAVED LIVES?

And this time their prejudice and bigotry actually resulted in thousands of deaths that would have been prevented by the information they REMOVED.

Do Facebook and Twitter have blood on their hands? And should they be sued into oblivion and then cast on the ash heap of demented history?

That cannot happen soon enough.

by BQnita
huhWHAThuh 2 points ago +2 / -0

Because they got Trump/Russia Collusion right, and 911 right, and Weapons of Mass Destruction in Iraq right........and......and....


huhWHAThuh 0 points ago +1 / -1

I think they will choose 3) It's all Trump's fault.

You are neglecting their mind's ability to conclude things that go against ALL proof and rational thought. Never underestimate the deep black sickness inside their souls.

huhWHAThuh 2 points ago +2 / -0

The things they have done certainly warrant charges. And they obviously have no intention to stop until someone stops them. Many have faced criminal charges for much less. And a smart lawyer should be able to find grounds for a class action lawsuit. They have powerful forces behind them, but an awake public is a powerful force too. And it is growing by the day.

huhWHAThuh 4 points ago +4 / -0

You mean their fact checkers got fact checked (AGAIN) and were proven wrong (AGAIN) ? Did they issue a sincere apology to the millions of users they falsely accused of lying in public? Did they apologize for lying to the public in public (AGAIN)?

Did they?

huhWHAThuh 4 points ago +4 / -0

He knows that the nail that sticks up is the nail that gets hammered. He doesn't HONESTLY believe a word of it. But he will fight you to his dying breath defending it. If they flipped tomorrow to staunch conservatives, he, and the rest of academia would be there in the chorus by the following day (or very soon thereafter). It is pure survival mechanism.

huhWHAThuh 3 points ago +3 / -0

So, after several years of batshit crazy over a dozen or so things that were slowly proven to be wrong, will anybody suspect anything other than THEY ARE WRONG AGAIN?

They done shot their wad. Who will care.

huhWHAThuh 42 points ago +43 / -1

Trump already won all 50 States. Is there a number less than zero?

huhWHAThuh 1 point ago +1 / -0

They are publicly calling people liars, and damaging their reputations. Lets see them back up their claims or pay up the damages.

They self appointed themselves guardians of truth. Lets see them prove it or pay the price for the damage they are doing.

huhWHAThuh 2 points ago +2 / -0

They seem to be lovely people, and have been historically mistreated. I would welcome them to our shores as long as they didn't want to murder our families in the night. It's not their identity, ideology is the problem.

huhWHAThuh 23 points ago +23 / -0

Because India continues standing up to China. The demo commies must at all cost trash any country that stands with the United States against Communist aggression. It's the same with the Kurds in the middle east. They are flaming Communists. That alone makes them our "trusted ally" in the Mid East.

huhWHAThuh 9 points ago +9 / -0

It's cool. The further out into the twilight zone normies are led, the easier it is to smack them in the face with a custard pie of fact. A healthy dose of public humiliation works wonders at times.

huhWHAThuh 6 points ago +6 / -0

I have heard exorcists on youtube say that for a demon to possess a person, it needs permission to have the legal right. That could be in a ritual or seance or even something as innocent seeming as a ouiji board session. Anything that is an invitation.

Perhaps notifying the public by running things in their faces with movies, books, and music - even satanic half time shows at the Super Bowl would be considered notification. If the public doesn't stand up and reject it en masse, may be tacit consent. I think that is basically the legal theory on how we lost our sovereign citizen status many years ago to the United States Corporation.

huhWHAThuh 4 points ago +4 / -0

That's called plausible deniability.

" ...and its members use the organization as an excuse to economically benefit other members (in business, law, etc)"

That's ^ the pretty way of saying lie, cheat, and steal for one another in concert. They, in fact, take blood curdling oaths to do so and pervert justice in favor of fellow Masons.

I spent some of my early years out of College working for local government in and around the Court system, and I witnessed it regularly. Sure, it helps them provide a good life for their families, and provide some to charities. But a life of corruption spent in a Satanic based organization probably isn't the best way to go about that.

And if I saw it regularly from the outside, you can be sure that your family members saw it far more from their perspectives on the inside. They know what they are a part of, but veil it in a thin disguise of brotherhood and charity.

EDIT: In fairness, Albert Pike does make it clear that lower level Masons are deliberately deceived about the meaning and purpose of Masonry. But it is hard to imagine being an active participant in the lodge and not notice what they are a part of.

huhWHAThuh 3 points ago +3 / -0

Well if your enemy attacks viciously, you can always send him to the time out room.

Wait, I hope that wouldn't be a micro aggression....hmm.

huhWHAThuh 4 points ago +4 / -0

The short answer to your question is given by Albert Pike, former Grand Commander of North American Freemasonry:

"Freemasonry is identical to the Ancient Mysteries."

By Ancient Mysteries he is referring to the ancient Pagan Mystery Religion. It is a system based on Sun worship. That is also associated with "The Light Bearer," which is Lucifer, who is also known as Satan. So it goes back farther than recorded history, and probably to what is known as the Garden of Eden to believers. The Hebrew word "nacash" is used for the word serpent. It can also mean "the shining one," or in it's action form "to make witchcraft."

Sorry time doesn't allow the long version answer to your question. Just understand that when Christianity spread and was transformed into State Religions across the Globe, the practicing Satanists didn't evaporate. They just went under ground. It rears it's ugly head and pops up in hundreds of different organizations and forms throughout history. Freemasonry is one of the more prominent, visible ones.

huhWHAThuh 2 points ago +2 / -0

The French always surrender. Was it what your daughter wanted?

huhWHAThuh 1 point ago +1 / -0

Lemmings follow Lemmings off the edge of a cliff because they can't imagine doing anything other than following. The idea of being out of step with the crowd is more frightening to them than the step to certain death.

They are locked into pure irrational emotion and can't imagine a way not to be. And they probably don't want to be. They prefer the feeling of safety to safety with a price attached. And nothing short of a load of bricks falling on their heads will break through that wall of "safety" of like minded "intelligent" people they have surrounded themselves with.

I constantly have the sensation that these people exist in a different dimension - a place where fact and reality don't exist, or don't matter or something. Wherever it is that they have placed themselves, I know there is no phone service to them - no way to communicate at all. I have stopped worrying about it. I just shake my head and move on.

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