Yup. It's going to be much more difficult for them to defend themselves and/or fight back with rounded-point butter knives, baseball bats, 2x4s, sticks, pitchforks and rocks (and spying cell-phone apps) than it would be if they had 2A items (and free speech).
If they were still active, 'bet https://greatawakening.win/u/TrusttheTruth/ and https://greatawakening.win/u/into_the_continuum/ would have some interesting comments
It might all be digital but that certainly wouldn't stop that narcissistic egomaniac from building a monument to himself.
Yup, hoping someday obummer's corruption/treason will be exposed such that his library is closed and sold or repurposed, perhaps as a "traitors of the US" museum.
Ok, let's do a full forensic audit and investigation of ALL races in ALL states to find out which races were ACTUALLY rigged. And then do 2020 and 2024 as well.
'Bet the old battle ax's handlers would quickly have her backtracking on her comment.
Progress (always?) seems to be dependent on the lowest common denominator. Those who are asleep, willingly ignorant, in denial, and/or ok with the cr-p that's been going on for years/decades/centuries have allowed it to thrive and have been the primary hindrance to ending it.
It will take/has taken the Truth getting exposed over and over and over again in many different ways for YEARS until the majority of The People are FINALLY sufficiently aware of it/fed up with the madness so that action to deal with it/end it is mandated/supported. Hopefully, we are "there" or very close to it.
"Rules for thee but not for me" and that old "two-tier" system in operation
Very much starting to look and act like a geriatric patient.
The irony is that he stated - and was kicked out for pushing - an erroneous talking point, as Medicaid, Medicare and Social Security for LEGITIMATELY DESERVING people is not slated to be cut (AND Social Security is slated to no longer be taxed)..
Yet another fear-porn-pushing Dem showing the public and his constituents how uninformed, out of touch, irrelevant and disrespectful he is. Way to go!
This "strategy" is yet ANOTHER proof that, "the left can't meme" (and don't "get" how meming works) because if they could(/did), they would have known that paddles and signs could provide ideal meme templates for the right.
Q's statement that, "These people are stupid" ( https://qalerts.app/?q=people+are+stupid%7Cbastards+are+stupid%7Cpeople+really+are+stupid ) has repeatedly described them and their tactics very well. Tonight's little "protest" was a case in point.
Yup, she's really starting to look and act like a geriatric patient.
Yup. Though, to be TRULY epic, those arrested would also have to have included ALL "deserving" members of the uniparty.
It IS possible that that's an accurate statement.
Only time will tell.
A prime example was Pocahontas, who was on her phone (sending digital smoke signals?) almost every time she was on caught by the camera.
Hear, hear!
They are so TDS-afflicted and hateful that they didn’t even have the decency to acknowledge a kid who fought cancer, widows or mothers of murdered children.
Their behavior pretty much says it all - what a sad, despicable, evil bunch.
Just imagine what a dystopic hellscape the US would already be if K.H. had been installed.
Great opportunity for them to FAFO
So childish with their little signs, (p-ssy) pink protest attire and refusal to project willingness to cooperate. So much for "the party of unity".
That would(/will?) be great.
Yup. Aside from the Vatican/pope being one leg of the corrupt financial (London), governmental (DC) and religious (Vatican) globalist pyramid, the dude "leads" a large worldwide, politically-, socially- and economically-influential organization. As such, there are still many people who do care.
Yup, these false "MAGA"/"conservative" POSs are revealing themselves. MAKE NOTE OF THEM, call them out, primary/impeach them where possible, and DO NOT trust them EVER again.
AND, realize that:
the "legal process" moves at a GLACIAL pace and
they cannot afford to f-ck things up by being quick but sloppy and/or not legally impeccable.
As Q said, ". . ., this must be done by THE BOOK., . . ."
Apr 15, 2020 1:59:20 PM EDT
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6
(in response to an impatient anon's comment:
"Apr 15, 2020 1:52:20 PM EDT
You have to sense the tension building, Q!
It's becoming a tinder box.")
Imagine if we weren't here.
While difficult, it is important to understand this must be done by THE BOOK.
Average people must be able to digest and accept [factually] events.
FISA lead-in [stage 1 act 1]
Bad actor(s) had to be removed.
Good actor(s) had to be installed.
Sleeper(s) had to be uncovered.
We are ready [think Barr public].
Or before the speech if the they believe there'll be some really juicy/damaging stuff in it.
True, but the citizenry there is, pretty much, a bunch of sitting ducks for whatever tyranny their governments impose as they have no truly effective way to defend themselves or impose their wills upon their installed NWO/globalist puppet "leaders".