ilovetrump4 2 points ago +2 / -0

Most likely it concerned weather modification/weaponization via radar/charging of the atmosphere. Please see my longer reply to tweety51A elsewhere in this post stream.

ilovetrump4 2 points ago +2 / -0

Please check out JustHuman on Rumble and Twitter/X. He literally reads through almost every filing in the PDJT cases and provides commentary.



(or, for those who don't have Twitter/X and whose DNS server allows them to access it [my friend's didn't, so they switched DNS servers and voila!, they could access it] try https://nitter.poast.org/realjusthuman )

Also, check out Badlands Media's "Devolution Power Hour" on Wednesdays, which usually includes an update and Just Human's take on PDJT's court cases at https://rumble.com/v4slz3b-devolution-power-hour-245-1030-pm-et-.html

For short daily news updates, including the court cases and "takes" on the news, check out their "The Brief" in written form, which can be found under "News from Badlands Citizen Journalists" at https://badlandsmedia.tv/ or in video form at https://rumble.com/c/BadlandsMedia

Or, for longer daily news updates and commentary (with varying hosts each weekday), check out "Badlands Daily", which can be found (and run at 1.5 speed on replay) at https://rumble.com/c/BadlandsMedia

Badlands has a wealth of citizen journalist writers and podcasters who provide some alternative perspectives to the MSM.

ilovetrump4 3 points ago +3 / -0

Dude is definitely iver the target.

See my comment elsewhere in this post for info about Dutchsinse's posts.

ilovetrump4 1 point ago +1 / -0

See my comment elsewhere in this post for info about Dutchsinse's posts.

ilovetrump4 1 point ago +1 / -0

See my comment elsewhere in this post for info about Dutchsinse's posts.

ilovetrump4 4 points ago +4 / -0

Having been gaslit, shadow-banned, harassed, cut-off mid-livestream, cut-off from numerous internet service providers, etc., etc., etc., for ~20 years - despite being correct about his earthquake and weather prediction methodologies - Dutchsinse now regularly deletes his posts several hours after they'reposted. Sort of a way for him to beat "them" to the punch while allowing him to post and allowing his followers to view and archive his posts.

He has a youtube channel as Dutchsinse with some excellent content and a telegram channel under realDutchsinseFans (this one might archive some of his other posts - dunno for sure because, as of a week or 2 ago, it now requires being in the group).

For related weather modification/prediction theory/proof, check out this guy who agrees w/Dutch - https://twitter.com/In2ThinAir

An especially interesting post about weather modification - ON CBS FROM 9 YEARS AGO - was posted here - https://twitter.com/In2ThinAir/status/1786478993731891406

ilovetrump4 3 points ago +3 / -0

Patriots.win, formerly TheDonad.win

ilovetrump4 5 points ago +5 / -0

If that's the way she feels, perhaps she'd be happier and feel safer if she were to return to her homeland rather than live among a bunch of Irish "terrorists".

ilovetrump4 10 points ago +10 / -0

Organized and orchestrated (by Central Casting).

Practicing for "bigger shows" during the '24 Summer of Love" riot season.

ilovetrump4 2 points ago +2 / -0

Perhaps to grossly overwhelm the body/immune system, thereby ensuring the jab was/is "effective" regardless of whether the injection was properly or improperly administered

ilovetrump4 4 points ago +4 / -0

And don't forget to include the written instructions/crib notes and "assistance" so often needed to navigate entrances and exits.

(IMHO, though, it's possible Buydumb could be faking dementia to try to avoid future prosecution.)

ilovetrump4 8 points ago +8 / -0

Yup. GA governor Kemp's daughter's boyfriend being blown to smithereens in his SUV comes to mind as one of the more obvious and effective "persuasion tools"/"attitude adjusters".

ilovetrump4 10 points ago +10 / -0

New Yorkers, normies, fence-sitters, the left and the whole world need to see the "human" PDJT rather than the evil, orange "dictator" portrayed by the MSM. These rallies will help people see how popular PDJT is in "blue" NYC and will help people realize that the MAJORITY supports PDJT rather than bumbling, mumbling Buydumb.

ilovetrump4 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yet, despite searching potential "hiding places" like Baron's room and Melania's wardrobe, one room at Mar-A-Lago, PDJT's Bedminster residence and, IIRC, PDJT's NYC residence were not searched/raided. If "they" were so hell-bent on getting this info, one would assume they'd search EVERYTHING EVERYWHERE. (Makes the whole op seem very sus.)

ilovetrump4 1 point ago +1 / -0

Step 1) in Soylent Green production?

ilovetrump4 8 points ago +8 / -0

Yup. Also read somewhere that birth control pills block or hinder females' natural ability to utilize pheromones to select/prefer more genetically-compatible mates, thereby leading to less-than-optimal unions and less-than-optimal offspring. (Might this explain "loss of interest/attraction" between couples that sometimes seems to occur around the time when birth control pills are no longer being ingested(?))

ilovetrump4 16 points ago +16 / -0

And messed with foods, water/beverages, medicines, pesticides, plastics, the air, etc., etc., etc. so that testosterone is significantly lower than it was a couple/few decades ago.

ilovetrump4 2 points ago +2 / -0

In case there was any question left in anyone's mind about whose allegiances lie with whom, this is yet more proof.

". . ., you can't tell the public/the people the truth, you must show them." Q - https://qalerts.app/?q=show+them

ilovetrump4 3 points ago +3 / -0

Lots of TDS out there as well as persons and organizations who see PDJT as THE impediment to their ability to meet/achieve their agendas.

'Don't have the sauce, but heard estimates of 50-70 or so attempts of varying degrees of viability have been made and/or planned over the years.

God has undoubtedly been protecting him.

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