huhWHAThuh 1 point ago +1 / -0

"Public Utility."

I'll raise you.

Smile as they flush themselves down the toilet.

huhWHAThuh 2 points ago +2 / -0

Donald Trump to evil liars is like pouring water on a witch in the wizard of oz. All they can do is scream and writhe in pain as they slowly melt away. They can't help themselves.

huhWHAThuh 2 points ago +2 / -0

Best bet what Pence received in his "handshake" after finishing his acceptance of the fraudulent Electoral College vote?

My money is on it was the medallion presented with appointment to the Papal Knighthood.

It brought back memories of The tears running down John Boehner's face in the background of the first ever Pope addressing a joint session of Congress.

If that was the prize, then Pence joined such legendary luminaries as infamous pedophile and necrophile Jimmy Savile in the Papal Knighthood. Quite appropriate as he appeared to rub congratulatory elbows with Nancy just after the receiving.

huhWHAThuh 15 points ago +15 / -0

They know Trump is still going to come after them.

And in a related story, Trump knows without doubt that if he doesn't take them down, they will commence on day one a global campaign to rub his family and fortune into a messy grease spot.

All the chips are on the table.

huhWHAThuh 2 points ago +2 / -0

And 5 of the 9 Supreme Court Justices are Jesuit educated/affiliated, with the most recent also a Catholic. Until modern times the number was zero, because most of the original population got here running for their lives from Vatican persecution, primarily carried out by the Jesuit Order. Actual practice of Roman Catholicism was illegal in all 13 of the original Colonies for that reason, and only became legal with the signing of the Constitution, and it's freedom of religion guarantee. I estimate the possibility of a Supreme Court decision based on the Constitution and law to be somewhere near zero for the foreseeable future, and if you read the words of the founders, particularly Adams, they would agree. The deepstate has done their preparation well.

huhWHAThuh 3 points ago +3 / -0

Girls always cry when something wonderful is happening. It's like you won Miss Universe, or got proposed to or something.

huhWHAThuh 2 points ago +2 / -0

The MSM might feel a little odd about not covering that story.

huhWHAThuh 4 points ago +4 / -0

Absolutely true. The comparison is drawn to show that those who denigrate researchers as "conspiracy theorists" are left with a lap full of "coincidences" that are FAR MORE ABSURD than the theory they claim to debunk. It's just a quick way to line them up side by side. If they are saying there are no conspiracies, then how about explaining the long series of 1 in 10 million chance coincidences that they claim debunks the theory.

huhWHAThuh 2 points ago +2 / -0

I believe in redemption. And my hope and my prayer is that you are right. But I keep my eyes open along with hopes and prayers.

huhWHAThuh 4 points ago +8 / -4

Just a word of caution to anons following Lucian L. Wood.

Remember he was the attorney defending John and Patsy Ramsey after the death of their daughter jonBenet.

He also defended former U.S. Congressman Gary Condit, accused of the murder of his young female intern with whom he was reportedly having an "affair."

And not many people go by their middle name, but some might if their name was the french iteration of the name Lucifer.

I hope he is for real as much as anybody. But his history begs the question of how and why he was walking in those circles decades ago.

There are no conspiracies. But there are no coincidences either.

Everything is through the looking glass.

huhWHAThuh 2 points ago +2 / -0

The law is that she is next in line of succession. There is no precedent governing what would happen now, because it has never happened before. Do you trust Justice Roberts to rule on how it proceeds ?

huhWHAThuh 4 points ago +4 / -0

If they come after President Trump's loyal supporters, they will run into the same problem they ran into when they came after President Andrew Jackson. He shoots back.

huhWHAThuh 1 point ago +1 / -0

And as long as Pence doesn't resign, everything is mute. His resignation is what could create a Constitutional crisis.

huhWHAThuh 1 point ago +1 / -0

"You don’t have a clue of what’s going on in the government, and neither do the American people. Because if they did, there’d be a revolution in this country.” John Connally, speaking privately to Gerald Celente

Governor Connally was shot in the front seat of the limo where JFK was killed.


huhWHAThuh 1 point ago +1 / -0

Grassley, President Pro Tem of the Senate is next, then members of the President's Cabinet in order of their creation. It is actually uncharted territory, but it could possibly create a constitutional issue that Justice Roberts feels must be addressed by the Court. And that ain't good.

huhWHAThuh 4 points ago +4 / -0

Exactly. And even if there is a communications blackout with phone and internet out, the information will be spread all across the country by the people. Even if they smite the Shepherd, the sheep will be scattered.

huhWHAThuh 1 point ago +1 / -0

Dumbass, the only times in history that the vice presidency has been vacant, the person next in line in Executive Ascendancy is by default Acting Vice President. At those times, President Pro Tem was next in line. IT AIN'T NOW. Go argue with the history books nitwit.

huhWHAThuh 0 points ago +1 / -1

No, in the line of succession, NutBall Nancy is next. Trump has the authority to appoint, but it must be confirmed by a majority of the House and Senate. If Pence is gone, don't look for the House to approve anybody to help Trump under any circumstance. the line of succession is this: 1. President. 2. Vice President. 3. Speaker of the House. 4. President Pro Tem of the Senate. From there it goes to Presidential Cabinet members in order of the date of creation.

huhWHAThuh 7 points ago +7 / -0

Who is President of the Senate in lieu of the confirmation? The House won't confirm anybody short of Nutter Nancy. Not in this situation. EDIT: this ACTUALLY might place Nancy as acting vice president (acting president of the senate) in temporary, as she is next in line of succession. What a screwy situation.

huhWHAThuh 1 point ago +1 / -0

What the hell happened to the Supreme Court? Jesuits. 5 of the 9 are Jesuit educated/affiliated. The newest one is Catholic, and may have nefarious ties. Roman Catholicism was against the law in all 13 colonies prior to the signing of the Constitution/Bill of rights. And there were nearly zero on the Court until modern times, for obvious reasons. Why? Because most Americans of that time got here running for their lives from the Vatican slaughter, primarily orchestrated by the Jesuit Society. Read what John Adams and Jefferson, and the other founding fathers had to say about the Society of Loyola. EDIT: Look for zero relief from the Supreme Court on the most blatant criminal fraudulent election in the history of our country. I knew fully this was coming.

huhWHAThuh 1 point ago +1 / -0

The Supreme Court is already on record that it's none of their business.

huhWHAThuh 0 points ago +1 / -1

With a high-ranking German Schutzstaffel (SS) and police official during the Nazi era, who went on to become head of the Gestapo, named Mueller.

huhWHAThuh 3 points ago +3 / -0

As you approach Nashville from the North on I-65 you are suddenly greeted with an expansive panoramic view of downtown. It used to be a pleasant experience. It is now dominated by the grotesque appearance of a horned demon or owl. Beauty transformed into sickening vulgarity - the deep state at its best.

huhWHAThuh 2 points ago +2 / -0

Why are they not saying WHAT the bomb is? And why are they not saying HOW the guy got it? That was a fairly powerful explosion.
They know things like he gave his house away to a girl he doesn't know, but they can't figure out what the bomb was?

huhWHAThuh 3 points ago +3 / -0

The ATT building is on the corner of 3rd Ave N. and Commerce Street. The van that exploded was located on 2nd Ave N. with a row of large buildings in between the two. If any damage was done to the ATT building, it couldn't have come from the van, as only the front fascia of the buildings in between were damaged.

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