He's already returned to us. Time just hasn't caught up yet.
I agree with you, and would posit that in order to be appointed by Bill Clinton there is bound to be some disingenuous dealings going on somewhere along the line.
The "cop killer" round. BLM, Inc. would be okay with that, wouldn't they?
"Died Suddenly"
The judge knew how thoroughly xe would be scrutinized. Every aspect of xir's life would be uncovered, and any disingenuous dealings would be made to light.
Can confirm. I cut candy, pop, and chocolate from my diet 2 years ago and I haven't looked back.
Not those seniors, BIGOT
Any good sauce on this stuff? I'd like to eat it like candy.
Is that in 2022 when he's nominated for Speaker or in 2024 when he's President?
I shudder at the phrase "Podesta's pet"
nUh-Uh! He SaId To DrInK bLeAcH!
Coincidentally, THWOK! is the sound of rope going taut.
Should be a noose instead of a paperclip
Buried comment but I see you. Nice.
Maybe Biden bit someone again
Loretta wasn't the only one on the tarmac
Weird Endo-Faggots
Not kinky enough for that family
So that's how Warren does comms!
the devil made me do it
You know it's coming
You'll catch yourself in the FEMA draft with violent thoughts like that.
Update us!
I, for one, welcome South African farmers. After all, they saved the country from famine.
Purkiss saves the world from info famine.