1/6 comes before 1/20 so a standing government cannot have an insurrection against itself.
Why did they reposition the corpse/ change the angle to the stage?
“Donald diapers will be ducking the debates”
WTF bots writing nursery jingles; I didnt think it was possible to lower the bar any further…
If he stroked, then why fly back almost 4hrs on AF1 when every medical organization states its an emergency situation that requires immediate intervention in order to prevent brain damage/ death?
That is one of the single most asinine things I’ve ever read on the internet. Its so preposterous that I can’t wrap my head around a person writing that hot garbage; kinda hope it was AI.
☝🏻this is the only reason. Everything else being pushed about her is pure hype/ fabrication & genuine lack of transparency regarding FEC rules about campaign funds. She’ll most likely be bounced once they figure out a 2nd transfer.
They especially scour when someone is happy about something they are instructed to deem as inappropriate/ illegitimate 🤡🤯
Fatter & man, can he climb stairs
FrEe sPhEeCh
Taking a knee during national anthem. Acceptable Rising your fist in celebrating Trumps courage immediately after assassination attempt. Not acceptable
Harris is only needed to keep the campaign money
The debate changed the trajectory of the dem operation. It was further changed on 7/13. Since then Biden was a walking deadman. There was no way possible for them to pull off another steal with bumbling dementia Joe. Another 81m votes or even more was beyond any realm of plausibility, so they whacked him.
Toxic elixir
The debate changed the trajectory of the dem operation. It was further changed on 7/13. Since then Biden was a walking deadman. There was no way possible for them to pull off another steal with bumbling dementia Joe. Another 81m votes or even more was beyond any realm of plausibility, so they whacked him.
He died few days ago
He was iced after they missed 45. Imo
Saw that earlier & howled
AND lets not forget that Cheatle confirmed they did not record radio comms that day. How f’n convenient for them.
True. Maybe the low level op got nervous doing so 🤔
Her objective was clearly defensive/ protective rather than informative/ insightful. I had low expectations of her testimony going into today and she did not disappoint. But, she knows too much!
Just charge it to Soros’ card….$3300 a pop 🙃